My Arita

Chapter 257 Did You Ask His Opinion?

Chapter 257 Did You Ask His Opinion?
Liang Sisi was so angry, seeing that the little girl was a nice person, she originally wanted to take a good walk, after all, they didn't have any relatives in this world.

Who knew that the world would get this for you in the blink of an eye.

When Liang Lixin took it back, although he repeatedly explained that there was nothing wrong with it, he was still scolded by Liang Sisi.

No, just after eating, he brought people and things over.

After listening to Liang Sisi's words, Su Xixi understood what happened.

Feelings are because of what he gave to others, which made Liang Sisi angry.

"Aunt Liang, don't be angry, brother Lixin really helped us a lot today, and we feel very sorry.

How about this, if you really don't want to take it, how about I make this meat into braised meat and give it to you? "

Lo mei, what is that?
In fact, Liang Sisi smelled a strong fragrance before entering the room. Now that Su Xixi said it, she was also very curious.

At the moment, something was boiling in the pot, and Su Xixi couldn't explain it clearly to her, so she asked her to wait and see.

When the pig's head meat was cooked, Su Xixi scooped it up.

He cut some for Liang Sisi and asked her to try some.

"Aunt Liang, this is my lo mei, you should try it first."

Liang Sisi has been full of praise for Su Xixi's cooking skills since she ate Su Xixi's cooking last time.

Seeing the red and bright meat in front of him, he ate it without hesitation.

"Oh, Xi girl, how did you make it, why is it so fragrant, it's really delicious."

As soon as she put it into her mouth, she could feel the lingering fragrance in her mouth, which made her reluctant to swallow it.

"Aunt Liang, it's really nothing, it's very simple, if you want to make it, I'll give you some soup later, you can cook meat or vegetables, and this soup can also be used for bibimbap, but Fragrant."

Although Liang Sisi thought the meat was delicious, she quickly refused after hearing Su Xixi's words.

"That can't be done. I heard from Lixin that you want to sell it. How can I want it?"

Although Liang Sisi didn't want it, Su Xixi finally persuaded her to marinate the piece of meat and take it back with her.

Taking advantage of people not paying attention, Liang Lixin moved to Su Xixi's side.

"Sister Xixi, you are the best. My mother made the decision. Even I can't change her mind."

Su Xixi smiled, the mother and son are both very interesting, but it's just a piece of meat, and they still insist on staying to help.

However, it was precisely because of the help of two more people that Su Xixi was able to quickly handle all the meat and vegetables.

When I first built this kitchen, I didn’t intend to make lo-mei. Now I think that there are too few stoves in the kitchen.

After Su Xixi talked about it, Su Dongdong said that he could set up two stoves outside tomorrow.

Although this is considered to be in the yard, there is nothing Su Xixi can do. If every day is like today, if you have to wait for the first pot to be fished out before the second pot, people will not be able to support it at all.

"That's fine, I'll think about it later, how to do it, and then I'll leave it to you."

Mo Yanchen also knew at this time that Liang Lixin went to Tongqian Town with Su Xixi today, and he was very dissatisfied.

"Sister Xixi, let's go back then, see you tomorrow morning."

Hearing that these two people would go to Tongqian Town together tomorrow, Mo Yanchen felt uncomfortable.

Want to go shopping together, have you asked his opinion?
(End of this chapter)

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