pick up a plane

Chapter 169 Who Was Not a Teenager

Chapter 169 Who Was Not a Teenager


"It's too deceitful, can anyone climb on Du Niang and splash water!"

Reality, Du Niang's headquarters.

Chairman Du Niang, who hadn't had time to be overjoyed after receiving the news that the Santo Master's Order had been obtained, was completely outraged by the news that the Santo Master's Order had been robbed!

"Eternal Plane" announced that the recruitment of the fifth batch of players is open without restrictions, and that other countries can make reservations, and the status of the second world of human beings is completely laid.

The valuation of a city is at least tens of billions or even immeasurable. However, the city owner's order was robbed as soon as such a city was acquired.

What a fuck!
If reality hadn't entered the era of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence was monitoring social stability, and only the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court had the authority to modify Skynet data, then he would have the intention of seeking trouble and revenge in reality.

"Evaluation of the development of "Eternal Plane", will new cities be opened after the fifth batch of players are recruited?"

After the anger passed, Chairman Du Niang calmed down, and the debt still had to be settled, but the most important thing at the moment was the profit.

"Chairman, according to the existing data analysis, the game official has been maintaining the player density, and it seems that it intends to establish a complete social system.

In this way, unless the number of new players exceeds the limit of 20 cities, "Eternal Plane" should not open new cities.

Even if there is unlimited access to players, the number of players in the game will not exceed the limit of 20 million in 7000 cities for at least a month. "

The secretary came up with a report, and the situation was not optimistic.

Li Fan will not allow empty cities to appear. The two open recruitment battles are determined according to the popularity of the game. If there are not enough players, it is useless to open too many cities.

For a city, the most important thing is the population, the number of players.

An empty city?So what can this thing do.

"More than a month."

Chairman Du Niang's expression flashed solemn.

This means that Du Niang's urban development will lag behind by at least one month.

This is undoubtedly a heavy price for the ever-changing eternal plane.

What's more, there is a war between the cities, and the development is more than a month behind. Even if they win the city, they may be attacked and destroyed.

If the city is really breached, the loss will be great.

"Have the detailed psychological evaluation reports of Tian Junliang, Xiao Jun and others come out? Why are they targeting our capital group teams so much?"

Chairman Du Niang asked another question.

This is also a question he has been unable to understand. It is understandable to snatch the city lord's order. After all, that thing involves huge interests.

However, it is a bit incomprehensible for a group of people to suddenly sell their capital groups so tacitly to the berserk army that killed Hao Shuai.

Could it be that by exposing them and selling them, can they deny the fact that they are assisters, so that the berserk legion can't remember this matter?
Stabbing them by acknowledging their participation in killing the Berserker Legion, the price paid is completely out of proportion to the benefits gained. Is this a sand sculpture for all members?
As for the fight for the city lord's order, everyone is infiltrating and investigating each other in advance. Except for the hunting team and the preventive insurance team, the main troops are separated into different areas, and no one crashes the car.

Except for the Pig Farm team and the Pinxixi team, who were unlucky enough to encounter a big boss who overturned their car and were targeted by everyone at the beginning, everyone's main force successfully won the city lord's order.

"Chairman, we have investigated and evaluated this situation. When Tian Junliang, Xiao Jun and others stood up to sell us, some players in the Tornado team and Triumph team also questioned it. This is their internal chat record."

The secretary didn't know how to explain the situation, a few tangles flashed across his face, and he reached out to hand him a copy of the chat record.

If you have money, you can do things well, but if you have a lot of people, you can get a lot of money. You can get a lot of money by taking a few screenshots of chats inside the team. It is inevitable that some people will be tempted.

This is also the reason why in addition to the large team, the main management of each major team has another management group, the core group.

"What chat records, let me see."

The chairman took the phone curiously, looked at it a few times, and then frowned.

"Players are not the same as capitalists? They are not capitalists, and the team is not a capital group? This is a joke, or it is too naive and too young."

The chairman looked at it for a while and shook his head with a sneer.

Capital is an inevitable law of social development. As long as people have desires, people yearn for better things, and people yearn for benefits, capitalization is inevitable.

Because only capitalization can maximize the benefits, and the root of capital's profit-seeking comes from here, which is the rule engraved in the human genetic instinct.

The resources a person owns in his lifetime are limited, but by exploiting a share of resources from other people through the capital economic system, capitalists can obtain ten thousand times, one million or even billions of times the benefits of resources.

Who was never a teenager, but how many people can always maintain an independent teenager's heart?

"However, this is also difficult to deal with."

After laughing at Tian Junliang and others being young, the chairman's expression became serious.

Not afraid of profit, but afraid of this kind of people who pursue ideals.

"The 19 cities, in addition to those teams, there are also some individual players. Let's get in touch with these people. Funds are needed in the early stage of city construction. Our Du Niang Group can invest in them."

After thinking about it, the chairman gave an order, and then continued: "In addition, make an appointment with the pig farm, Pinxixi, Ali and other groups, and let's chat with each other some day."


The secretary nodded and wrote down the matter for arrangement.

At this time, not only the Du Niang Group was analyzing and evaluating the matter of robbing the city lord's order, but other capital groups that were almost robbed were evaluating and discussing.

They can also find out the information that the Du Niang Group can find out, and almost all of them have almost the same reaction in the end.

If you are a capitalist and follow the rules of the capital system together, then you can at most be regarded as business rivals.

But since Tian Junliang and Xiao Jun want to be players instead of capitalists, the two sides are at natural opposites.

The eternal plane has developed to the present, and as a second world, it has represented huge and immeasurable interests. If capital wants to develop there, groups like Tian Junliang must solve it.

Any group that wants to overthrow the interests of the capitalist class is an enemy and must be suppressed and eliminated.

The capital group is making moves, Tian Junliang and others, and even Li Fan, the boss behind the scenes, is also thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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