Chapter 693 Surprised

Gao Jiuding took out the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, activated the pagoda, the pagoda flashed with aura, and then the magic flowers suddenly appeared in front of him.

The familiar fragrance instantly submerged into Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, and Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that the fragrance became more intense.

With the upgrading of the pagoda, the power of the magic flower has also become stronger, but unfortunately, it is still easily suppressed by the broken earthen pot.

As soon as he felt the power of the magic flower, Gao Jiuding felt a coolness again, and that scent immediately disappeared in the broken earthen jar.

Gao Jiuding's mind completely sank into the broken earthen jar.

At this time, he could clearly perceive that the broken earthen jar was absorbing all the fragrances that broke into the sea of ​​consciousness.

One by one, the magic flowers were quickly arranged on the 100-meter-long grassland here, and at this time, the vanguard of the barbarians had already broken into the area covered by the fragrance of the magic flowers.

"Moo! Moo! Moo!" There was a sound of mooing.

The deafening sound slowly slowed down, and then began to turn!
Seeing more and more bulls running towards the direction of the magic flower, Gao Jiuding was startled.

The number is too large, and the area here is too small, and it will soon exceed the range covered by the magic flower.

There was no other way, Gao Jiuding could only release the demon-binding rope, entangled with pots of demon flowers, and quickly ran towards the side of the wild cows.

Following Gao Jiuding's actions, the magic flower was pulled into a straight line and swept across the entire herd of bulls.

When Gao Jiuding ran back and forth several times to make sure that the scent of the magic flower completely covered the bulls, he slowed down.

The time was a bit short, and some bulls hadn't been affected yet. They were only slowed down because they were hindered by the surrounding cows.

The wild bulls that were close to Gao Jiuding were all hit. They slowed down and hindered the running of the cows behind.

There was no more danger, Gao Jiuding quickly approached the herd of wild bulls, even got into the herd of wild bulls, and passed by them before the herd of wild bulls reacted.

The entire herd of bulls slowed down, and Gao Jiuding slowed down.

As time went on, the speed of the bull herd became slower and slower until the entire herd stopped.

At this time, the wild cows began to instinctively chase Gao Jiuding, or the fragrance of the magic flower.

Their reactions became sluggish, sluggish, and their movements became slow, which was the effect Gao Jiuding wanted.

Feeling that it was almost done, Gao Jiuding put away the magic flowers and put them back around the teleportation hall on the first floor of the pagoda.

"Hurry up and get your nose rings on!" Gao Jiuding immediately yelled, not feeling the invasion of the fragrance of flowers, ordering the soldiers to come and help.

Now it is not only Gao Jiuding who wears nose rings at all times, even Mo Xiaohu, Luan Changming and other old people who followed him first, all wear nose rings at all times, because Man Niu is so easy to use, they all think grab some.

However, they can easily kill the bull, and it is delusional to want to catch the bull easily.

Therefore, when they encountered a herd of bulls before, they notified Gao Jiuding to catch them.

They have seen Demon Flower a few times before, so they are no strangers to it. Now that they saw more than 1 bulls in a daze, everyone became excited!

Mo Xiaohu and the others are also considered to be experienced. They led the entire team, shuttling among the bulls, and specially selected powerful adult bulls to clean up.

At this time, the surrounding teams who heard the wolf howling alarm gathered together, and within a short time, thousands of people gathered here.

This shows that Gao Jiuding can really control this grassland.

There are only tens of thousands of people distributed around, and the number is still a bit small. However, after the grass is mowed, there is no need for people to guard it. According to this method, it is not difficult to control the grassland with a population of this density.

Thousands of people worked hard for more than an hour before they could control all the bulls, big and small.

When the bulls were connected in groups of ten, or a hundred, with reins, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"That thing is really useful!" Mo Xiaohu said with a smile.

"It's easy to use, but it can't be controlled. If we encounter it, we will be tricked!" Luan Changming sighed.

"This is already very good, what else do you want?" Gao Jiuding was very satisfied with the effect of the magic flower.

"Patriarch, there are no calves that are too young in the herd!" Mo Xiaohu said excitedly.

"Those smaller bulls are calves born in the last rainy season. They have grown up." Lang Tuo said.

"Haha, that kid Mu Han has long wanted a bull, but unfortunately, he's not here!" Gao Jiuding also said with a smile.

"Patriarch, there must be him this time, right?" Lang Tuo asked with a smile.

"Needless to say, you have all of them. By the way, send someone back to inform that the people from the backing mountain city come to receive these bulls!" Gao Jiuding ordered.

"Patriarch, don't we need to leave all of them to the backing city? Our Tulongguan also needs to replenish a large number of wild cattle!" Mo Xiaohu said immediately.

Lang Tuo immediately stopped him and said, "Don't disperse. It's the rainy season, and it's the breeding season for wild cattle. Stay in our tribe to graze. When autumn comes, the herd will grow stronger again!"

"There are too many bulls in the herd, so we can get some out of them?" Mo Xiaohu said.

Lang Tuo said directly: "A bull is a guarantee for the reproduction of a herd of cattle. Without the protection of a bull, the herd of cattle will become very dangerous!"

Gao Jiuding waved his hand, stopped Mo Xiaohu who was about to speak, and said: "In the future, we will graze the cattle, and the safety of the cattle will naturally be protected by us, so there is no need to leave too many bulls, Lang Tuo, you choose some that are not too bad. The strongest bull shall be separated, and the calf shall be separated, and the strongest bull shall remain!"

"Patriarch is wise!" Mo Xiaohu said with a smile immediately.

After laughing, he gave Lang Tuo a hard look. This kid had only joined their team for a few days, yet he dared to fight for his interests.

Gao Jiuding patted Mo Xiaohu on the shoulder, and said, "The cows and calves in Tulongguan must be handed over to Lang Tuo, who will take care of the mountain city. They also need to breed!"

"Patriarch, if you stay with us, you won't delay the birth of the calf!" Mo Xiaohu was a little displeased.

Gao Jiuding said: "We are all one family, where are we and where are you?"

"Understood, Lang Tuo, pick the bull, we'll take it away now!" Mo Xiaohu said loudly.

Lang Tuo smiled: "Commander Mo, don't be annoyed. You can't raise wild cattle well. If you don't believe me, I'll tell you. Look over there. The herd of cattle you have connected together is very problematic!"

Gao Jiuding looked over, and where Lang Tuo pointed, the herd of bulls was a little messy.

Although due to the restraint of the nose ring, the wild cows cannot make too many movements, but Gao Jiuding can still tell that the cows over there are not in harmony, as if they are going to war!
"What's the problem? The bull over there has a bad temper!" Mo Xiaohu said.

Lang Tuo smiled lightly, without arguing for convenience, but said: "This herd of cattle is not a herd, they just walk together in groups when they migrate in the dry season. Patriarch, you should send people to disperse and continue searching. As long as you find the direction of their migration, you should be able to find some scattered small herds!"

"The wild cows over there are not a group? No wonder, they are forced to be together, so they will naturally fight!" Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that this herd is too big, so it is impossible for him to belong to a group. He did not think of this.

Lang Tuo pointed to the other side, and the cows over there were already fighting: "The two bull kings over there have been brought together!"

"Quickly go and separate!" Gao Jiuding saw, sure enough, two stronger bulls were greeting each other with their hind hooves.

They don't move their heads, but move their hind hooves so that their noses don't hurt.

If Lang Tuo hadn't reminded the two bulls, Gao Jiuding would have never discovered that they were bull kings, because they only had the tenth level of blood refining.

Only at this time did Gao Jiuding realize that among the huge herd of savage cattle with a population of more than [-], none of them broke through to the hemolytic stage.

Among them, there are quite a few wild bulls in the late stage of blood refining, even some of them have completed the blood refining stage, but none of them have broken through to the hemolytic stage.

Is this racial restriction?Or is it the blood limit?
"Is the bloodline so important?" Gao Jiuding murmured secretly.

He could only think of this reason. With so many bulls, none of them broke through to the hemolytic stage. Obviously, it is not a special case, but a common phenomenon.

Man Niu's quality in all aspects is really great. It would be a pity if he couldn't break through the hemolysis period.

Following Lang Tuo's instructions, he was busy again.

The calves were allotted, the heifers were allotted, and the strong bulls were allotted twenty to one.

At this time, the number of selected bulls reached [-].

Lang Tuo organized the team for the bulls, and said: "There are more than 3000 bulls in total, and the number of calves has reached 5000. This is a healthy herd. The number of adult bulls is more than [-], and the number of adult cows is only four. thousand heads.

The number of cows and calves is almost one to one, which should be considered a good situation in the wild.

If it weren't for the protection of more than [-] bulls, the number of surviving calves would certainly not have reached such a high level. "

"There are only two hundred bulls left, will it be too few?" Luan Changming asked.

Lang Tuo laughed and said, "There is no problem with four thousand cows and two hundred strong bulls. However, without cows and calves, it is a bit difficult to control the bulls. We have to be careful!"

"I'm not worried about that. The bull nose ring invented by the Patriarch is the best magic weapon for control!" Mo Xiaohu raised the reins in his hand and flattered him.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and said, "Okay, we've wasted a lot of time, let's go!"

The crowd and the herd were separated, the patrol team and herdsmen drove the cows and calves back to the mountain city, while Gao Jiuding and the others drove [-] bulls and ran towards Tulong Pass.

Five thousand five hundred cavalry, running wildly together, definitely has the momentum of thousands of horses galloping.

After running for more than an hour, Gao Jiuding finally saw the original mountain in Tulongzhai.

Seeing the situation there, Gao Jiuding, who is used to the world, also opened his mouth in surprise!

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!Thank you Yuchen Xiaocutie, SU482899, Yuan 1 is so wonderful, Shangleifengfeng, and Shuxiangren, a nerd brother, for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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