The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 706 The Death of the Imperial Concubine 14

Chapter 706 The Death of the Imperial Concubine 14
In order to keep Helian Longyi's words, Nangong Lingna never let him step into Ganquan Palace again.

Helian Yueru heard about that day and went to Oasis Palace to see her, but found that she was not as strange as the maid said that day.

Although she hated Zixing for cheating the emperor away by such means, she didn't do anything crazy because of it, and she seemed to be much calmer.

The doubts she had before were also relieved when she saw that she was fine.

But such peaceful days did not last long.

Just when Zixing was about to reach Jiji, Ganquan Palace suddenly became lively.

"Your Majesty, you must not go and talk nonsense in front of the emperor! The emperor has never been here, how can you say that you are pregnant? This servant will go and announce the imperial doctor to you. Let's talk about it after we have seen it." ?”

The palace maid almost grabbed Nangong Ling's hand, preventing her from going out.

Early this morning, after Nangong Ling woke up, she was still fine, but suddenly said that she was pregnant and was going to the imperial study to tell the emperor about the happy event.

The maid was really frightened by her.

Originally, she was still trying to persuade her not to think wildly, but she seemed to be possessed, and she must go to the imperial study at this time.

The palace maid failed to stop her several times, and she had already slapped her several times.

But even if she was beaten, she still didn't dare to let Nangong Ling go out and talk nonsense like this.

If something happens to her, she is her personal maid, what good will happen to her?Even for her own sake, she had to stop her.

There was too much movement in the room, and it was impossible to hide it.

A thin figure hurriedly ran to the Purple Star Palace when everyone was unprepared.

Liu Xu went to the Nuan Pavilion with a happy face, and said to Zi Xing: "Princess, there is movement in Ganquan Palace."

Zixing smiled slightly when she heard the words, "After waiting for so long, there is finally some movement. Let's go! Find a reason and ask Father to go and see her."

Not long after Helian Longyi left the morning court, she was preparing to take a rest in the imperial study when Zi Xing came, saying that the plum blossoms in her yard were no longer good-looking, and the plum blossoms in Ganquan Palace were still in full bloom, so she wanted him to accompany her. She went over to pick a few plum blossoms and went to pay Nangong Ling a greeting.

Helian Longyi thought about what Nangong Ling said last time, he was afraid that Zixing would be "stabbed" by her when he went, so he agreed.

Anyway, he just wanted to go for a walk in the imperial garden.

But as soon as they arrived at Ganquan Palace, they saw such an absurd scene.

Nangong Ling's hair was in a mess and she was about to go out, but on the ground, there were two court ladies lying there with the same hair in a mess, their faces were still red and swollen, and they kept hugging her legs to prevent her from going out.

A group of court ladies and eunuchs stood beside them, wanting to help, but afraid of hurting the imperial concubine, all anxious and at a loss.

"What are you doing? What's going on here?" Helian Longyi asked with a downcast face.

"Emperor... Your Majesty..." The eunuchs and maids who were watching saw that it was Helian Longyi, and they all knelt down.

The two maids who were pulling Nangong Ling also got up and knelt down.

The noisy courtyard suddenly became quiet.

"Your Majesty, you are finally here, and this concubine has something happy to tell you." She said, turning her head and glaring at the maid who pulled her away just now, "But these damn servants just don't let this concubine go to the imperial study to find you. "

(End of this chapter)

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