pick up a plane

Chapter 248 4 Months

Chapter 248 Four Months

"Sure enough, I am a good person, a person who is willing to give, who is keen to save the world and ease the contradiction between social classes."

Li Fan saw that except for those directly under the top capital consortium, everyone else gathered together happily, with a smile on his face, and praised himself in his heart.

He, Li, is not a black-hearted boss, he is not cheating players, and he is not exploiting players.

Every time it seems to be a pit and an exploitative policy, in fact, it has brought benefits and benefits to countless players, making their lives better and happier.

Then according to the consequential theory, he is a great man of noble character and saving the world.

Well, yes, it must be.

Li Fan nodded, and Alan secretly agreed with this point of view.

It made Angel 500 million money, this is not earning, this is for Angel's convenience.

Because this allows her to use biological poison directly without returning to the scientific research city to receive the reward.

This is a great convenience and benefit during the city conscription war.

It can be seen that it is Alan, that is also a great intelligent assistant of noble character.

"Here, in this direction, the source aura of alien races is coming from this direction!"

While the recruitment of cities in the United States was in full swing, the Eagle Kingdom, a group of fourth-order red-eyed people who searched for the player group based on the source power fluctuations that remained near Starlight City and Hongyan City, also had results at this time.

"Xingguang City is another direction. According to these two directions, the alien race is more than 20 billion kilometers away from us."

Ruize sensed this breath, unfolded a map of animal skins, and drew lines on cities such as Starlight City and Hongyan City.

This is the source direction of the searched player breath.

During this time, Li Fan did not prohibit players from going to the Land of Eagles, but only sent an announcement to show that red-eyed people have special hobbies, so that players should be careful to avoid being embarrassed by red-eyed people.

Because of the source power organelles, although the physiological structure of the red eye and the player group is the same, the source power aura is completely different.

According to this different source aura, the red-eyed man finally determined the source direction of the player.

Lines stretched out on the map, drawn out the map, and finally intersected at a long distance outside the map.

The principle of multi-point positioning, even the country of red-eyed eagles with a low degree of civilization, has already mastered it.

"Over 4 million kilometers, this ugly alien has absolutely mastered the ultra-long-distance high-speed navigation!"

Seeing the long distance, Rui Ze recalled that he was in Hongyan City at that time, and he mistook it for another fourth-order third-rank or space talent fourth-order shuttle train sailing in curvature.

Immediately, Rui Ze knew in his heart that this alien had mastered super-long-distance high-speed navigation.

Without this ultra-long-distance high-speed sailing, it is impossible for the other third-order or even second-order alien races to span such a long distance. "

4 million kilometers, even if it is the fourth order that they can navigate with curvature, it will take hours or even days to cross.

As for the ability to sail with curvature, the third-order flight that can fly at a maximum of 20 kilometers per second, or even the second-order that can only run at 1 kilometer per second, will take several months or even years.

"This war may decide the next rise and fall of the kingdom."

Rui Ze looked at the lines extending on the map, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

The distance of 4 million kilometers, obviously, only third-order red-eyed people and above can participate.

Tier 2, there are not many in the country of Eagle, about 500, and Tier [-] only has more than [-].

Once a war is launched, they can only choose to invade, not defend.

Otherwise, the movement of this alien race is more flexible, and they will be dragged down sooner or later if they continue to guerrilla without engaging in frontal combat.

Invasion, not defense.

This means abandoning the advantages of the city's inscription protection system, traveling long distances to different places, and enduring the alien's inscription protection system.

In such a war, the risk is too great, and the people who fight are the mainstay of the Eagle Country.

Once the war is lost, the Kingdom of Eagles will surely decline.

The only thing that makes Rui Ze feel a little relaxed is.

According to the opponent's use of guerrilla, ambush and other fighting methods during this period, the strength of this alien race should not be as strong as imagined.

Even the kingdom of eagles has not yet discovered the other's Tier [-], the number of Tier [-]s of this alien race must be very few.

In this way, the probability of the Eagle Country winning is very high.

If the opponent's base camp is successfully broken, and this ultra-long-distance high-speed navigation technology is obtained, it is possible for the Eagle Country to become an empire, and even annex other countries to become the largest Eagle Empire in the Eastern Region.

Anyone with a discerning eye can understand what this ultra-long-distance high-speed navigation means, and how much it will help the war.

"I'll report the results to the king."

Ruize folded the map, his spiritual power exploded, the surrounding time and space distorted, turned into a streamer and flew to the sky.

Lack of ultra-long-distance communication methods, the fastest communication method in the country of eagles relies on the curvature of the fourth-order red-eyed person.

"Are we going to go to war?"

Watching Rui Ze leave, the remaining third-order red-eyed people looked at each other with bloodthirsty and excitement in their eyes.

Every war means countless opportunities.

There are more than 500 red-eyed people of the fourth rank, and there are only 11 main cities. The position of the city lords of Rui Ze and others is the result of fighting one after another.

Red-eyed people are naturally cool and weak in nature, but that doesn't mean they don't like power.

Weak emotions, not desires.

In addition, a higher position means more resources, more treasures, and more and higher combat skills.

This is an irresistible temptation for any red-eyed person.

As for the death of war?
Who has not grown up from bloody fighting, killing and being killed, this is already a habit.

"The king and the city owner should be preparing to fight this alien race."

The companion next to him looked at the traces on the ground that Rui Ze had drawn outside the map.

"4 million kilometers, using the latest inscription chariot, we need about 4 months to arrive, at that time I should be able to try to break through the fourth order."

"At that time, I should be able to reach the third-order second-rank, and get a better military exploit!"

"My talent is at an end. If I don't have special treasures, I will be a third-order second-rank all my life. I must seize this opportunity!"

Several third-order red-eyed people looked at each other with bloodthirsty and excitement in their eyes, as if this was a feast, not a war.


In the city of scientific research, Boss Li, who just closed the player's happy scene, once again appeared in front of the screen.


Li Fan was startled, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Did you find it?

"The master of the plane, the country of eagles has determined our coordinates and is starting a war. It is predicted that there will be more than 350 fourth-order and 12000 third-order."

"so much?"

Li Fan was shocked.

If he remembered correctly, the total number of Tier 500 Eagles was over 17000, and Tier [-] was just over [-].

With a bang, most of the entire country's power is invading from a long distance. Who is the commander, is it stupid?

"Lord of the plane, red-eyed people are different, we can't use ordinary thinking to measure this intelligent species.

This is a species that is biased towards bloodthirsty fighting. It is not an external war, that is, an internal fight.

The civilization of the Eagle Country is still relatively wild, and there is not much civilization and morality. All of their third-order red-eyed people have grown up from countless fighting battles.

Their resources, wealth, beauties, etc., are given priority to red-eyed people who fight bravely and are of higher rank.

In addition, because of their innate constitution, red-eyed people have special abilities, and their emotions are weak, but their desires are not reduced by half, and they are even more expensive than human desires.

This kind of situation has caused them to be rushing through the sand now, similar to the competitive fighting mode of raising Gu. "

Alan briefly explained why.

Concepts formed by different environments and results created by different conditions are all different.

The player group of the eternal plane is transferred from the real modern civilized society, and the civilization is biased towards morality.

The red-eyed people here all grew up from wild and slaughter, and they don't have too much morality and righteousness of human beings.

Use resources, finances, and beauties to push all red-eyed people forward and raise Gu.

After a war, thousands or even 10 people will die in the third-order. If [-] of them break through to the fourth-order, this is a profit in the concept of the Eagle Kingdom.

Human rights, women's rights, and men's rights don't exist very much in the country of eagles, and everyone speaks according to their strength.

Everything is valuable, only people are worthless.

According to the fertility rate of red-eyed people, the bottom female red-eyed people can give birth to a dozen or twenty children in a lifetime.

Because of the source organelles, red-eyed people are naturally strong, and babies don't need too much care, so there is no case of premature death.

According to the population of the Eagle Country of 16 billion, if tens of millions or even one or two hundred million die at one time, this will be replenished in less than two months, and children can go to the battlefield at the age of two or three.

The emotions are weak, and they don't have too much sadness in the spring and autumn, or call your son that you died so miserably.

"It's crazy."

Li Fan looked at the red-eyed man on the screen who was gathering preparations, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Even though I heard Allen say that this is a species beyond human common sense, I still feel shocked when I see a civilized kingdom so crazy at this time.

"How long will it take them to arrive?"

Li Fan asked a key question.

The Eagle Country is invading, this is not important.

Even if he doesn't invade, when the player's strength is other, he will issue a war mission to invade the red-eyed man.

The only thing to worry about is that the Kingdom of Eagles is coming too fast, and the player's strength has not yet risen.

"There are three levels. According to their speed, it will take about 4 months."

Alan gives a time.

The Eternal Plane is vast and boundless, and its diameter is calculated in light-years. The Eagle Country is 4 million kilometers away from the nearest player area.

Unless the opponent's Tier [-] who can fly with curvature will come over first, or bring a Tier [-] red-eyed man, the speed will be slowed down, and it will take a long time for the army to reach the player's area.

"4 months"

Li Fan pondered for a moment and opened the player's data.

Because of breaking through the third-order, the talent fit began to be reflected, and the player's breakthrough speed was not as fast as the previous first-order and second-order.

At this time, there are only more than 3000 players in the third-order player group. At this rate, it should reach more than 4 in 10 months.

As for whether anyone can break through to Tier 4 within [-] months, this cannot be estimated and cannot be determined.

Because even if the blue water potion is used, this is not [-]% certain.

"This situation is a little bad."

Li Fan made some calculations in his heart, and couldn't help frowning.

Although the player can be resurrected, he has more advantages as a defender. He, the creator, can also provide some resources for biological poisons and energy recovery potions.

But this strength is still a lot worse. If you really want to use consumption tactics to kill the fourth-order red-eyed people in the country of eagles, this source of power seems to be a bit of a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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