i have a super island

Chapter 152 A Nightmare

Chapter 152 A Nightmare

After drinking the hot water from Song Zhixi, Fang Fang felt that the fatigue of the day had disappeared.

Looking at everything in the cave, looking at Li Qingman and Song Zhixi beside him, Fang Fang suddenly figured out something.

This is his home, Li Qingman and Song Zhixi are his family members, it is his responsibility to protect the homeland and family, what he wants to ensure is that everyone lives well, other than that many things are not that important.

After the break, Song Zhixi took care of the wounds on Fang Fang's face and mouth, and made sure that Fang Fang didn't have any major problems.

"That person is serious enough." Song Zhixi said resentfully.

"He didn't please him either." Fang Fang gritted his teeth.

Song Zhixi smiled softly and said, "Okay, you've applied medicine to the wound, and you can sleep now."

"OK, good night."

Fang Fang's heart warmed up, fortunately he had Song Zhixi by his side, otherwise who would heal this injury.

The bright moon was setting in the west, the night was getting darker, and there was a bit of coolness in the air, and the three people beside the fire fell asleep one after another.

This night, Fang Fang did not sleep soundly. Although some things have been figured out, it will take time to truly relax.

As long as you close your eyes, you will see the scene of the woman being swallowed in front of you, and the crocodile swallowing a living person, it is like a lingering nightmare.

Before he knew it, most of the night had passed, and Fang Fang, who had just fallen asleep, sat up again in shock, with a terrified expression on his face and a layer of white sweat on his forehead.

Glancing at Li Qingman and Song Zhixi next to him, the two women were already fast asleep, afraid of waking them up, Fang Fang didn't dare to make a sound, so he fell back to sleep.

He had a dream just now, dreaming that the crocodile appeared again and ate a person. When he saw the face of the person who was eaten, the hairs all over his body stood up, a feeling he had never felt before. The panic spread all over his body, because that face turned out to be Li Qingman!

Because of this dream, Fang Fang couldn't fall asleep anymore, and now he only thought about how to get rid of the crocodile in his head.

This crocodile is like the sword of Damocles on the top of Fang Yuan's head.


The next morning, when Fang Fang woke up, he saw Song Zhixi cooking breakfast, but Li Qingman was not in the cave.

"you're awake."

Song Zhixi had a gentle smile like the morning sun on his face.


Fang Fang was a little flattered, although Song Zhixi had always been very gentle, but today gave people a different feeling, and I couldn't say exactly what was different.

After greeting Song Zhixi, Fang asked nervously, "Where is Qingman, why didn't I see her?"

"She went to the east of the island and said she was going to see cassava and taro."

"Why did you go alone?"

Fang Fang was a little surprised. The east side of the island is full of jungles. It is very dangerous to go to that kind of place. In the past, whether it was Li Qingman or Song Zhixi, he would accompany him when he went. Today Li Qingman actually went alone.

Song Zhixi said: "When we woke up, we saw that you were in a deep sleep. We knew that you must have not slept well last night, so Qingman said not to wake you up, let you sleep a little longer, and she went out by herself."

"This is too messy, and the island is very dangerous now."

For some reason, Fang Fang suddenly remembered the dream he had last night, and was so frightened that his back was covered in cold sweat.

Song Zhixi saw that Fang was so nervous that his lips turned white, and he didn't know what terrible thing he thought of, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, Qingman is not an ordinary girl."

"No, I still have to find her!"

"The taro porridge is ready, why don't you drink a bowl first before leaving." Song Zhixi had already prepared a bowl of steaming hot breakfast for Fang Fang.

"No, I have to find Qingman quickly!"

"Well, then I'll keep it for you."

Thinking about the dream yesterday made people shudder, and the crocodile swallowed a living person just yesterday, how could Fang Fang still be in the mood to stay in the cave, and hurriedly took a bow, arrow and spear to look for Li Qing Man.

Song Zhixi followed Fang Fang to the entrance of the cave, and said: "Then be careful."

"Understood, you go in, be careful in the cave alone."

Fang Fang waved to Song Zhixi, and quickly trotted towards the east of the island.

Things like crocodiles are far more difficult to deal with than sharks, because sharks only live in water, so as long as they don't wade, they don't have to worry about being attacked by sharks.But the crocodile is different, this thing can also climb on land, if it wants to trouble you, there is nowhere to hide.

What Fang Fang is most worried about now is that the man-eating crocodile is hiding in the jungle east of the island. If this is the case, Li Qingman will be in danger.

Running wildly all the way, Fang Fang finally came to the outside of the jungle. Just as he was about to go in, he saw Li Qingman walking out with two taro.


Seeing that Li Qingman was safe and sound, and the scene in the dream did not happen, Fang Fang let go of his hanging heart.He strode up to Li Qingman, wrapped her arms around her waist, picked her up, and spun several times in the air.

"What are you doing, I'm going to faint."

Li Qingman was ashamed and angry, not knowing which muscle of the equation was wrong this morning.

Fang Fang put down Li Qingman, smiled silly and said, "That's great, as long as you're fine."

"What are you talking about?" Li Qingman was at a loss.

"It's nothing, anyway, I'm happy to see you." Fang Fang pretended to be stupid and didn't know what to ask. Of course, he would not tell Li Qingman about the nightmare he had. As long as he saw that Li Qingman was fine, his heart would be Be sure.

Li Qingman picked up the two yams that fell to the ground just now, and cursed softly: "Really, you dropped all the yams. I was crazy early in the morning. I don't know if I took some wrong medicine."

Fang Fang didn't care about this, the more Li Qingman scolded him, the more he liked it, took the initiative to snatch the two taro from Li Qingman's hand, and said with a flattering smile: "This taro is heavy, I will carry it for you, we Go back to the cave."

"Fang, what happened to you today?"

Li Qingman felt more and more strange, and couldn't help touching Fang Fang's forehead. The temperature was normal, and there was no sign of fever at all.

"I'm really fine. I just woke up early in the morning and didn't see you. I miss you."


Fang Fang's love words caught people off guard, and Li Qingman spat lightly, and his cheeks blushed.

Although I still feel that today's equation is very different from usual, Li Qingman's words just now are very helpful, and as for what's going on with the equation, I don't bother to pursue it.

The two returned to the southern hillside, from which they could have a sweeping view of the sea, and even the island at sea level.

Before Fang Fang had time to appreciate the seascape in the early morning, a small boat suddenly floated from the east sea, which made him frown.

wooden boat?

Why do you think this scene is so familiar, as if it happened just yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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