328 Sudden Attack
The advantages and disadvantages of unmanned spaceships are obvious. Because they are operated by artificial intelligence, they act rigidly and do not react flexibly. However, it is precisely because of this that when someone invades, they will fight back unceremoniously. I won't negotiate with you, and I won't give you a chance to theory.

This kind of setting made Li Rusong and the others very helpless. No one could stand it if they did not agree with each other!

Although Li Rusong and his six families have more than [-] spaceships, if a fight really starts, who will charge first?
No one wanted to suffer too much loss. In the end, they could only watch Gao Jiuding occupy half of the territory.

"Those guys, they haven't discovered the passage inside the keel yet?" After carefully scanning the territory of Li Rusong's six families, Gao Jiuding found that the resources there were a bit poor, or that the damage suffered there was more serious.

The space inside the demon battleship should have been plains and small hills, but there, it turned into irregular cliffs with potholes!
Such an environment is not very suitable for plant growth, and without enough plants, it is impossible to have too many herbivorous insects, and without enough meat insects, naturally it will not attract enough predators.

"Huh? An Shenxiu and the others, why are they all concentrated at the border?" Originally thought that the environment over there had been destroyed and there should be no good things, but unexpectedly, An Shenxiu and the others were all concentrated there.

After adjusting the radar, he connected to the perspective of Chen Kexin who was at the very edge. Through her, Gao Jiuding happened to see the mecha controlled by Chen Yuan on the opposite side, walking quickly in a small forest.

"Crack!" Chen Kexin waved the long knife in his hand, and split a branch blocking his way.

This kind of long knife is an accessory equipment of the Star Mech. Like the Star Sword, it is also made of Star Iron. It is not only extremely sharp, but also extremely flexible. In addition to being able to open a path in the jungle, it is also an excellent sword. Combat weapons.

However, this kind of skilled movement is definitely not something that a stiff mecha can do.

Gao Jiuding curiously checked the detailed data of that mech. Looking at it this way, Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, remote mind control?

Chen Yuan and Chen Kexin were still on the spaceship outside the demon battleship, but they were able to control the helmets with their thoughts, and use their souls to remotely control the mechs, achieving the feeling of being there.

"It's really a good way. There is no obstacle in the transmission of thought signals. This way of controlling the mecha, there is no delay. Doing this not only improves the combat effectiveness of the mecha, but also ensures personal safety. It is really the best way to save your life. !” Looking at it, Gao Jiuding laughed.

The danger that Gao Jiuding faced last time should have alerted An Shenxiu and others. Now, they are already helping Gao Jiuding find a way to prevent him from going out to take risks.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Chen Yuan suddenly stopped Chen Kexin who was leading the way.

"What's wrong?" Chen Kexin turned around and asked.

"Something's wrong!" Chen Yuan said with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Chen Kexin asked very unhappy.

Their speed has slowed down a lot, otherwise the other six families would not have occupied such a large territory, and even now, they have actually invaded their borders, plundering mutated bugs not far away.

"I can't say it right now..." Chen Yuan felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart, but she couldn't talk about it if she was asked to explain the reason in detail, but she knew that this feeling would only appear on the battlefield.

"Then stop talking nonsense, you didn't come here, how do you feel? Besides, there are still people here who can destroy our star mecha? Don't make trouble for me!"

Chen Kexin, who was a bit of a miser, was naturally furious when she saw others snatching things near her.

In her opinion, as long as she sees something, it belongs to the boss, or to them as a whole.

Chen Yuan laughed self-deprecatingly. She thought she was on the battlefield of the earth, but she forgot that this was the cultivation world.

Patting the star mecha on her body, Chen Yuan felt a little strange, and she didn't know how those big families of the Li family got along. After decades of wandering in the universe and starry sky, they didn't even have a powerful mecha.

They can't even compare to the boss who has been in the starry sky for less than a year, which makes her look down a bit!

It's either being lazy, or being too afraid of death, no matter what it is, it's a sign of no future.

Chen Kexin continued to advance through all obstacles, while Chen Yuan followed behind.

"Chen Yuan, have you really discovered something?" Although not afraid, but always a little worried, Chen Kexin couldn't help but lower her voice and asked.

"I can't say it, it's just a feeling, an intuition for danger! On the battlefield, when I encounter danger, I will have this feeling." Thinking of the uncomfortable feeling just now, Chen Yuan frowned.

If it was on the earth, she must be more careful, but this is not the earth, and she is not her original self.

After practicing, Chen Yuan discovered that her eyesight is much better than before. Not only can she see things clearly in dark places, but she can also adjust her sight distance. She can even see clearly with only her eyes. target seen.

In addition to vision, Chen Yuan's sense of hearing has also been greatly enhanced. Even the slightest movement around her will not escape her ears, and she can also accurately track the origin of a certain sound in a noisy environment. trace.

In addition, Chen Yuan also felt that her soul had also been greatly strengthened. She had been very relaxed during the journey just now. You must know that using the mind controller to control the mecha was a huge burden, but now, she This feeling of no burden has become less and less.

Maybe it is really like what Zhang Xiaohe said, although mind control is very exhausting, but if it is used for a long time and the number of times is too high, the mind and soul will be greatly tempered.

Of course, they were able to use the mind controller and manipulate the mecha for several hours, which is definitely due to the boss!
If it wasn't for rubbing against his soul, their souls would definitely not be able to last for such a long time.

It has been more than ten days since I discovered this demon battleship. During this period, only Gao Jiuding, Chen Yuan and Zhang Xiaohe used the mind controller the whole time!
After Zhang Xiaohe and Chen Yuan communicated with the other sisters, An Shenxiu and others began to use the mind controller to control the mecha.

Compared to Chen Yuan and Zhang Xiaohe, An Shenxiu, Chen Kexin and the others were a bit worse!
In the end, they speculated that this was related to the strength of the body. Only when the body is strong can the soul be strong. This is one thing with two sides.

There are people who are mentally strong but physically weak, but such people are rare in the world of cultivation, except of course, Western magicians who purely cultivate spiritual power.

Traveling in the densely packed jungle with countless bugs is not an easy task. The complex terrain, the attacks that may be encountered at any time, and the consumption of mental power are amazing, but Chen Yuan has been patrolling in the jungle for half a year. It's been more than an hour, but I don't feel tired at all.

"It seems that comprehension is not just about strengthening the body, this process should be an overall strengthening!" Chen Yuan secretly said in her heart.

After walking behind Chen Kexin for a while, the uneasiness in Chen Yuan's heart became more intense.

"Damn it, what's going on here?" Chen Yuan looked around vigilantly.

There was a throbbing in her heart, which made her very irritable, but she didn't realize the danger at all.

"Crack!" Chen Kexin cut through some low bushes again, ready to move forward, but at this moment, Chen Yuan made an unexpected move.

"Be careful!" Chen Yuan stepped forward suddenly, grabbed the bulge of the mecha at Chen Kexin's waist, and dragged her back sideways.

"Ah!" Chen Kexin was suddenly dragged from behind and flew out. He was frightened immediately, and subconsciously turned around and stabbed him.

"Boom!" Chen Yuan reacted very quickly, she grabbed the wrist of Chen Kexin's mecha, and shouted at the same time: "It's me, don't be impulsive!"

"What are you doing?!" Chen Kexin, who was startled, asked loudly. At this moment, both she and Chen Yuan ignored a question.

Chen Yuan's speed was too fast just now, the two of them didn't realize that making this simple movement was definitely not easy.

You must know that the Xingchen Mecha is six meters high, and the long knife in its hand is also four meters long. The six-meter high mecha weighs more than ten tons, and even that long knife weighs two hundred kilograms.

With such a heavy weight, Chen Yuan actually pulled it back with one hand!

In the moment just now, how much power did the power furnace of Chen Yuan's mech output?

Moreover, Chen Kexin's knife just now was a blow with all his strength after being frightened. With the addition of the Star Mecha, her knife could cut down even the big tree hugged by the two of them, but Chen Yuan easily restrained her. How fast is the reaction speed, and how explosive is it?

Her actions just now were not intentional at all, but subconscious actions. She only felt that danger was approaching, so she dragged Chen Kexin back.

"I..." Chen Yuan just wanted to explain, but felt palpitations again.

"Boom!" Just as Chen Yuan was about to speak, the ground suddenly broke open where Chen Kexin was just now!

"Squeak!" With a scream, a big guy like a wild boar rushed out.

"Ah!" Chen Kexin screamed, obviously frightened.

"Back!" After all, Chen Yuan was a special soldier. Her reaction was quick, she immediately raised her arm, and after a simple aim, she started shooting at the giant beast.

"Da da da..." The bullet from the Vulcan Cannon hit the giant beast with precision!

"Puff puff puff!" The effect of the bullet is not good, Chen Yuan can see this very clearly.

The firing speed of the Vulcan cannon was very fast, but the bullets fired seemed to have hit high-density alloys, and did not cause any damage to the beast at all.

(End of this chapter)

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