Chapter 738
In the era of cold weapons, a team of thousands of people is already a test of strength for the general who commands the battle.

This is also something that can’t be helped. There are tens of thousands of people and there are no boundaries, let alone places with complicated environments.

In this kind of jungle, only a team of ten people can communicate with each other. If a team of hundreds can't walk a few steps, they will be scattered in the jungle.

To control the troops, he can only lower his power, and this Gao Jiuding can't do anything, he can only speed up and get out of the jungle as soon as possible.

The normal speed of a bull can reach sixty to seventy kilometers per hour. If it wants to walk out of the jungle in three days, it must run non-stop for nine hours a day.

The jungle is dangerous, and each march must not exceed three hours. Otherwise, if they encounter danger and the bulls exhaust their energy, they will be sadly reminded.

"Pa-ta, pa-ta" Gao Jiuding was wandering in his mind when he suddenly heard the sound of a horse stepping on a stone slab, the sound was so crisp that it could be heard far away.

"It should have entered the rock road!" Luan Changming said suddenly.

Gao Jiuding didn't speak, but looked ahead.

The speed of the snowy yaks was very fast, and they entered a ravine in just a few minutes.

There are cliffs on both sides here, and there is only a trail more than ten meters wide in the middle.

At this time, the path was scoured very clean, as clean as a stone road paved by hand.

Fortunately, this stone road is not too smooth, otherwise, it would be too slippery!

"Without trees, we can speed up!" Luan Changming said again.

"Well, I hope it's all this kind of easy-to-walk stone road!" After entering the passage, Gao Jiuding found that the cliff seen from a distance seemed a bit small!

The six-meter-tall Snowy Yak King is almost level with the cliffs on both sides. At this time, the shrubs on the cliffs are as tall as nine tripods.

If it were on the earth, the six-meter-high mountain wall would definitely be a cliff. The ravine hidden under this kind of cliff should be very secret, and there should not be much danger in crossing the mountain from here.

And this is not the earth, this is a demon star, and the most indispensable thing here is a huge monster. Now that it is alright, the bull can still hide in this small ravine, but the two thousand snow-covered yaks cannot be hidden at all. up.



Not far in front of Gao Jiuding, on the back of a snow-covered yak, a team leader issued a warning.

The guards around him reacted very quickly, and with just a slight swing of their arms, the scimitar that was already in their hands cut through an emerald green poisonous snake.

"Put down the mask!" After chopping half of the poisonous snake hanging from the cliff, the team leader snarled and continued to move forward.

Gao Jiuding could see clearly that the guard used the power of the snow-covered yak to drive his scimitar, and directly chopped off the poisonous snake.

And that poisonous snake appeared suddenly, it was thinking of attacking a soldier who opened the armor mask in front of the squad leader.

The soldier was still in shock, so he instinctively pulled down his mask.

The whistling mountain wind blows down the mountain path, blowing away the miasma below the mountain.

The soldiers were facing the wind, which happened to dispel the heat and humidity around them. Unfortunately, this kind of enjoyment was very dangerous. After a while, Gao Jiuding heard warning sounds one after another.

The fast-running cavalry troop was deafeningly loud, and they couldn't hide it at all. After entering the jungle, Gao Jiuding had no intention of hiding his whereabouts.

With so many of them, as long as they were not trapped and stopped, there shouldn't be any herd of beasts that could stop them from moving forward.

"Patriarch, are we just rushing forward like this?" In the ravine, we circled around some peaks, crossed one after another, and after three hours of fast marching, a group of people stopped.

This time is when their team is weakest.

The [-] troops are distributed in the long and narrow passages. If they are besieged, they will be easily separated.

"There can't be too many forks in the flood channel. As long as we climb up the mountain, we will definitely be able to enter the Daxue Mountain. When we reach the Daxue Mountain, we will turn around and go down to enter the plain area. At that time, we will also pass through the jungle. , and crossed the Great Snow Mountain!" Gao Jiuding said.

If it weren't for the fact that this path is too simple, there is no possibility of getting lost, and there is no possibility of cheating, how could Gao Jiuding listen to the one-sided words of Xuelang Pirates?
This time, he brought an army of [-]. As long as it is damaged, the loss cannot be small!
After eating and resting for two hours, they marched again.

As the verdant mountain peaks were passed by them, Gao Jiuding felt a bit of coolness. It was no longer as muggy as the mountain below.

It seems that on the way back, you can’t walk here, because at that time, the mountains will definitely be covered by heavy snow, and if you pass through the hot jungle, forget it!

Now that the rainy season has just ended, low-lying jungles flooded by floods can be seen everywhere, and even many hills here are isolated islands during the rainy season.

In this kind of place, during the rainy season, no monsters could survive at all.

Therefore, before the rainy season, the monsters and beasts in the low-lying areas of the jungle will move to higher places.

"Before the notice, be careful, there will be herds of beasts gathering at high places!" Gao Jiuding reminded when the coolness became more and more obvious.

"Accelerate!" At this moment, groups of scouts shouted loudly around.

Hearing the order to speed up, everyone instinctively urged to sit down on their mounts and started running wildly.

Gao Jiuding was no exception, but he didn't have to control the Snowy Yak King, but someone helped him give orders.

With the order to accelerate, the whole team began to charge!
The speed of the bull's charge can reach 100 meters per second, and it can run 1 meters in one minute.

And the tall and strong snowy yaks are not much less, although they are huge, but at the same time their cultivation base is also high.

If their bodies were not too heavy, they would definitely be able to fly.

With the large army charging non-stop, Gao Jiuding soon knew where the danger came from.

On the cliffs on both sides in front, there lived a large group of monkey-like monsters. The sound of cavalry running alarmed the group of monsters. At this time, there were a large group of monkey monsters standing on both sides of the cliff, welcoming them.

"Don't stop, don't fight back, speed up!"

"Don't stop, don't fight back, speed up!"

"Bang bang bang!" When Gao Jiuding approached the group of monkey monsters, he also met with a warm welcome.

These monkey monsters are all two meters tall, walk upright, and can use tools. At this moment, they are holding huge stones one by one, saluting non-stop to the cavalry in the small valley.

One bow is like a big rock!
Fortunately, the speed of the bull cavalry was fast enough, and the most unlucky guy among them was only attacked once or twice, and their arm shields played a role at this time.

However, although a large number of stones cannot hurt fully armed warriors, they can affect the running of the mount.

This is also an important reason why the scouts do not allow the soldiers to fight back.

With a little delay, the little ravine might be filled.

At that time, their follow-up cavalry will only be blocked behind, and will be baptized by the group of monkey monsters non-stop.

The speed of tens of thousands of riders was fast enough, and it took only a few minutes to pass through the monkey monster canyon, and even so, the group of monkey monsters chased them for more than ten kilometers.

That area just now should be the territory of the monkey monsters!
"It's a bit strange that a group of not-so-strong monkeys occupy such a large territory!" Without danger, Gao Jiuding began to think wildly again.

"To be able to support such a large group of monkey monsters, there must be enough resources. If we want to grab one, we must clear the monkey monsters there!" Luan Changming was more direct.

"It's better to forget it, and we can't make extra troubles!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand, giving up the greed that had just arisen.

Gao Jiuding knew that with the passage of time, those monsters who migrated to the high mountains would slowly return to the forest, because there were more food in the forest.

As the dry season spreads, there will be more and more monsters in the forest on both sides of the Snow River.

He has no time to waste here, and he doesn't dare to waste it.

They rested again in the middle, and then began to march endlessly, because it was getting late at night, and they had to find a flat place to camp, and the area should be large.

This time the marching time was prolonged, and it was not until they had traveled four to five hundred kilometers that they found a huge hillside.

After choosing the camp, everyone got off their horses and began to serve the bulls and snowy yaks, let them eat and drink well, and then take a good rest.

"Is this the plateau snow mountain?" Luan Changming asked.

"Look at the distance, the snow-white place is the snow mountain!" Gao Jiuding pointed to the towering peaks in the west.

"It's already very high here. Look at those woods, they are all shrubs, not even a single taller tree!" Gao Erlang leaned forward.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you lead your team properly?" Luan Changming looked at Gao Erlang and said.

Gao Erlang said: "I'm on duty tonight, so I'm naturally going to report it, Patriarch, the vegetation in this area has signs of being gnawed, it looks like it must have been gnawed not long ago!"

"Grass-eating monsters shouldn't be too dangerous, right?" Gao Jiuding said.

"I'm afraid of the ferocious beasts chasing them, and, looking at the gnawing marks, that herd should be quite big!" Gao Erlang said.

"Can you deduce what kind of herd it is?" Gao Jiuding frowned.

Gao Erlang said: "The shrubs here are too short, and we can't see what kind of monster beasts they are, but they are nothing more than snowy yaks, snow deer, snow sheep, snow horses, snow antelope and other herbivorous monsters! "

"It's best to meet some snowy yaks, we have prepared a lot of Xuanbing Talismans!" Luan Changming said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't think about such a good thing. Even if it is a group of snow-covered yaks, they should be moving towards the snow-capped mountains at this time. We are not going to Daxueshan, but bypassing Daxueshan."

(End of this chapter)

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