i have a super island

Chapter 110 Suture Surgery

Chapter 110 Suture Surgery
Back in the cave, the warm flames drove away the clamminess on my body.

Li Qingman and Song Zhixi sat around the fire, Fang Fang couldn't sit down, so he could only lie on his stomach.

Li Qingman was annoyed and funny when he heard the news of Fang's butt injury. At the same time, he was worried about Fang Fang. There was such a long wound on his butt that it hurt just thinking about it.

"The situation may not be very good if it continues like this." The fire light shone on Song Zhixi's face, and one could see her worried expression.

Li Qingman asked: "Are you talking about equations?"

Song Zhixi said: "Such a long wound needs to be treated quickly, otherwise it is easy to get infected."

"But there is no medicine on the island..." Li Qingman said in frustration.

"..." Song Zhixi also remained silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became very heavy, the two women stopped talking, only Equation was still thinking about his precious obsidian.

This may sound exaggerated, but the truth is that if not handled correctly, the equation can be killed.

In a civilized city, such wounds need to be stitched up in the hospital, and tetanus injections are required. Various disinfectants can effectively prevent infection, but on this desert island, there are none of these things. Once the wound is infected, everything will become irreparable.

"Are there any fish bones?" Song Zhixi asked suddenly.

"You want to use fish bones to stitch the equation?" Li Qingman was very surprised.

Song Zhixi nodded and said: "There is really no other way, I can only use hair and fish bones to suture the wound for Fang, no matter what, the wound must be treated."

Li Qingman's eyes widened, and he just thought it was too incredible to use fish bones and hair to sew up the wound.

"Believe me, I am the top surgeon, this is something I can do." Song Zhixi said with a confident expression.

"Alright then, I'll look for the fishbone."

Li Qingman chose to believe in Song Zhixi, because at this time, she had no other choice but to believe in Song Zhixi.

Usually, the leftover food leftovers are thrown directly into the fire and burned, so there are still many unburned fish bones beside the fire, which can be found by looking through the ashes.

"What are you doing?"

The two women muttered and worked for a long time, and the equation of the stone, which had been plastered aside for a long time, came over with a smile.

Li Qingman looked at the formula seriously, and said in a commanding tone: "Jixi will sew up the wound for you in a while, you have to cooperate."

"Sew the wound, how do you sew it?"

"Fish bones and hair." Song Zhixi said.

"Wait, wait..." Equation was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground, "Just... just use these?"

Li Qingman said: "The conditions are limited, so I can only feel wronged."

Song Zhixi also said: "Don't worry, my fingers can complete such an operation."

"No no no!"

Equation kept shaking his head.

The two women looked at the equation puzzledly, and persuaded at the same time: "This is not a joke, your wound is very deep, and it will be dangerous if you don't treat it in time."

"I mean, why not use something better," Equation said.

"What's better?" Song Zhixi asked.

"For example, suture needles, threads, gauze... disinfectant, tweezers, etc."

Song Zhixi showed a look of embarrassment, and said helplessly: "I also know that it would be better to have these things, but right now we don't have such conditions."

"No, there are!" Fang said firmly.

Li Qingman and Song Zhixi looked at the equation in surprise, not understanding why he insisted on saying that, and they also seemed to be swearing.

"What's the matter, tell me quickly." Li Qingman urged anxiously.

Fang Fang laughed triumphantly, and said: "I was on the helicopter during the day, and I found a box of first-aid kits, which contained disinfectant, suture needles and threads..."

"Is what you said true?"

Li Qingman and Song Zhixi had unbelievable smiles on their faces.

Fang folded his arms, nodded and said, "It's still a fake. At that time, I found the first-aid kit. I couldn't take it away immediately, so I buried it in the sand under the helicopter."

"Great, I'm going to get the first aid kit!"

Li Qingman couldn't wait any longer, and rushed out of the cave to the white sand beach.

When he came to the place where the helicopter was parked before, Li Qingman began to dig in with his hands. Sure enough, after digging a few times, he touched a hard object and dug it out from the sand. first aid kit with red cross.

Opening the box again, he saw that there were all the first-aid medicines in it. Seeing what he saw, Li Qingman almost cried with excitement, and immediately closed the box and rushed back to the cave with his hands.

In the cave, Song Zhixi looked at Fang Fang not knowing whether it was joy or anger, and there seemed to be reproach in his words, and said: "Really, there are emergency medicines but you didn't tell them earlier, making me and Qingman worry about you."

Fang Fang scratched his head and said with a silly smile: "I was observing that piece of obsidian, I forgot..."

"This is a matter of your life, how can you tell me how you are?" Song Zhixi complained softly.

Just as she was talking, Li Qingman's excited voice came from the entrance of the cave, "Here, I brought back the things." In less than 10 minutes, she retrieved the first-aid kit that Fang had buried from the beach.

Song Zhixi took the first-aid kit, opened it, and saw that there were all kinds of medicines and tools in it, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"what about now?"

Fang Fang asked timidly from the side.

"Now lie down on your stomach, and I'll sew up your wound."

Song Zhixi smiled at Fang Fang, but seeing Fang Fang's heart trembled.

There was a crisp sound of "snap" in the cave, and the rubber gloves had been put on Song Zhixi's hands. She was holding a bottle of medical alcohol and cotton balls in her hand and began to clean Fang Fang's wound.

The moment the alcohol was poured on the wound, the flesh on Fang Fang's buttocks trembled violently, howling like a slaughtered pig in pain.

"Ah!! Ow!! Wori..."

Seeing Fang Fang wailing, Li Qingman felt distressed and funny at the side, not knowing what expression to show.

"Okay, bear with it and pass."

"I...sometimes I really don't want to see the doctor..."

After washing the wound, it can be seen that the inside of the wound is very deep, and the white fat layer has been exposed. Fortunately, this situation has been dealt with, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Song Zhixi held tweezers and suture needles in his hand, and said: "The conditions are limited, there is no anesthetic, you can only endure it."

Equation almost jumped up, clutching his buttocks and said: "What, no anesthetic?!!"


"I...I...then you lighten up..."

In desperation, Fang Fang could only lay back on his back again, closed his eyes and waited for Song Zhixi to ravage his ass.

Soon, Fang Fang's crying and howling came from the cave. Li Qingman watched Song Zhixi perform the operation intently, and saw that the big cut on his buttocks was gradually sewn into a centipede. He had to admire Song Zhixi's technique , Can treat the wound so well under such crude conditions.

"Okay, the operation is complete."

After about half an hour, Song Zhixi finally finished the last stitch, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat from the nervous stitching.

Fang Fang lay on the ground, tears kept rolling in his eyes,
"Finally... freed..."

(End of this chapter)

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