Chapter 584

Gao Jiuding naturally saw everyone's doubts, and he said directly: "All of you watch carefully, if it succeeds, the job from now on will be all yours!"

Their actions have long attracted the attention of others, but without Gao Jiuding's order, no matter how curious they were, none of them stopped training and came to watch the excitement.

Now that they heard Gao Jiuding's order, a group of people crowded over!

Gao Jiuding took out a ring that he had prepared a long time ago. This is a magical ring made by himself in a refining furnace. It has no other characteristics, except that it is solid.

There are several dark lines on the ring, which are hidden buckles, as long as one presses, the ring will be closed!

Of course, one press in the opposite direction will open the closed ring!

If the closed ring is squashed after it is closed, at this time, the concealed buckle is stretched and squeezed, and it can no longer be opened unless the entire ring is destroyed.

This ring is the nose ring specially prepared by Gao Jiuding for the bull!
Putting a nose ring on a wild cow is very simple. Just put the bull's head on the ground, tie the horns to the tree trunk, hold the nose of the bull, use a special sharp tool to quickly pierce the nasal septum, and put on the prepared nose ring.

For the first puncture, Gao Jiuding wanted to find the place where the nerves were densest in the nose of the bull. Only the most sensitive place would make the bull obey.

This requires experimentation. After all, barbaric cattle are different from farm cattle on the earth. However, as long as this thing has a nose, it should not be much different, because the noses of all creatures are considered weaknesses, but it is just a matter of sensitivity.

If there is such a sensitive place inside the man's nose, then Gao Jiuding's plan will come true!

Controlling Man Niu's head, Gao Jiuding used a finger to penetrate into Man Niu's huge nostrils, experimenting again and again, and sure enough, with just a few strokes, he found the sensitive spot of Man Niu.

In this place, with the slightest movement of Gao Jiuding, the bull will begin to struggle violently.

After finding a place, the next step will be easy, and Gao Jiuding is also relieved!
The puncture point should not be too forward, or it will be easily broken, and it will not work if it is too far behind, because the nerves in the back are not sensitive, and the nose ring is difficult to wear.

After finding out the exact position, Gao Jiuding took out a refined steel arrow, and pierced through the septum inside Niubi with just one click.

The bull's septum is like a spring, if Gao Jiuding hadn't gone all out, he wouldn't have been able to pierce through it in one go.

The septum was pierced, and Gao Jiuding put the nose ring on Man Niu very quickly before Man Niu could react.

"Moo!" Feeling the sting, the bull struggled violently again.

Gao Jiuding laughed and pulled the animal skin rope on the nose ring!

As he pulled the animal skin rope, Man Niu didn't care about struggling, and started to keep turning his head following Gao Jiuding's movements.

Seeing Man Niu like this, Gao Jiuding knew that it should be done!

Unable to bear the stimulation in his nose, this tyrannical guy began to turn around the rope in his hand.

"This guy is so strong, he shouldn't need to rest!" Gao Jiuding kept experimenting with a smile, and after confirming that the bull was under control, he handed the rope to Maverick.

At this moment, Yihu and the others knew why Gao Jiuding abused this bull, no matter how dull they were!

"Brother, is it obedient now?" Maverick controlled the bull and kept making it turn its head. Now that his guess had been confirmed, he still couldn't believe it.

At the same time, there are Mo Dahu and Mo Erhu, I can't believe it!

If we talk about other people, they have only heard of the brutality of the bulls, but the two of them have just seen the power of the bulls.

That bull that was so imposing, smacking the sky, smacking the ground, and shattering such a large forest, has now become a good baby?

With such a thin animal skin rope, this bull became a kowtow?
The rope in Maverick's hand was going up and down, shaking non-stop, and the head of the bull was also going up and down, shaking non-stop, what is it?
Now the barbaric bull is no longer arrogant or irritable, and it doesn't even care to howl anymore. It looks like a pitiful bug now.

Gao Jiuding saw it, this is not the way, it is easy to make Manniu a bad impression!

He hastily stopped Yihu and said: "Don't play anymore. From now on, I will often pull the nose rope to lead the bull to a place with green grass, and let the bull know the benefits of wearing a nose ring. As long as you hold her, there will be grass to eat. In this way, I will gradually adapt, and I will be able to accept your control, and when I have feelings with you and the training is docile, I will be able to ride."

"Get it out quickly, come and help, you will be blessed in the future, haha, this is a monster in the late stage of blood refining!" Yihu was happy, and immediately ordered Mo Dahu and the others to help get the bull out of the quagmire .

Gao Jiuding saw that Yihu and the others were actually thinking of pulling the bull out, and he immediately stopped him: "Dig the mud directly, wash it away with water, and wash it clean by the way!"

"What are you doing digging up the quagmire? We still need to use it. This end must belong to the elder brother. I want one too. Don't worry, I don't need to take the risk this time. I will go personally. For such a powerful mount, I will fight for it." Already!" Maverick said excitedly.

"Desperate? It's just you? In the past, it will become a meatloaf!" Thinking of the brutal collision of the group of bison, the corners of Gao Jiuding's mouth twitched.

Those beasts are not stupid, they won't fall into the same trap a second time, so if they want to catch the bulls, they need to find another way!

"I'm not stupid. Although these guys are powerful, they are too hot-tempered. If you tease them a little, they will be angry. As long as we tease them a few more times, their strength will be exhausted, and the group of bulls will not give up. Let us butcher it?" Yihu said proudly.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, Yihu's idea was right, but he didn't know the charging speed of the bulls and their endurance, how many little monks could bear the continuous charging for several hours?

If one is not good, it will be really cold, and it is completely cold!
Gao Jiuding personally attracted the firepower once, so he naturally knew how powerful it was, Yihu actually wanted to tease the wild cows a few more times, he didn't know how to write the word dead!

"Ask Mo Da and Mo Er to see if their brothers dare to dance with Death!" Gao Jiuding decisively gave Yihu a supercilious look.

Mo Dahu smiled wryly, and began to tell about Gao Jiuding's stalwart deeds just now, especially the speed and endurance of the bull herd!

Their descriptions were vivid and incisive, and Maverick and the others definitely felt the overwhelming breath of death!
The wild cows are definitely not something anyone dares to provoke, even monks in the hemolytic period, they dare not provoke them casually, let alone a group of them, they are small scum that even monks in the late stage of blood refining do not have.

It was because of this that Mo Dahu looked at Gao Jiuding with enthusiasm!

The barbarian bull has no brains anymore. It is also a monster in the late stage of blood refining. Such a powerful monster can be controlled so easily?
After digging the hole and washing the mud away with river water, the bull was jumping up and down restlessly, but every time it jumped up, it would feel the sourness in its nose!
The barbarian circling impatiently, from its slowly turning red eyes, you can know that it really wants to make a brutal charge, smashing all the dregs around it, but unfortunately, as long as the Maverick's arm moves, it will be honest .

The rope in Maverick's hand is the magic spell. With it controlling the bull, the bull will be obedient!

Now it can be said that if the winged tiger points to the east, this bull will not dare to go west!
"Let's spread out, and it'll be fine when we get to know each other later!" Sensing that Man Niu was getting more and more irritable, Gao Jiuding immediately dispersed the surrounding crowd.

"Brother, here, this end is yours. It's in the late stage of blood refining!" Yi Hu was a little reluctant, and handed over the rope in his hand.

Gao Jiuding laughed, this kid is really cute and straightforward.

"No, I'll leave this one to Duhu. It's just a blood-refinement nine-level monster. It's not the best. I want the Bull King. It's a blood-refinement twelve-level Dzogchen!"

"Brother, how do we catch such a powerful monster?" Yi Hu still didn't believe that Gao Jiuding could easily catch the bull.

Mo Dahu didn't believe it either, he had seen the strength of the herd of barbarians with his own eyes: "Yes, master, those barbarians shouldn't disperse easily!"

Mo Erhu also said: "The most important thing is that we don't have much time. If we have time, we wait for the cattle to lose their vigilance and disperse again, and then go to sneak attack them. That way we will definitely catch one! "

"Don't bother, we will end the training early today, and we will act in the middle of the night, and then you can just do what I said!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and handed over the rope to control the wild bull to Mo Dahu.

Among this group of people, Mo Dahu had the highest cultivation level, and he came to tame the first wild bull with the highest security.

A blood-refining nine-level monster, other people will get terrified when they get close, so let's not talk about wanting to domesticate it!

Ignoring the curiosity of others, Gao Jiuding ran to his tent to practice.

After the training was over, Gao Jiuding calculated his actions at night again.

Today's test made Gao Jiuding sure that none of the nearly [-] bulls could cast spells, which made his actions extremely safe!

After reading so many books in Zongmen, I let Gao Jiuding know that in this world, whether it is monsters or humans, it is difficult for them to learn spells. Awakened supernatural powers.

Qi practitioners refine Qi. In the early stage of Qi refining, they can look inside their minds. In the middle stage, they can release their true energy to practice spells. With the knowledge released, whether it is releasing spells or controlling magic weapons, it becomes easier.

And above this monster star, body trainers can also look inside their minds in the early stage of blood refining, and can also release their blood energy in the middle stage. However, it is difficult for them to learn spells. This may be because of the physical training. result.

(End of this chapter)

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