The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 546 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 20

Chapter 546 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 20
Zixing didn't speak, and looked at her with a half-smile.

Liu Xu stepped forward and said: "Miss, don't talk nonsense here. When did the princess hurt Miss Zhaoyang? If you are like this, the servant will have to ask the lady out."

Helian Libai looked at her with a smile, stood up and wiped away the tears that were just acting in his eyes, and said, "Are you talking nonsense? But today, King Yong has already entered the palace to look for the emperor, not only him, but everyone outside now According to rumors, it was sister Zixing who killed Helian Zhaoyang. She was originally good, but it was because she got closer to sister these two days that such a disaster happened. Sister, even if the emperor and empress You are sheltering from the wind and rain, but it is difficult for everyone to talk. I have to think about myself. It is easy to hide the hidden arrows, but my sister is far-sighted, and she will play some shady tricks behind her back. How can I be by my sister's side? Not afraid?"

"Since you are afraid, why do you still come to Bengong to say these things? Li Bai, maybe you understand in your heart whether Bengong killed Zhaoyang. However, don't think that Bengong didn't harm her. I will indulge you to provoke you again and again. Maybe, her death has nothing to do with me. If anything happens to you in the future, it may really be caused by me. I advise you to think twice before acting. Don't be led by others. Bengong is still holding back on you now because you haven't done anything too outrageous these days. Don't challenge Bengong's patience. If Bengong doesn't want to If you endure it, you won't show mercy."

Zixing also looked at her with a smile.

She knew that Li Bai was not afraid of her.

With the matter of Nangong Yu, even if she said anything, Li Bai would not believe her.

In the past, the means she used between Helian Yueru and Chaoxi, Helian Yueru returned it to her beautifully now, but she will not really deal with Li Bai as she wished.

If that's the case, then he really fell into Helian Yueru's scheme.

Only this time, it was Nangong Yu who separated her from Li Bai, not someone else.

He is so smart, and so good at taking advantage of anyone's admiration for him, how could he fail to notice Li Bai's thoughts.

What surprised her was that this time he acted on his own and deliberately misunderstood Li Bai. It can be seen that he never planned to use Li Bai or King Xu.

This is also a question she can't figure out.

Helian Libai bit his lips hard, "Sister Zixing, you really disappointed me. In the past, no matter what others said, I believed in you from the bottom of my heart. But now, I can't see through it at all. You. On the one hand, you can treat me well, and on the other hand, you can punish Liuying so cruelly. You took me to see King Ning, but in the end it was you who wanted to marry him yourself. I believe in you, so I will tell you what is in my heart , but you didn't remember it at all. I thought we could really become good sisters who would talk about everything, but you never had such a thought. It was my wishful thinking. I am really disappointed."

After finishing speaking, this time, she really ran out with tears in her eyes.

"Princess, in fact, as long as you tell Miss Li Bai that you never thought of marrying King Ning, won't all misunderstandings be resolved? She won't believe what the third princess said, and she won't treat you like this." Liu Xu Said.

"She started to alienate Ben Gong, but not when she saw Nangong Yu belittled Ben Gong, but when Ben Gong punished Liu Ying, she had already started to resent Ben Gong."

(End of this chapter)

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