Fake Prodigal

Chapter 166 Mr. Beer

Chapter 166 Mr. Beer
Li Hao got out of the car dejectedly, locked the car door, and accompanied Bai Xiangyu and his daughters into the crowd. The streets were full of people, and there was a crowd of people in front of them. All kinds of pedestrians walked by. A note of passion.

Li Hao looked around and got into the crowded snack street.

Ye Fangfei gently stretched out her little hand, a blush appeared on her pretty face, and she said delicately: "There are so many people, it would be bad if they got separated!"

Bai Xiangyu grabbed Ye Fangfei's jade hand, glared at Li Hao maliciously, and said coquettishly, "Fangfei is not afraid, don't let the bad guys take advantage."

Li Hao was speechless for a moment, and complained in his heart: "Brother is an honest person who has received countless good person cards, but in Bai Xiangyu's eyes, he is also a bad person."

"Brother Li is a good person, I know it!" Ye Fangfei said weakly.

The snack street was overcrowded, mixed with fish and dragons, and there were three hands moving around. With sharp eyes, Li Hao quickly spotted the thief, and there was more than one thief. Pedestrians didn't know it, and their wallets had already lost their wings. , It's a bit worthless!

Suddenly, a thief's hand appeared out of thin air, flashed like lightning, and grabbed the platinum bracelet on Ye Fangfei's wrist.

"Gaba!" There was a crisp bone breaking sound, Li Hao used the Shadowless Hand, snapped off the thief's hand in an instant, took back the bracelet, and quickly put it back on Ye Fangfei's wrist.

Ye Fangfei didn't notice it, didn't know that the bracelet was lost, and was still chatting with Bai Xiangyu.

"Aw!" A shrill scream resounded through the street, pedestrians all looked sideways, watching everything indifferently, no one stopped to avoid the fallen thief, and dispersed indifferently.

Li Hao didn't turn his head back, ignoring the three disabled hands, followed the two women into the crowd, looking for better special snacks.The road ahead was blocked, surrounded by pedestrians like ants, blocking the way, and the three of Li Hao watched intently.

In the middle of the crowd was a huge grandstand filled with crates of cold beer dripping with water.A fat man with a beer belly stood in the stands, dressed like a dog in a suit and leather shoes, and shouted loudly with a microphone in his hand, his thick voice resounded through the street.

"Gentlemen and ladies! The annual Oktoberfest is grandly opened. Today is a festival for foodies. Friends have a big meal. The beer in the snack street is free of charge. The Oktoberfest has a long history. There is a traditional special program. Then It is to see who drinks fast and compete for the title of Mr. Beer.

No.1, Mr. Beer, will get the 3000 yuan gold card of the snack street, and the second, third, fourth and fifth will get [-] yuan and [-] yuan gold coupons respectively. Friends, please participate enthusiastically to win the grand prize, let’s have a good drink together! "

"Huh, huh, huh!" There was deafening applause, and the old and young men screamed excitedly. Many sturdy men separated from the crowd and walked up to the stands with their arms crossed. There were more and more people on the stage.

A group of big men glared at each other, demonstrated without giving in to each other, posed in various cool shapes, and showed their sexy muscles. A deadly wink.

A tall and slender girl in a dress walked up to the stands freely and easily, becoming a little green among thousands of reds, standing out from a group of old men like a flock, looking out of place and special.

Li Hao's eyes lit up, he scratched his head dumbfoundingly, and said to himself, "Damn it, why did Miss Xiao Luo come on stage, is she going to compete with a bunch of men?"

Li Hao's shoulders felt hot, and Bai Xiangyu leaned into his ear, and said coquettishly, "Why don't you go up, you bastard, you must get a ranking and win a coupon to come back."

"I don't know how to drink!" Li Hao said shyly.

"Don't fool me, hurry up!" Bai Xiangyu and Ye Fangfei pushed Li Hao, separated the crowd, and pushed Li Hao onto the stands. The two girls raised their fists and said cheerfully, "Come on!"

Li Hao smiled helplessly, stood beside Luo Meimei, greeted her warmly, and praised: "Sister Luo, let's fight side by side, let's have a good drink!"

"Brother Diaosi is here too, it's great to finally meet an acquaintance!" Luo Meimei cheered and raised her small fist enthusiastically.

"You can't be. Go to the snack street by yourself!" Li Hao said in surprise.

"Don't mention it, Hao Shuang and Su Xiaoyu are busy dating, how can Shui Bingwu care about me, I have to come out to play by myself!" Luo Meimei sighed, lowered her head aggrieved, turned excited, and said excitedly: "Definitely If you want to win a voucher, let's have a free meal together!"

Li Hao's eyes darkened, and a black line flashed across his forehead. Luo Meimei was too unrestrained. She made the appointment without asking if he was alone. She couldn't bear to refuse Luo Meimei, so she could only laugh without saying a word.

"The rules of the competition are as follows. Whoever drinks up the three bottles of cold beer in front of him first will be Mr. Beer and the winner of the [-] yuan gold card. The gunshot will be the number." The fat man shouted loudly, directing his waiters to start drinking beer The table was soon filled with a group of men with beer bellies, standing in a row majesticly, with three bottles of cold beer in front of each person, facing the men, women and children who were watching below!

The fat man pulled out the signal gun, looked around the crowd in a majestic manner, waved his hand to signal the waiter to take out the stopwatch and prepare to count the time, and raised the signal gun high.

A group of men were engrossed, staring at the cold beer on the table, desperately waiting for the gunshot, Li Hao and Luo Meimei were the same, waiting for the start.

"Boom!" With a clear and pleasant explosion, Li Hao picked up the cold beer, held his head high, poured the cold drink into his mouth, and drank the whole bottle in one go.

Li Hao put down the wine bottle, picked up the next one, glanced at the side, Luo Meimei drank the second bottle, that vigorous drinking posture blinded Li Hao's titanium alloy eyes, such a domineering woman.

Li Hao quickly drank the second bottle, catching up with Luo Meimei's speed, took a deep breath, finished the second bottle, and picked up the third bottle, and found in shock that Luo Meimei had drunk half of the third bottle.

"It's so tough!" Li Hao chased after him, used the fastest speed, drank the third bottle, looked at him in shock, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Luo Meimei took a drink, wiped the corner of her mouth without changing her expression, looked at Li Hao with a smile, blinked her big eyes, and raised her little hand happily.

Almost at the same time, the men finished their cold beers, looked at each other dissatisfied, secretly lucky, no one knew who No. 1 was, maybe it was the person next to him.

The waiter in front of Li Hao ran up to the fat man, handed over the stopwatch, and muttered softly.

The fat man smiled happily, walked up to Li Hao with his head shaking, stretched out his fat hands, and exclaimed, "Mr. Beer is that."

(End of this chapter)

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