Chapter 217
Bi Zisu was indeed extremely unlucky. As a relatively neutral non-eunuch official, he was able to become the governor because of his outstanding political achievements, fairness and integrity, and his previous experience as a councilor of Ning Qiandao. Because of his rich experience and kind personality, he was sent to Liaodong to serve as the governor, and to be the peacemaker for Xiong Tingbi and Mao Wenlong, two hot-tempered cannonballs.It's just that what Bi Zisu never imagined in his dreams was that he would be forced to commit suicide by the mutiny less than ten days after taking office.

Bi Zisu took over the post from the former governor of Liaodong on March 28. After resigning, the former governor of Liaodong immediately went to Shanhaiguan to pray for protection under the command of his teacher Xiong Tingbi. He was not like other officials at all. It is an unwritten rule to introduce colleagues to Bi Zisu and help his successor quickly familiarize himself with the situation.But fortunately, when Sun Chengzong was the governor of Liaodong, Bi Zisu had worked in Ningyuan for a period of time before, and he was familiar with most of the civil and military officials, so Bi Zisu didn't blame his predecessor, but just held a meeting honestly, and The colleagues and subordinates are familiar with each other and are ready to quickly integrate into their roles.I never thought that when the meeting was held on the first day of April, as soon as the generals from Ningyuan arrived, they reached out to ask Bi Zisu for the military salary—the military salary for April.

"Generals, of course the military salary will be paid." Bi Zisu did not refuse to make things difficult, but said sincerely: "It's just that I have just arrived, and I don't know the situation of the army yet, and the number of soldiers has not been counted yet. Wait for the official to confirm. The establishment of each army, and the number of soldiers have been counted, and the military salary will be issued to you immediately."

There is also a reason why Bi Zisu decided to count the exact number of soldiers before paying the military salary, because the number of soldiers in the Ningyuan army has always been a mystery to the Ming court. Li Yingjian, the censor of Ning Qiandao, who has always been displeased with the former governor of Liaodong, has never figured out how many soldiers there are in the Ningyuan barracks, and how much space has been eaten up by the imperial court for the former governor of Liaodong. Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity of Liaodong governor's replacement, whether it is Wei Zhongxian or Wang Yongguang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, they all want to find out the real situation of Ningyuan's army through Bi Zisu.And Bi Zisu didn't mean to make things difficult on purpose, the military salary for March has already been paid, and now it's only the first day of April, so it's only natural that the military salary for April is delayed until the end of the month - after all, Bi Zisu also has to pay the military salary every month for Ningyuan's army The final say.

Although Bi Zisu was ready to explain to the generals of Ning Yuan earnestly, what Bi Zisu never expected was that before his words fell, the generals of Ning Yuan who were present would walk away without saying a word. The officials also ran faster one by one, and only Bi Zisu, Hu Liangfu, the supervisor of Ningyuan, and Li Yingjian, the censor of Ning Qiandao, were left staring at the venue.Faced with such a situation, Bi Zisu was of course furious and helpless. In desperation, Bi Zisu had no choice but to discuss with the more reliable Hu Liangfu and Li Yingjian on how to deal with these Qiu Ba.But what caught Bi Zisu off guard was that just after lunch, the army in Ningyuan City mutinied!Groups of wolves and tigers broke into the Governor's Yamen, shouting the slogan of repaying debts, beating anyone they saw in the Governor's Yamen, and robbing everything they saw. On the tower of Ningyuan City.

When Bi Zisu was tied up to the pillars of the tower, the city of Ningyuan was in complete chaos. Crowds of rebellious troops rampaged through the streets, shouting, "Bi Zisu didn't pay the army on purpose, we might as well just go against it" Slogans, robbing houses everywhere, killing people and setting fires, the servants and entourage that Bi Zisu brought from the capital were the first to suffer. The food and money stored in the barn were also swept away.But the worst thing was Li Yingjian, the opponent of the former governor of Liaodong. Burnt to the ground by a fire, Hu Liangfu, the Ningyuan supervisor who also opposed the former governor of Liaodong, disappeared in the chaos, and his life and death are unknown.At the same time, Bi Zisu himself suffered unimaginably cruel torture on the city tower. Hundreds of rebel soldiers excused him from deliberately withholding military pay, not only insulted him in every way, punched and kicked him, but also frantically beat his ears He cut off his nose, brought the toilet, and poured the excrement and urine all over his body. Bi Zisu, who is known as a clean and honest man, was so humiliated that he felt ashamed and angry to death.

On the third day of April, Xiong Tingbi, who received the news, led a large army to Ningyuan City to suppress the rebellion. Unfortunately, Ningyuan City has already fallen into the hands of the rebels. In his hand, if he attacked by force, he would definitely endanger Bi Zisu's life.In desperation, Xiong Tingbi had no choice but to send envoys into the city to negotiate, asking the rebels to lay down their weapons and surrender in Kaesong. The rebel leaders Yang Zhengchao and Zhang Sishun proposed three surrender conditions to Xiong Tingbi. Hold all members of the rebel army accountable; third, ask Xiong Tingbi to write to the imperial court to strictly punish Bi Zisu who had embezzled military pay and led to the mutiny, and asked Governor Yuan to come back and continue to be the governor of Liaodong.Of course, Xiong Tingbi could only agree to the first condition, and he also promised to deal with only a small number of rebel soldiers who were involved in the murder case. The rebels also refused to agree.

Xiong Tingbi's army was preparing to attack the city, and the Ningyuan rebels did not hesitate to move out the red cannons and aimed at Xiong Tingbi's army. Seeing that the Ming army was about to kill each other, the former governor of Liaodong stood up and asked to go out of the city to negotiate in person, persuading the rebels Army surrendered.Xiong Tingbi, who was extremely reluctant to see the Ming army fighting with each other, thought over and over again, and had no choice but to nod in agreement. After entering the city alone for a long time, the former governor of Liaodong finally brought out a new condition for the rebels to surrender-requesting Xiong Tingbi to write to the court, pardoning all the rebels from death. , promise not to kill one rebel, then all conditions can be negotiated.Otherwise, the Ningyuan rebels would rather fight Xiong Tingbi to the death than surrender.Moreover, the governor of Liaodong volunteered to use himself as a hostage to replace Bi Zisu, who was detained by the rebels. Xiong Tingbi hesitated again and again, and hesitated to make a decision.

What forced Xiong Tingbi to agree to the conditions of the rebel army was the pressure from Jiannu. Almost on the same day, the main army of Jiannu who had returned from North Korea approached the city of Haizhou. The morale of the Ming army in Haizhou, which was also directly under the governor of Liaodong, collapsed. After surrendering, Jiannu took back Haizhou, which was borrowed by the governor of Liaodong in one fell swoop, and turned his horse's head and marched westward, pointing directly at Jinzhou City.The Jinzhou army, which is also under the jurisdiction of the governor of Liaodong, is also ready to move. They sent representatives to negotiate with Jinzhou guards Zu Dashou and Wu Xiang, asking Xiong Tingbi to agree to the Ningyuan army's conditions. fight.Faced with such a situation of internal and external difficulties, Xiong Tingbi had no choice but to agree to the conditions of the rebels, and asked the imperial court to pardon the rebels. The governor of Liaodong also entered the city alone again, taking himself as a hostage in exchange for the dying Bi Zisu. It's just that Bi Zisu had suffered such a shame and humiliation, and he had long been determined to die. As soon as he was free, he jumped off the city wall of Ningyuan, committed suicide and apologized.

When the news spread to the capital, the people, officials and people in the capital of the Ming Dynasty were all panicked. Everyone was afraid that the rebels would collude with the Jiannu, and they would go directly to Shanhaiguan. At that time, Jiannu would have the Hongyi cannon from Ningyuan City to solve the difficult problem. Whether Xiong Tingbi can hold Shanhaiguan is also a big question.In panic, the rich and wealthy businessmen in the capital moved their belongings southward one after another, preparing to flee to the south of the Yangtze River to escape the flames of war. Most of the civil and military officials packed their luggage and prepared to run away, while frantically playing on the table, impeaching the dead Bi Zisu for his incompetence in governing the army , Live up to the grace of God, and demand that Bi Zisu be murdered to pursue his crimes, and his family will be implicated. At the same time, the former governor of Liaodong will be re-used to stabilize the situation in Liaodong.Only a few officials in the main battle advocated the suppression by force, so Zhang Haogu, the God of War of the Ming Dynasty, led his army to Shanhaiguan to defend against the enemy and suppress the rebellion!

"Your Majesty, Eunuch Wei, there is no need to hesitate." Zhu Chunchen, the leader of the main combat faction, shouted directly on the Jinluan Hall: "Immediately issue an order for Xuanda Governor Zhang Haogu to lead the slave-killing army to Shanhaiguan to assist Xiong Tingbi in suppressing the rebellion and resisting the war. Jiannu! Zhang Haogu is the No.1 general of my dynasty in Ming Dynasty. When he arrived at Shanhaiguan, he took care of Jiannu and dared not take another step south, and the rebels in Ningyuan did not dare to go against it again!"

"My minister seconded the proposal." Yu Huang, who has been promoted to the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, also stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Eunuch Wei, the only way to prevent the situation in Liaodong from collapsing is to transfer Zhang Haogu to Liaodong. Can block Jiannu from the outside, suppress rebellion from inside!"

"Seniors! Ministers! Ministers also—!" I have to admit that Master Zhang's reputation as the god of war in the Ming court is indeed in full swing. Young Master Zhang was transferred to Liaodong. Even Feng Quan, Young Master Zhang’s opponent, and Cao Yubian and Chen Xinjia, who had always been displeased with Young Master Zhang, and other Donglin party officials believed that only Young Master Zhang could reverse the current situation and begged Ming Xizong Make an order as soon as possible to bring the mad dog Master Zhang back from Xuanda and send him to Liaodong to bite Jiannu and rebels.

Contrary to the frenzy of the officials calling for Master Zhang to return to Beijing, Ming Xizong and Wei Zhongxian, who used to talk about why Master Zhang was not in Liaodong whenever there was a war in Liaodong, were silent and did not say a word for a long time, but Wang Yongguang, Minister of the Ministry of War Standing up, he said in a heavy tone: "My lords, your proposals are very good. Transfer Zhang Haogu to Liaodong, so that he can block the slaves from the outside and suppress the rebels from the inside—but Zhang Haogu can't do without him now." Xuanda."

"An accident happened to Xuan Da too?" Zhang Weixian exclaimed in surprise after checking his words and expressions.Wang Yongguang shook his head and said with a wry smile: "With Zhang Zhongzheng in charge, Xuanda will not be so prone to accidents—but the Ministry of War just received Xuanda's emergency document last night. Going west, there is an attempt to invade Taiyuan. In order to ensure the safety of the Fenshui defense line, Zhang Haogu has sent Man Gui to Taiyuan to the south to prepare to meet Gao Yingxiang's rebellious army! What's worse, apart from Gao Yingxiang's bandit army, Zhang Haogu The Gupai went to the Chahar Grassland for another important discovery. Jiannu has sent envoys to the Chahar Grassland to meet the Mongolian Khan Lin Dan—Zhang Haogu suspects that Jiannu is likely to use Karaqin The Grassland and the Horqin Grassland were used as bait to lure Mongolian Lin Dan to turn against me. In order to prevent any contingencies, Zhang Haogu led a large army to sit in Ningwu and was ready to resist the Tatar invasion at any time. At the same time, he asked the imperial court to send envoys to Lin Dan contacted and negotiated to consolidate the covenant, so as not to make an alliance between Jiannu and Lin Dan."

"So, Zhang Haogu absolutely cannot leave Xuanda now!" Man Chaowen and Wu all changed their faces.Wei Zhongxian nodded, and said darkly: "Not only can the monkey boy of our family not leave Xuanda, he also needs time now. His slave slaughter army has just expanded its army, and it will take at least half a year of rigorous training before it can be as good as the slave slaughter army." can fight."

"Then what should we do now?" The only hope came to nothing, and many officials were downcast like frost-beaten eggplants.Wei Zhongxian's expression was even more lost, and he bowed his hands to Ming Xizong listlessly after a long while and said: "Your Majesty, this servant thinks that Bi Zisu is ineffective in governing the army, embezzling the army's salary, which led to the mutiny in Ningyuan, which in turn led to the fall of Haizhou. Bi Zisu should be confiscated and questioned to appease the army. The former governor of Liaodong..., the official was restored to his original post, and he was still the governor of Liaodong, commanding the armies outside the pass."

"Your Majesty, Eunuch Wei, my brother is wronged!" Bi Ziyan, the censor of Youqian Du and governor of Tianjin, and Bi Zisu's elder brother, yelled, rushed out of the train and knelt down on his knees. Rolling down, he cried and said: "Your Majesty, my brother is wronged! There was a mutiny just three days after he took office. How can it be said that he embezzled the military salary and caused the mutiny? Let alone my brother's family, who was so poor that he was bedridden. There are no unpatched quilts, even if he wants to be greedy, he has no time to be greedy! Your Majesty, Eunuch Wei——, have to speak with your conscience!"

After all, Bi Ziyan kowtowed desperately and cried bitterly, all the civil and military courts were full of tears.Ming Xizong did not pursue the meaning of grievance in Bi Ziyan's words. After sitting for a long time, Ming Xizong choked up and said: "Zunzuo, Zhongxian, you go to draw up the decree. Bi Aiqing, your brother's wife and children, just Please." Before the words fell, Ming Xizong was already in tears, struggling to stand up, and stumbled away from the Jinluan Palace, unable to bear to see Bi Ziyan's heartbroken and painful expression...

Bi Zisu lived in the capital city before his death, and it was very convenient for Jin Yiwei to search the house, but after the list of the house raids was sorted out, all the Jin Yiwei who went to search the house cried into tears—all of Bi Zisu's property, including the rent returned by the landlord and a Including the discount on the official bamboo sedan chair I bought myself, the total is only [-] cents and [-] cents...


After the imperial decree for the reinstatement of the governor of Liaodong was sent to Liaodong, the chaos in Ningyuan City disappeared immediately. Thousands of Ningyuan soldiers who had been pardoned shouted the slogan "My Emperor is holy" and returned to the barracks to accept the command of the governor of Liaodong. At that time, the governor of Liaodong used the excuse of building slave soldiers to encircle Jinzhou. While reaching out to the court for food and payment, he personally led the army northward to reinforce Jinzhou.When Jiannu heard that the governor of Liaodong was reinstated, he quickly withdrew from the siege of Jinzhou. He didn't even dare to fight the governor of Liaodong. The imminent crisis in Liaodong was completely resolved.

The crisis in Liaodong was resolved smoothly, but after the governor of Liaodong's victory report was sent to the capital, Wei Zhongxian was so angry that he almost tore up the memorial—the old and sophisticated Wei Zhongxian was not a young man named Zhu Youjian, so he would not go to this place when.In a fit of rage, Wei Zhongxian yelled, "Send Xiong Tingbi an official document, telling him to return to Beijing to report on his duties as soon as possible! No matter what method he uses, he has to transfer the direct-line generals under the governor of Liaodong. If he doesn't transfer, our family will die." Transfer him away!"

After roaring and venting for a while, Wei Zhongxian could only take the Liaodong governor's report to the palace to announce the good news, so as to comfort Ming Xizong, who had been frowning because of the Liaodong crisis these days, and when he came out of the palace, it was already dark .When Wei Zhongxian was about to get on the sedan chair and go back to his residence, Song Jin, who had been waiting anxiously at the gate of the palace, hurried up to greet him, and said in a low voice, "The ancestor, the godson of the servant, Hu Liangfu, the supervisor of Ningyuan, has quietly escaped from Liaodong."

"Hu Liangfu is back?" Wei Zhongxian was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Didn't he die in Ningyuan City? How did he escape?"

"His luck is good." Song Jin replied in a low voice: "When the mutiny happened in Ningyuan, he happened to be in the hut of the governor's yamen in Liaodong, so the rebel army didn't catch him immediately. Ying Jian shouted for warning, escaped from the hut over the wall, and hid in the house of a prostitute who was close to him. He hid until the Ningyuan Mutiny was put down, and then he quietly escaped from Ningyuan City disguised as a beggar. After arriving at Shanhaiguan, I found Zhang Haogu’s good friend Ma Shilong to ask for help. Ma Shilong quietly sent someone to send him back to the capital.”

"Just come back, where is he?" Wei Zhongxian asked happily: "By the way, how much does he know about the inside story of Ningyuan's mutiny?"

"He doesn't know much, he doesn't even know who the initiator of the mutiny is." Song Jin replied in a low voice: "It's Li Yingjian, who was killed by the rebellious army, Mr. Li, who seems to know something—— When I asked Mr. Li where Hu Liangfu was, Mr. Li knew that he would not be able to escape, so he yelled two words and told Hu Liangfu to run quickly, and he must bring these two words back to the capital."

"Those two words?" Wei Zhongxian asked nervously.Song Jin saw that there was no one around, and replied in a low voice: "Shan Zong! When Master Li was killed, except for calling the police and telling Hu Liangfu to run, he kept shouting these two words until his death——Shan Zong!"

(End of this chapter)

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