Prosperous Tang Soul

Chapter 309 Kill!

Chapter 309 Kill!

When did Tang Jun actually use clay pots as weapons?

Looking at a clay pot emitting green smoke at his feet, Ashina Tieniu was a little puzzled. Although such a pottery pot could cause some damage to his own side, its effect was far inferior to that commonly used by the Tang army to defend the city. logs, boulders or boiling water.

Even being hit by a clay pot, because of the protection of the leather armor, it is nothing more than suffering some minor injuries. Such injuries will not lose any combat effectiveness at all for the strong Turkic people.

So Ashina Tieniu couldn't help but feel no fear when the clay pots were thrown from the top of the city. He even thought it was ridiculous for Tang Jun to pass a few broken pots as if blocking the attack of the Turkic army.

But this kind of thought only existed for a few seconds, at the moment when his thought appeared, the next moment...

Landslides and ground cracks! ~~~~
Deafening! ~~~~
Ashina Tieniu didn't have time to dodge anything, he just felt a sudden chill in his chest, thighs, and forehead in an instant, and then an invisible wave of air pushed his whole body into the air!
"Ah! ~~~~"

He couldn't help screaming, and at the moment of flying, Ashina Tieniu even saw that the entire attacking team was facing almost the same experience as him!


It's over! ~~
It's all over!
At this moment, the pain in his body became even more severe. The air wave did not take him into the sky in the end, but lifted him up three meters high, and then threw him fiercely on the ground.
Blood kept pouring out from the wound, and looking at the stumped limbs and broken arms, Ashina Tie Niu was still wondering why that little pottery was emitting thunder-like power?

The clay pot was thrown down again, the loud noise continued, and the blood of war horses and people flooded the empty land
Gradually, Ashina Tie Niu's eyes became blurred, one after another figure rushed up, then retreated, and was pressed forward again by the people behind
Slowly, the whole world turned into black and white. Slowly. Slowly. It was dark.
At this time, in front of Shuofang City.

The frightened war horse ran wildly, even if the knight tried his best to control the horse, he couldn't do anything, so he could only let the horse run wild and gallop far away.

However, there was not just one war horse, but tens of thousands of war horses that lost their minds. In an instant, the entire battlefield became a disaster.
The lucky ones who were not trampled by the horses knelt down on the ground to pray for the blessing of the great god Tengger.

The blood seemed to never stop flowing, the entire [-] army was less than two sticks of incense, only [-] remained, and they also lost their fighting spirit to attack Shuofang City.

Temuhe's heart was bleeding.

More than [-] clansmen, including the Ashina people who acted as cannon fodder, have completely stayed in this land before they climbed to the top of the city that they thought was at their fingertips.

More than 3 clansmen!
From birth, to youth, to becoming a warrior capable of fighting, every clansman is not one in ten.On the cold northern prairie, they are the eagles of this land, but the eagles have fallen before soaring into the sky.

However, such thoughts only lasted in Temuhe's mind for less than a second, and then his whole heart was annihilated by the hellish scene in front of him.

The faces of the dead people were distorted, with arms, thighs, colorful intestines, scarlet blood and gunpowder smoke from the explosion.

He could even clearly see a young man vomiting uncontrollably on the tower in front of him.And beside the boy, it was Niu Jinda he was familiar with, who was looking at the boy with a smile on his face.
On the top of the city, the Tang army shouted all day long, and at the same time, the fortresses on both sides of Shuofang City also shouted, constantly echoing between the sky and the earth.

Zhang Yi was very uncomfortable. Although he knew the cruelty of war for a long time, it was still difficult for him to accept it when he experienced it himself.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground below the city, the horrific faces, and the grass that had already been stained red with blood, Zhang Yi could only feel his stomach throbbing uncontrollably, and the soreness in his throat made him feel dizzy.

"This kid is still a little younger after all, and he has never seen a big scene!" Niu Jinda smiled and looked at Zhang Yi, who couldn't stop vomiting, and smiled to Xue Wanren behind him: "Speaking of which, he was a member of my general's door. He saw a few dead people. It's heartbreaking, let him see more in the future, the younger generation is only so spiritual, take him out when you have nothing to do and practice your courage!"

"What the general said is true! Brother Zhang, you should sharpen it a lot, but it is inevitable that you will be a little bit embarrassed when you go to the battlefield for the first time. When the last general killed someone for the first time, he had a nightmare for several days! "

Xue Wanren is also in a good mood. He has been aggrieved in defending Shuofang City for the past few years. Wasn't he frightened when he defended the city before?But now they have been directly replaced one by one. With only a few thousand auxiliary soldiers, Shuofang City not only withstood the attack of [-] Turkic cavalry, but also directly maimed them. This kind of victory is no longer an ordinary one. Victory like never before.

Therefore, he also agreed with Niu Jinda's words.

Because Xue Wanren discovered that a master general with a brain can definitely bring about a greater victory than a reckless man.Take him as an example, if he faced such an attack before, although he would use repelling horses, and he would also use conventional defensive methods such as rolling logs and boulders, but even so, five thousand against fifty thousand, even if it is an individual soldier Everyone is brave and fearless, but it is still impossible to have even a glimmer of hope of victory, let alone the results of the battle.

However, Zhang Yi achieved such a brilliant victory with only more than a thousand gunpowder bombs, and even the 36 Forts have not been used. Such a victory is simply a precedent in history.

He was thinking, if gunpowder bullets can be widely used in the army, then Datang will no longer have enemies!

The vomited bile was about to come out, but fortunately Wang Laowu was still eye-catching, so he handed the uncle a skin bag filled with clear water, poured a big mouthful of water into his mouth, and stirred it twice Spit it out again.

It took several times in succession to get rid of the bad smell in my mouth.

Although there was still an unspeakable disgust in his heart, Zhang Yi also knew that as an officer, he must not show weakness at this time, and it was still under the condition that the enemy had not yet retreated.

Hearing the deafening shouts in his ears, Zhang Yi couldn't help having an idea, and immediately shouted loudly: "Anyone who offends my Tang Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away!"

Although his yell was not loud, the people next to him could hear it clearly, and it seemed to be more domineering and powerful than the "Turkic dogs go home to eat milk" yelled by those soldiers, so he decided to Tang Jun by the gate tower followed suit and shouted loudly.

"Whoever offends my Great Tang will be punished no matter how far away!~~~"

Immediately afterwards, the voice became louder and louder, and the front gate, west gate, and north gate .36 Fort all shouted up and down.Then the voices gradually gathered and unified, like the roar of a giant dragon shaking the whole field!

(End of this chapter)

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