Chapter 252
"The emperor has a decree to announce that Datong's guerrilla Wu Sangui will meet—!" Accompanied by the little eunuchs shouting one by one, Wu Sangui in armor crossed the outer Jinshui Bridge, formally stepped into Chengtian Gate, and then passed through the Inner Jinshui Bridge and Fengtian Gate. Walking on the road paved with white marble, all the way to the bottom of the steps of Huangji Hall.Wu Sangui, who entered the palace for the first time, was dazzled by the scene in the palace, and then he was stunned by the scene in front of him. Ming Xizong, who was supposed to be in the high palace, led Wei Zhongxian and all the civil and military officials out of the Jinluan Palace and came to the palace in person. Welcome to Wu Sangui at the top of the steps!

"Last general Wu Sangui, long live my emperor!" Wu Sangui didn't dare to neglect, he quickly knelt down on both knees to salute, then unwrapped the package from his back, opened it on the ground, took out a jade seal from the package and held it above his head with both hands, Excitedly shouted: "At the end of the day, under the order of the Governor-General Zhang Haogu, he went to Beijing to report the good news to my emperor Long Live. The battle of Zhangjiakou was due to my emperor's great fortune. The factory officials planned and the soldiers worked hard. Our Ming army won more with less , defeated the strong with the weak, and defeated the 25 Tatar army with [-] kings! The enemy chieftain, Tiger Duntu, was wiped out. He failed to flee alone, and was captured alive by our Ming army! The last general was lucky and captured the former dynasty on the battlefield. The Mongolian imperial jade seal, Governor Zhang Haogu ordered the general to come to Beijing to present the treasure, and I wish my emperor a long life and a long life!"

"A miracle—!" Although he was mentally prepared, Ming Xizong shouted excitedly when he saw the Mongolian jade seal in Wu Sangui's hands, "With 25 troops, we have defeated 25 Tatars. Father and son, rest easy!" The civil and military officials behind Ming Xizong were all dumbfounded and excited, including Feng Quan, who had always been at odds with Young Master Zhang, couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Mad dog! No wonder Jiannu, Tatar He and Yuan Chonghuan both scolded that little bastard as a little mad dog! With [-] troops, [-] Tatars were wiped out. How could normal people do it? Forget it, until Jiannu and the thieves are not completely suppressed, we should avoid causing trouble in the future This little mad dog is good, otherwise, the emperor and the old eunuch Wei would never stand by me!"

"Come here, go and get the jade seal." Wei Zhongxian wanted the little eunuch to pick up the Yuan Dynasty Chuanguo Yuxie, but Ming Xizong waved his hand and shouted: "Wait a minute, the previous dynasty Chuanguo Yuxie, I will personally pick it up!" Wei Zhongxian didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly helped Ming Xizong down the steps, and walked in front of Wu Sangui. Ming Xizong adjusted his clothes first, and then took the Jade Seal of Chuanguo with both hands, holding it above his head.In an instant, all the officials and guards in front of Huangji Hall knelt down together and shouted in unison, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Your Majesty, this is a very auspicious omen!" Zhang Ruitu, the teacher of Young Master Zhang and the official of the official department, exclaimed excitedly: "Did your Majesty know that my Taizu and Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty made seven expeditions to the Mongolian grasslands in the north, one of the important purposes It is to seize this jade seal passed down from the previous dynasty, but I have never been able to do so. My Taizu and Chengzu often regretted it! And my army of the Ming Dynasty has captured this jade seal and presented it to the emperor. It has fulfilled a long-cherished wish for a century, which is enough to prove our My emperor's martial arts and martial arts are directly catching up with my Great Ming Taizu and Chengzu, and my Great Ming's revival is hopeful!"

"Really? This Fang Yuxi has such a big background?" Ming Xizong asked in surprise.Huang Liji, Minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Third Assistant Cabinet, rushed to answer: "Your Majesty, what Zhang Tangguan said is not bad. The inscription on the jade seal of the previous dynasty is in Uighur Mongolian. In terms of strength, obedient people and foreign people wherever the imperial decree of the great Mongolian emperor goes must be in awe. After the barbarians of the Northern Yuan Dynasty were expelled from the Central Plains by us, the great ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Shun of the former Yuan Dynasty fled to the grassland with this seal. Taizu and Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty asked for this seal by name during the seven Northern Expeditions. This point is recorded in my Taizu's Records and Chengzu's Records! The emperor has obtained this seal, and I, Taizu and Chengzu Quanxia, ​​know it You can rest in peace!"

"Good! Good! Well said!" Ming Xizong shouted excitedly, and shouted: "Zhongxian, pass on the decree. Tomorrow, I will personally lead the civil and military officials in Beijing to go to the Taimiao to worship the ancestors. I will use this jade seal to comfort the spirits of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty. All officials above the sixth grade in the capital must participate." Wei Zhongxian quickly agreed, and Ming Xizong grabbed Wei Zhongxian excitedly, and said repeatedly: "Zhongxian, Zhongxian, your good son, good son, I didn't embarrass you, and I don't want to lose face." I was not disappointed!"

"The slaveservant kowtowed on behalf of the dog to thank the emperor for his praise. This is what a slaveservant and a dog should do." Wei Zhongxian laughed so hard that he couldn't even close his mouth, knelt down and kowtowed desperately to Ming Xizong.Over there, Wu Sangui managed to show himself in front of the emperor, and said boldly: "Your Majesty, Zhang Xiantai also wants to ask you to allow him to personally escort the Tatar Huduntu Khan to Beijing, because Huduntu has a special status and cannot If there is any accident, Zhang Xiantai is worried about others, and plans to personally escort Huduntu and his son to the capital to ask the emperor to send him down after annihilating the remnant army of Huduntu's son E Zhe. At the same time, Zhang Xiantai is also worried that the capture of Huduntu will affect the Mongolian grassland. The shock was too great, and I am going to go to Beijing to ask the emperor how to appease the Mongolian tribes, and ask the emperor for permission."

"Sure, let him come to the capital!" Ming Xizong agreed without hesitation, and said firmly: "By the way, let me tell you Zhang Xiantai, on the day he returns to the capital in triumph, I will go out of the city for thirty miles to meet him and all the meritorious soldiers!" Wu Sangui happily agreed Ming Xizong also noticed Wu Sangui's age and official position just now, and asked with some surprise: "Wu Aiqing, look at your appearance, have you done it this year? How many years have you been in the army? Also, why don't you have an official rank?"

"Back to the emperor, the last general has just turned sixteen years old this year, and he has joined the army with Zhang Xiantai for two years." Wu Sangui blushed with a scar on his face, and replied honestly: "Because the final general is too young, he has never participated in the army before." Because of the imperial examination and military examination, Zhang Xiantai could not appoint the last general as an official, so he could only appoint the last general as a guerrilla general without a rank to serve as the captain of the wolf cavalry in the slave slaughter army."

"Just turned 16? You've been in the army for two years?!" Many officials present screamed, and they were all astonished at Young Master Zhang's cruel methods of oppressing minors.Ming Xizong also exclaimed, "So, you joined the army at the age of 14?" Wu Sangui nodded honestly, Ming Xizong shook his head in disbelief, then helped Wu Sangui himself, and said with a smile: "Just like you Zhang Xiantai, you are indeed a young man. Hero! How about this, you have contributed to capturing the jade seal of the previous dynasty, and I will give you a sixth-rank captain Chengxin, and you will officially enter the official career!" Wu Sangui was overjoyed, and quickly kowtowed to thank you.

"Do it well." Ming Xizong laughed and patted Wu Sangui on the shoulder, and said happily: "The powerful enemies in the grassland have been wiped out, and I will soon transfer you Zhang Xiantai to Liaodong. Then I will personally give you a promotion and a reward!" Hearing Ming Xizong's words, Wu Sangui was not only not happy, but a look of worry flashed in his eyes—although Wu Sangui was still young and had relatively little experience, he also vaguely understood that Young Master Zhang had returned. The day of Liaodong, I'm afraid it will be the time when his father and uncle are unlucky...


With an incredible surprise, Ming Xizong finally ended the morning court with a smile on his face.After leaving the palace, Wu Sangui, who hadn't bought a house in Shihu Hutong, was homeless. Seeing that he was his son's confidant, Wei Zhongxian invited Wu Sangui to live in his home. Wu Sangui thanked him, took out a letter from his arms, and gave it to Wei Zhongxian said respectfully: "Nine thousand years old, this is a letter from Zhang Xiantai to you. At the end of the day, I will go to Prime Minister Wen's Alley to report safety to Zhang Xiantai's home. After a while, I will go to Jiu Qiansui's mansion to kowtow to Jiu Qiansui Wei Zhongxian also knew that Zhang Laocai's parents must be very concerned about their only son who was on the front line, so he nodded in agreement immediately, and told Wu Sangui that he must go to his home in a while, and that he wanted to know the details of the Zhangjiakou battle. Wu Sangui agreed and left in a hurry.

After getting into the almost luxurious sedan chair, Wei Zhongxian first checked that Master Zhang's letters were correct, and then called a young eunuch who knew how to read, and asked him to translate it into vernacular and read it to him.The little eunuch knelt in the sedan chair and read: "Father, my son Zhang Haogubai kowtowed to announce the great military situation. My son has asked the messenger Wu Sangui to report to his father in detail. If father has any doubts, he can consult Wu Sangui. My son This letter is presented because the boy heard that the Liaodong army was in an emergency. Before Jianshou attacked Jinyou Ning, the boy's father-in-law Xiong Tingbi would not dare to attack at will in order to protect the safety of Shanhaiguan. They will also falsely report their military exploits, guarding the strong city and supporting the enemy secretly, offering wild grains and slaves, sending grain in exchange for false meritorious service, and even taking advantage of the Tatar army's oppression to secretly help the slaves and intimidate the court to negotiate peace with them and admit the slaves Be independent, open border markets, capitalize on the enemy and betray the country, and then cut off our land and split our borders!"

"Monkey boy, you really have a clever plan, and you have guessed it right again." Wei Zhongxian nodded in satisfaction.The little eunuch continued to read: "My child's foolish opinion, I think that my father must not persuade the emperor to accept the peace agreement. Liaodong and Jiannu have been our Ming territory since ancient times, and the people of Liaodong are also my Ming people. If my father agrees to this proposal, Declare me a sinner through the ages of the Ming Dynasty, and a sinner through the ages of China! My son’s words are presumptuous, so please forgive me, but the son also knows that although his father came from a humble background, he has the style of a national scholar in matters of family and country, and he will definitely not bow to Jiannu. Even if the child's words are rude, the father will definitely not blame the child."

"Monkey boy, are you talking cheap again after telling your father?" Wei Zhongxian cursed kindly, then waved his hand for the little eunuch to continue reading.The little eunuch said respectfully: "Father, the Jiannu and Tatars invaded Ming Dynasty together. What they deceived was that our Ming army fought on three fronts. It was difficult for the elite and main force to gather in Liaodong for a while. In addition, the Liaodong army was not on the same page. The situation was complicated. Ning Qian was afraid of each other and could not fight the enemy together. Although Haier had defeated the Tatars, the Tatars were powerful and had great potential. Haier had to prevent them from making a comeback. It is impossible to rush to Liaodong immediately to fight against Jiannu and solve father's problems. Moreover, once the child is transferred to Liaodong, Liaodong will inevitably be in chaos. I hope my father will think twice, and he must not rush to seek success and immediately transfer the child to Liaodong, which will cause disaster."

"Go on, read it carefully." Wei Zhongxian also knew that his son was full of tricks and was an extremely rare military genius, so he quickly pulled himself together and sat up straight, emphasizing: "You can't make a single word wrong."

"Your servant understands, my ancestors don't worry, I understand all these words." The little eunuch respectfully agreed, cleared his throat and read: "The Liaoxi army, named soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, are actually slaves of the generals in Liaoxi. They only know military orders but not royal orders. , while the generals in the west of Liao supported the thieves and filled their pockets in the name of defending against the enemy. The first moth, the first malignant tumor! Ningyuan’s mutiny, the head of the Shanzong was forced to surface, he must understand that when the Jiannu army was defeated, he was cut to pieces by the court! And this person is the most jealous of children, deeply When Zhihaier was transferred to the Liao Dynasty, it was the imperial court's determination to completely eradicate the signal of Shanzong. In order to protect himself, this thief would openly turn to Jiannu. Announcing the dispatch of the child to Liao, the thief heard the news and decided to turn his back on the battlefield, and the flames of war immediately spread to the Shanhaiguan Pass, and if there is a mistake in the Shanhaiguan pass, we will have no danger to defend the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and the people of the capital will be tortured, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

"It makes sense." Wei Zhongxian murmured: "If our family is the governor of Liaodong, and I heard that the only monkey boy who can restrain him is going to lead the army to Liaodong, our family will definitely rebel immediately, otherwise, our family will die. There is no place for burial." At this point, Wei Zhongxian nodded and muttered to himself: "For the sake of the emperor's country, our family can't be in a hurry now. We have to fight with our family who knows how to fight. Discuss it carefully with your son, and don't be in a hurry to seek success." Thinking of this, Wei Zhongxian patted the sedan chair again, and shouted: "Turn around and go back to the palace, our family is going to persuade the emperor to take back his order, and we can't transfer the monkey boy to Liaodong immediately!"

"I obey." The eunuch outside the sedan chair respectfully agreed, and directed the bearer to turn around and return to the palace.The little eunuch asked again in a low voice: "Old ancestor, I haven't finished reading Tanhualang's letter, do you want to continue reading?" Wei Zhongxian nodded, and the little eunuch continued to read: "Father, my son sent the young general Wu Sangui back to Beijing to announce the good news There are two reasons. One is that this general is very brave, but he has made many military exploits but is limited to his age. His fame has never entered an official career, so I deliberately promoted him; the other is that this general has a special status. His father Wu Xiang is a general under Yuan Chonghuan , is likely to be a member of the Shanzong family, and his mother-in-law, Zu Dashou, and the three brothers are also prominent families in Liaodong, and Yuan Chonghuan's number one confidant. This general, take advantage of this general to show goodwill to the generals in western Liaoning, to alienate the generals in western Liaoning, to make them suspicious of each other, to lay the foundation for our Great Ming to eradicate the malignant tumor of Shanzong, and to lay a lead."

"Hmph, our family is strange. Why do you, monkey, send a half-grown guy who doesn't even have hair as a messenger? After a long time, you don't have any good intentions, monkey." Wei Zhongxian laughed happily. I am very pleased with my son's long-term vision.The little eunuch asked again: "Old ancestor, there are some auspicious words behind Tanhualang, do you want to read them?"

"You don't need to read the auspicious words." Wei Zhongxian waved his hand and said with a smile: "Anyway, the monkey boy is coming back. When he comes back and kowtows, let him say auspicious words in person."


Ming Xizong's absolute trust in Wei Zhongxian is unquestionable, so although he had already gritted his teeth and vowed to kill the governor of Liaodong, under Wei Zhongxian's strong persuasion, Ming Xizong finally accepted Wei Zhongxian's suggestion and prepared to use Zhangjiakou to fight against the slave army With the excuse of huge casualties, the decision to send Young Master Zhang and the slave-slaughter army to Liaodong to fight against the enemy was withdrawn. It takes more than ten days. With this little time, Liaoxi Tuoma would have rebelled and surrendered to Jiannu long ago!Moreover, the Liaoxi tumor has deep roots in the Liaodong army, and its party members are all over Liaodong. There must be their insiders in Shanhaiguan. No one dares to guarantee it.What's more, Xuanda's army has just gone through the Zhangjiakou War. The army is indeed extremely tired, and the special ammunition for rifled guns has also been exhausted. It is difficult to perform the same miracle in a short time. Temporarily swallowed his anger, and waited for Master Zhang, who is proficient in military affairs, to return from Xuanda triumphantly, and then carefully discussed how to eradicate the malignant tumor in western Liaoning.

"By the way, Zhongxian, what are the casualties of Xuanda's army in this war? Especially the slaughtering slave army, that is the treasure of my country, and the casualties are too great." Until now, Ming Xizong remembered a very important thing. The important thing, quickly asked: "Also, how did Zhang Haogu catch Hudun Rabbit Khan? Although I don't understand military affairs, I also know that Tatar cavalry come and go like the wind, and it is easy to annihilate them if you want to defeat them. It is difficult, and it is even more difficult to capture their sweat alive."

"Oh, my servant was too happy to ask about this important matter." Wei Zhongxian slapped his head and quickly suggested: "Your Majesty, why don't you do this? This servant will call Wu Sangui, the messenger sent by Monkey Boy, to learn more about it." How did the monkey boy win this battle? Your Majesty, you will pretend to be happy, and by the way, give that kid Wu Sangui a few more levels, and try to drive a wedge between the Liaoxi gang of rebels."

"Okay, Zhongxian, please send someone to deliver the decree, and announce that Wu Sangui will enter the palace to meet you." Ming Xizong clapped the case, and hummed: "This time I reward him with a fourth-rank military commander, it's not hereditary! Let the rebels in Liaoxi see whether it is better to surrender and betray the country? Or like Zhongxian and your father and son, it is better to be loyal to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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