My Arita

Chapter 274 pondering

Chapter 274 pondering
Early the next morning, the gate of Su Xixi's house was surrounded by people in twos and threes.

After Su Xixi finished her training, she thought something was wrong when she saw the bustle in front of her gate.

"What happened?"

Could it be Su Youtian's family again, running over to show off their presence?

"Xi girl, you are busy, when are you going to Tongqian Town again?"

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the villagers, Su Xixi narrowed her eyes, no wonder she came to her door so early.

These people asked themselves whether it was false to go to Tongqian Town, and if they asked when the chili fruit would be sold, would it be true?

"Xi girl, don't worry, we definitely didn't mean to ask you when you will sell the chili fruit, we just came to take a look."

Su Xixi hehe twice, what is 300 taels of no silver here, these people performed it perfectly.

"This matter, I also know that uncles are impatient. In fact, I am also very anxious. After all, the land can be reclaimed now. Although our family does not have much land, it is all food. These chili fruits are here. There’s plenty of room here.”

With so many peppers, Susie didn't intend to make them all into chili powder.

According to her idea, she was going to make some chili sauce.

With this thing, cooking is a sharp tool.

As for whom to sell to, Su Xixi is not worried at all.

Naturally, Wang Fugui wanted it, even the Xiangyuan Building was her supplier.

But at present, it is still necessary to grind the peppers first.

Since these people are in such a hurry, they probably wouldn't mind helping her with such a small matter, right?

Of course the villagers don't mind, not only don't mind, but also very happy.

After all, there is money for doing things for Su Xixi.

So Su Xixi asked those villagers to get some peppers, clean them first, and then go to the mill to grind them into pulp.

This process is actually very simple, you just need to master the degree of grinding the pepper.

Su Xixi watched for a while, and left after teaching these villagers.

To make chili sauce, watercress is an essential thing.

But whether there is Douban in the village, this is something that even Su Xixi is not sure about.

When they got home, they pulled out Su Dongdong, who was busy stringing peppers, and the two siblings wandered around the fields in Xujia Village.

"Sister, what are you looking for?"

Su Dongdong didn't understand, the family was busy, what did Su Xixi pull herself out at this time?
"I want to find a kind of bean," Su Xixi roughly described the appearance of the pea, "it stands to reason that this time is when the pea is ripe, but why didn't I see it?"

After hearing Su Xixi's words, Su Dongdong was also silent.

"Xixi, did you remember wrongly? I remember that Xujiacun doesn't seem to have this thing."

Su Xixi was also silent, there is no such thing here?

"Forget it, if you don't have it, then you don't have it," Su Xixi waved her hand, the thing was still fermenting, and it would be troublesome to make it.

Anyway, she has money in her Taobao account, so buying fermented Douban directly is the same, but——

"Brother, do you know where there is a big vat?"

"Big tank?"

Su Dongdong laughed all of a sudden, "Sister, are you stupid? Have you forgotten that Xu Dayou's father was a mason?

The bowls and jars made by their family are very strong. "

Xu Dayou, the talented husband-in-law you divorced?
Su Xixi suddenly felt her head was a little big.

(End of this chapter)

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