i have a super island

Chapter 134 Grilled Lizard Feast

Chapter 134 Grilled Lizard Feast

"Hurry up, it's going to run!"

"Don't worry, it can't run away with me here!"

The marine iguana knew the danger and ran away suddenly.

Neither Li Qingman nor Song Zhixi dared to touch this strange-looking guy, so they could only shout anxiously from the sidelines.

Fortunately, the marine iguana is clumsy on land, even if it tries to escape desperately, it will not go anywhere. Fang Fang catches up with it and hits it hard on the head with a spear. The big iguana seems to be stunned. , before climbing two steps, he unsteadily fell to the ground.

"See where you're going."

Equation chased after him, knocking loudly, and the Skull Terminator went online again.

In the end, the spear pierced the big lizard's neck, giving it a good time.

The two women looked at this scene, somewhat terrified.

"Okay, the food for these two days has been settled, so there is no need to take the risk to find food on the tidal flat."

With the food at hand, this is the most reassuring thing for Equation, which means that there is no need to find food, and try to avoid the possibility of encountering the big alligator.

Li Qingman looked at this strange and ugly guy, and couldn't help frowning: "But this...is it really edible?"

"I don't know, just be the first one to eat crabs, maybe they taste good." Fang Fang grinned.

"No, no, I don't dare to cook this." Song Zhixi shook her head hastily, telling her that it's okay to handle fish and shrimp, but she wouldn't dare to touch the big lizard in front of her.

Fang Fang clicked his lips and said, "Okay, it seems that Chef Fang has to go out of the mountain himself to make this thing, and I will let you have a meal of fire-roasted lizards baked by Chef Fang himself in a while."

Originally, they came to look for traces of marine crocodiles, but after hunting a marine iguana, the actions of the three changed temporarily.

The meat of this marine iguana must be processed as soon as possible, otherwise it will start to stink if it is left for too long, so the three of them took the marine iguana back to the cave. It became everyone's lunch.

Everything in the cave remained the same, and there were no traces left by the intruders, which made the three feel relieved, at least they didn't have to worry about crocodiles hiding in the corners of the cave.

Because Song Zhixi didn't dare to deal with this big lizard, the task of making lizard meat naturally fell to Equation.

He brought the big lizard to the beach, first peeled off its skin neatly, then cut open its abdomen, and threw all the internal organs into the dam built by Song Zhixi. With these internal organs As a bait, tomorrow the seafood in the dam will have another bumper harvest.

Surviving in the wild for more than three months, Rang Fang has already practiced proficient food handling techniques, and quickly cleaned up this large lizard, washed it in sea water, and brought it back to the cave.

In the cave, the two women have already lit the fire, waiting for the equation to come back.

Seeing this skinned lizard, with only pink muscles all over its body, looks really weird.

Fortunately, there is an equation to deal with all this. He has long been immune to these things. He found a long wooden stick, put the lizard in it, and set it on the fire to start grilling.

Time passed by minute by minute, Fang Fang kept turning the lizard to prevent one side from being too burnt, and in order to make the meat inside cook faster, Fang Fang also used Li Qingman's dagger to cut flowers on the lizard's body. Knife.

Under the roasting of the flames, the lizard meat began to turn golden, with hot oil bubbling from the surface, and the smell of meat was already wafting in the cave.

Everything is done, just the last step to sprinkle salt.

Fang Fang asked for sea salt from Song Zhixi, sprinkled it evenly on the overripe lizard, and a meal of meaty and fragrant roasted lizard was done like this.

"Wow, this smells surprisingly good."

Smelling the fragrance in the air, Fang Fang was already swallowing wildly.

Seeing that Li Qingman and Song Zhixi looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, Fang Fang deliberately cut off two pieces of meat with a dagger and brought them in front of them.

"Let's try it."


Fang Fang smiled and said, "Now you feel ugly, maybe you will find it really delicious after eating."

Song Zhixi kept shaking his head, it was too embarrassing for her to eat lizard meat.

"Eat and eat!"

Li Qingman was even bolder, closing his eyes and putting the piece of meat into his mouth.

Ever since she came to this island, she had eaten so many strange things, even the snake she was most afraid of before, it was just a lizard, no different from a snake.

The moment he entered, Li Qingman regretted it, not because he ate the lizard meat, but because he ate it too late.

The lizard meat has been grilled to an extremely fragrant, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, seasoned with salt, it tastes like a very tender chicken, sweet and fragrant.

"How does it taste?" Song Zhixi nervously waited for Li Qingman's feedback.

"Wow! This taste is really good, you should have a sip too!" Li Qingman couldn't help recommending it to Song Zhixi.

Fang Fang also said with a smile: "Eat it, how will you know how delicious it is if you don't take a bite."

Song Zhixi still looked very scared, but this time she mustered up the courage and was ready to take a bite.

After eating a piece of lizard meat in one bite, Song Zhixi closed his eyes and chewed hard, and swallowed it whole.

"What is the taste?"

Fang Fang and Li Qingman couldn't help laughing at her embarrassed look.

"No... I haven't tasted it, can I have another piece?" Song Zhixi said embarrassingly.

"Of course, it doesn't matter how much you want."

Originally, Equation thought he could eat lizards for two days, but the three of them ate half of them in one meal, and the other half was estimated to be exhausted at night.

After lunch, the three began to worry about the crocodile again.

Li Qingman said: "Recently, there are some strange things on this island."

"What's so strange?" Fang asked.

"Last night's crocodile, and today's marine iguana, these animals have never appeared on the island before, as if they popped up overnight." Speaking of this, Li Qingman had to mention his own one again. It is a bold guess that there may be other islands in the distance of the sea level.

"But there is still a problem that I can't figure out. If there are other islands around the island we are on, why haven't these animals appeared before?" Fang Fang also expressed his doubts.

"This is what makes people wonder..."

For a while, the three fell into silence again, and no one could explain the problem.

Song Zhixi suddenly came up with a wild idea, and heard her say: "Could it be that our island is moving, like a ship on the sea, drifting to the vicinity of other islands?"

(End of this chapter)

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