The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 493 has been prepared

Chapter 493 has been prepared
In ancient times, there were countless legends about riding a crane down to Yangzhou with a waist of one hundred thousand guan. Gao Jiuding wanted to see if the red-crowned crane he raised could travel all over the sky with him on his back!

Here Gao Jiuding was enjoying himself, but he didn't expect that there was already an uproar outside the mountain.

There are already many people outside the mountain. I heard that someone got lost in the old forest. A group of adults just got lost in the jungle. Everyone who heard the news wanted to ask what happened.

"I've said it a long time ago. If they are not allowed to go, they will seek death by themselves. Who is to blame? Besides, how can we find such a big old forest? Unless people from the whole county go in hand in hand and search the Internet!"

"Don't be angry, you lost eight people, how can you not look for them?"

"But the changes in the forest are too great now, and it's impossible to find it!"

"You don't know the difficulty of going into the forest, let alone searching for people instead of walking along the predetermined path. Do you know how much effort it takes to open a path with two arms?"

"That's right, you can't find someone by sitting in the office and just thinking about finding someone. If it's that easy, you can ask the county leaders to find someone!"

"That's right, the weather is too hot right now. Let's not talk about anything else. It's just after three o'clock in the afternoon, and it's 38 degrees. Let them wear long sleeves and squat in the cornfield to experience it. See how long they can last." an hour!"

"Everyone is talking about objective conditions. As for people, it's true to look for them, but I'm going to say something discouraging. Don't have any hope. Waiting for us to enter the forest and get to the place where they lost, it may take four or five days. I think it's a miracle that I can survive three or four days just because of those donkey friends!"

"Okay, I got it, everyone, don't worry, the money this time is not from the county's finances, but from the families of the missing persons. When the time comes, let's report the person, and they will send someone over there to give the subsidy immediately." , Well, if you find one person, you will be given 50 yuan, and if you find a corpse, you will also be given 30 yuan!"

"Wow!" Upon hearing that a living person was found and given 50 yuan, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"How is it? Is there any motivation now?"

"Start picking people, bring them into the forest!"

"There can't be too many people, too many people will be troublesome, if there are seven or eight people, just bring seven or eight groups of people into the mountain, and that's enough!"

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't know what was going on down the mountain. He was picking and picking, catching small animals in the jungle. No, he had just caught four red-crowned cranes, and he set his sights on an eagle.

The eagles on Qilu's side are not big, generally bigger than pigeons, with a body length of about 1.5 centimeters, but the one Gao Jiuding found had a wingspan of [-] meters and a body length of more than [-] centimeters. Be regarded as the super big head among the eagles.

After discovering it, Gao Jiuding didn't immediately fly up to catch it, but stared at it to see where its lair was. He wanted to catch it.

After waiting for a long time, until the eagle caught a grass carp weighing three catties, Gao Jiuding saw it flying south.

The flying speed of the eagle is very fast. In the sky, the wings hardly move, but once it moves, the speed will be greatly increased. This makes Gao Jiuding become cautious. He is afraid that if he is not careful, he will lose it.

"The feathers are so gorgeous?" When he got closer, Gao Jiuding found that this eagle was very beautiful. Using his very limited knowledge of animals, he began to distinguish what species it was.

Of course, this is absolutely impossible to be the Andis Condor that An Shenxiu and others have talked about, so who are the native eagles on the land of Qilu?
"Could it be a kestrel? By the way, it must be a kestrel!"

"I don't know, can I continue to grow? The current size is still too small!"

"It must have absorbed the spiritual energy. Even if you don't know how to absorb it, you should have accumulated a little spiritual energy in your body after eating the small fish and shrimps here. If you don't continue to grow, you can only take it into space and receive high-energy radiation! "

Chasing the kestrel all the time, Gao Jiuding flew towards a high peak in the south, where there are cliffs everywhere, and the old nest of this kestrel is there.

"Huh? Is there someone down there? Where did they get in? It shouldn't be far from here, right?" After discovering the kestrel's nest, Gao Jiuding also saw a group of people down the mountain.

Compared with the previous ones, this group of people had more complete equipment. Gao Jiuding even saw helicopters and fully armed troops.

After observing for a while, Gao Jiuding discovered that this was a search team.

The search team did not find anyone, not to mention people, not even a trace. The eight people who were thrown in the woods seemed to have disappeared.

It was the strong strength of those parents that the local guide who followed into the mountain saw.

In this forest, there are three supply points in a triangle shape, about ten kilometers apart, and more than 500 suppliers eat and drink!
These things are all transported in and out by helicopter.

In everyone's eyes, there are only two words: rich!

The only pity is that if you have money but no luck, it is useless at this time!
More than a dozen search teams, not including forest police and armed police officers and soldiers, did not find any clues after half a day.

Gao Jiuding took an invisibility talisman on his body and landed it less than 50 meters away from the group of people. Here, he could observe every move of these people.

When he really fell into the jungle, Gao Jiuding realized that his previous guess seemed to be a bit wrong. At least the simple road leading to the bottom of the mountain could explain the problem.

"Didn't these people come here to find someone? Are they planning to build a base here?" Gao Jiuding said with an ugly face.

He is very familiar with such a situation, because he also encloses land in this way.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding heard someone talking in the distance.

"Report, report! There are still three kilometers in a straight line to the destination, and there is nothing unusual."

"Continue to be vigilant!"


The captain put down the walkie-talkie and glanced back. The fairly dense team lined up and moved forward slowly.

There are many vehicles at the end, carrying heavy equipment and living utensils, and they are crawling at a slow speed.

Here is in the hinterland of the mountains, there is no road at all, and after the government decided to come in, it made sufficient preparations in advance.

The most important thing is to build a simple road, at least open to traffic.

The team walked another distance and arrived at a flat place at noon.

A group of people rushed to unload their belongings and planned to camp by the river.

They are just the first troops, and there are Dabo's staff behind them, staying at supply points, ready to go deep into the mountains at any time.

Gao Jiuding wandered around and took a look at the environment. Compared with other places, there was no change, except that the aura was stronger.

There are also trees and flowers around, growing like crazy, dense and flourishing, completely inconsistent with the laws of nature.

Those people have enclosed a large piece of land and are building houses on both sides of a small river. It is very, very convenient. With just a few light steel frame boards and a roof, a simple house can be easily built.

They are built according to the barracks, the outer ring is the guards, the inner ring is the scientific research personnel and equipment, and there are special kitchens, canteens and toilets.

All kinds of materials are transported in like water, and there is a huge room in the center of the South Bank, which is the most important laboratory.

In a short time, a large construction site has been formed in this deep mountain and dense forest, with one hundred and ten people dividing their work, busy but not chaotic, working in full swing.

Looking at the posture, where does it look a bit like coming to find someone?

Moreover, not only Gao Jiuding felt this situation, but even the local guides who had just been recruited thought of it.

Gao Jiuding heard a few guides gathered together and muttered in a low voice: "You said, have they been prepared?"

"Not only have they been prepared, but they are also fully prepared. Look at the equipment, look at those who have built houses in order, can these be ordinary people?"

"One more thing, I don't know if you have noticed, their direction of travel is very targeted, as if someone is guiding them ahead!"

"Yes, that's it. They asked us to come here, just to learn about the original situation here, as if to compare it with the current situation, and see how much has changed here now."

"Stop talking, someone is coming!"

"Well, let's just take the money we deserve!"

"Ah!" At this moment, a scream came from the river not far away.

Several guides hurried out to have a look, but it was a person in charge of lighting a fire and cooking who was attacked by the river.

"It's a snakehead fish, be careful!"

"Mutated black fish, evacuate from the river bank!"

Gao Jiuding was also attracted to him. He really didn't expect that the fish schools in the small river ditch would start acting like monsters again, but this time they were dealing with humans instead of the pair of wild cats.

Gao Jiuding's consciousness penetrated into the river, and he was startled immediately, because he saw countless black fish, big and small, chasing, probing, and attacking around the blood-red river water.

It was human blood, Gao Jiuding immediately realized that maybe the person who was attacked just now did not go to the river for no reason, but because he was injured, he went to clean the wound, which instead attracted the attack of this group of black fish .

The scientific name of black fish is snakehead, and it is also called snakehead fish in the north. It is a carnivorous fish. These snakeheads have obviously mutated, which makes them more aggressive.

Gao Jiuding saw a black fish that jumped up, its head was twice the size of its original size, its teeth protruded sharply, and it looked fierce.

The man before was bitten by his right hand and almost fainted from the pain.

Fortunately, someone nearby pulled out a dagger and split the fish in half, and opened the mouth of the fish little by little, only to save his hand.

The vitality of this strange fish is extremely strong, the two parts of its body are twitching on the ground, and its mouth can still open and close.

The man's right hand was bloody and bloody, and the bones were visible, and the medical staff were disinfecting and bandaging it.

(End of this chapter)

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