Prosperous Tang Soul

Chapter 351 Blood Red Snow White

Chapter 351 Blood Red Snow White ([-])

With the pouring of boiling water, the snow foam on the surface of the snow bag was melted in an instant, but only a small part of it melted, and soon the melted water was frozen.

The snow melted into water, and the water condensed into ice again because of the cold.

It's the same water, but it becomes an igloo by converting snow packs.

Gouzi felt that he had discovered a secret of Uncle's. Although many people already knew this secret, he still couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

Because he is from Zhangjiazhuang, he is always able to know this kind of extraordinary ability first. Invisibly, when she looked at the soldiers whose jaws were about to drop in shock, she naturally emitted a wave Superiority.

An igloo for resting was built in an hour, and the temperature inside the cave was gradually warming up. After the snow foam melted, it continued to freeze, and it did not turn into water, but it became stronger.

After two days and two nights of fatigue, the warm igloos were the only place where snoring could be heard from every igloo after taking a bite of the hot mush.

The cold wind is still blowing.

Snow is still falling.

The elves flying all over the sky once again dressed this slightly changed world into a silver world, and any trace left by man in the vast whiteness has already been completely covered up.

After a good night's sleep, the fire that had already been extinguished was lit again, and the dog threw the little dry powder left in his pocket into the pot with the snow.

The strong smell of fish, mixed with the unique smell of grain soon infected everyone.

After the paste in the pot was completely boiled, Gouzi woke up Wang Lao Wu who was drooling but still sleeping in the dark.

"Uncle Wu, it's time to eat!" Because they didn't bring any bowls and chopsticks, they had no choice but to drink from the iron pot.

Fortunately, the cold breath caused the temperature of the iron pot to drop quickly, and when Wang Lao Wu got up, the iron pot was ready to drink with his mouth.

Wang Laowu drank his whole stomach, feeling the warmth from his stomach, he felt very comfortable.

"Okay, you can eat some too, but don't eat too much!" Wang Laowu urged: "Let's do it when it gets dark. Then you follow me. Those Turkic people are ruthless characters. Don’t accidentally lose your life! When these Turkic people are dealt with, we’ll eat roast lamb when we come back!”

"But didn't uncle say that he just took their things, why did he kill people?" Gouzi was a little puzzled by Wang Laowu's words.

Zhang Yi's order was only to take things away, and did not ask them to kill these Turks.

"Hehe, you are still too young!" Wang Laowu shook his head and said seriously: "Uncle did not hesitate to launch this sneak attack for the sake of the big guys. To put it bluntly, it was to keep those soldiers alive. Since Uncle For the sake of the guys, do you think the brothers will make it difficult for the uncle?

So before I set off, the brothers in the military camp came to you, and what they asked was to kill all these barbarians, and then give them a random charge!In this way, Uncle's crime of massacring civilians will be gone! "

As he said that, Wang Laowu took out a letter from his chest, and smiled again: "Look, this is the proof that they asked our merchants in Shuofang City to help them buy ironware!"

"So they want to get our ironware!" Gouzi suddenly realized.

Ironware has always been a strategic material and is strictly controlled.And these Turkic people want to obtain iron, so they have only one purpose, and that is to make weapons.

The great Jingyang county uncle received a report from a merchant and handed over the evidence, so it is reasonable for the uncle to get angry and want to slaughter these prairie barbarians.

This reason can be said to be quite satisfactory, even in front of His Majesty, Zhang Yi did not make any mistakes.

As for which merchant gave the letter to Zhang Yi, and why all his belongings became their trophies after killing someone, no outsiders need to know.

When the general puts his heart into it, the soldiers dare to use their lives.

So when the night came, the Sanji tribe ushered in the darkest night!
That night!

The north wind howled and the snowflakes flew.

On the snowy ground, figures walked lightly towards the tribe.

On cold winter nights, no one in the tribe wants to get up. They all hope to drive away the severe cold by burning cow dung in their tents.

There are two old men, three wives and eight children in Ulak's family. As the Turkic who first came into contact with the Tang people, he brought huge wealth to his family with his clever mind.

In just three years, he has become a rich man with [-] sheep and [-] head of cattle.

Tonight, it was very cold, so he asked to kill a sheep. Although the sheep was very thin, his family was full of oil, thick hot soup, and large pieces of mutton, which made his family satisfied. smile.

So Ulak is proud. It is unimaginable for any Turkic to be able to feed and clothe the family after a natural disaster.

The sheepskins on the old father and mother were a bit old, and he knew very well that this was because his parents wanted to leave better sheepskins for himself and those children. Old people on the grasslands do not have the right to live.

It is a luxury for any Turkic to be able to live so well at their age.

So Ulak's parents would rather keep them warm even if they would rather be cold.

Unlike other Turkic people, Ulak admired the culture of the Tang people very much.

It is this kind of admiration that he learns from every Tang person he comes into contact with all the time, learning the wisdom, customs and filial piety of the Tang people.

In particular, the Tang people said that an old family is like a treasure, which is very agreeable.

He felt that the biggest reason why the Turkic people did not have their own culture and were still barbaric for thousands of years was not that the Turkic people were really stupid, but that they had no inheritance.

And the source of inheritance is those old people.

Because the life experience of those old people can save everyone from many detours.For example, when he bought lambs from another tribe, his father helped him select them one by one through experience.

And it turns out that his father's experience is very precious, because the survival rate of this batch of lambs is frighteningly high, at least [-]% higher than that of other people.

And these experiences are the most precious wealth for Ulak.

Ulak felt uncomfortable looking at the two old sheepskins that were huddled together and the fur was about to fall off. He walked gently to his father and took off the sheepskins from their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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