scourge the qing dynasty

Chapter 361 4 wars

Chapter 361
"Fuck you, Man Gou! Hongyi cannon, aim at the position of Man Gou's cannon, and give me a hard bang!"

"Mother and son cannon, stop firing! Move forward one mile!"

With the ferocious yelling of Line Fu, the commander of the Fat Man's Armament Squad, the order was conveyed quickly, and the artillery formation of the Fat Man's Army, which had been raging for more than half an hour, fell silent one after another. At the corner, aim at the Qing army fort that was exposed when the artillery was fired just now, and the mother and child artillery team all moved forward to get close to the city wall, using close-range firing to exert greater destructive power on the city wall with solid shells.

"Wu Gou's artillery has stopped! Hurry up and repair the city wall!" At the same time, Le Erjin also jumped up on the Fanchang city wall and shouted loudly: "Wu Gou's artillery is moving forward, repair the city wall quickly, otherwise No chance! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hongyi Cannon, transfer immediately!"

"Transfer the Hongyi Cannon! Hurry! Come and help!" The gunners of the Qing army also knew that they had exposed their targets, so they hurriedly called their companions to turn the cannons, and pushed them to other forts together. Last Ammo.But the Hongyi cannon weighing several thousand catties does not mean that it can be transferred. When the soldiers of the Qing army just pulled the Hongyi cannon back to the open part of the city wall and turned the cannon body, the fat army Hongyi cannon far away from the city wall had already fired. Roaring and rumbling explosions, thirty shells were divided into two groups, roaring and smashing towards the fort of the Qing army.

"Protect the Hongyi Cannon!" I don't know who took the lead in shouting, and several soldiers of the Qing army threw themselves on the Hongyi Cannon, protecting the giant steel beast with their flesh and blood, lest the last two gates of the Leer Jin Army The Hongyi Cannon was destroyed by artillery fire from the Fat Man Army.However, the shells from the Fat Man Army still fell overwhelmingly. Amid the sound of rumbling explosions, the soldiers of the Qing army within the coverage area of ​​the artillery fire were either killed or injured. Countless people were smashed to pieces.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Fatty's artillery shells came one after another, and the soldiers of the Qing army who tried to rescue the artillery also fell into a pool of blood one after another. , I could only watch helplessly as our last two Hongyi cannons were gradually deformed in the artillery fire, the frame was gradually fragmented, and they completely lost the ability to re-shoot.

"Boom! Boom! Boom—!" The sound of continuous shelling came, and the Fat Army's cannons weighing only 180 kilograms quickly arrived at the new position. They were all replaced with solid shells, which were the most damaging to the city wall, and aimed at the Fanchang city wall one after another. The cannon was fired again, and the solid iron bullets weighing more than [-] kilograms hit the city wall. Although the casualties caused to the soldiers of the Qing army were far less than those of the shells, they were the most fatal blow to the dilapidated Fanchang city wall. up.Basically, one shot is a big pit, the bricks of the city wall are smashed, the rammed earth is cracked and broken, and they fall together in clusters, peeling off layers.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to survive today's daytime." Seeing this, Le Erjin completely lost his confidence in sticking to Fanchang. He grabbed a soldier and yelled wildly in his ear: "You, bring ten cavalry to ride Get out of the city quickly! Go after the prince! Tell him that Fanchang cannot hold on for a long time, and let him send reinforcements back immediately! I will do my best to hold back Wugou's main force!"

"Cover! Cover! The servant understands!" Because the sound of the cannon was too violent, Le Erjin's soldiers could only yell and agree as if tearing their throats.

"Remember! You are asking for help from Lord Zhang, not Ghent Baturu. Don't make any mistakes!" Le Erjin yelled uneasy again, until the soldier yelled and promised to hear clearly, Le Erjin Only then let him go out of the city.

"Boom!" The messenger sent to ask Lord Zhang for help had just left the city wall, and another section of the wall collapsed, the fat army cheered again, and the soldiers of the Qing army rushed to the gap with sandbags against the artillery fire, racing against time to repair the city wall frantically.But not long after, two loud bangs were heard from the southeast section of the Fanchang city wall. The two sections of the city wall could not withstand the devastation of artillery fire and collapsed one after another. Everyone looked pale, and rushed to repair the city wall again.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" It was terrible, countless people were smashed to pieces, and were directly blown into meat sauce.At the same time, the infantry team of Fatty Army, who had been holding back for a long time, finally made a move, carrying the ladder, carrying sandbags and pushing the anti-arrow cart, striding forward, trotting towards the east gate of Fanchang - Fatty Lu really wanted to Use artillery to completely collapse the walls of Fanchang City and then attack the city, but considering the productivity of this era, Fatty Lu had to give up this plan and try his best to save some precious ammunition.

"Wu Dog is ready to ascend the city! Archers, musketeers, all get ready!" Le Erjin roared, and the Qing army's archers and musketeers rushed to their positions, but the artillery of the fat army was still roaring, crazily leaning towards The most lethal artillery shells fired by the soldiers of the Qing army shook the ground above the Fanchang City Wall, as well as in the front and rear, and blood spattered.

"Brothers! Do you see? In Fanchang City, there are all butchers who killed countless of our compatriots, full of dogs and beasts!" The fat man in filial piety yelled, "Treat these beasts! What should we do?"

"Kill!" The fat man roared in unison.

"Well said, kill!" Li Kuang nodded vigorously, turned his head to look, and found that his own army had advanced within two miles of the Fanchang city wall, so he raised his saber and roared: "Come on! Kill all the dogs—— !"

"Kill all the dogs!" Amid the roar of thunder, three thousand infantry soldiers of the Fat Man Army ran wildly behind Li Kuang, rushing without hesitation towards the city wall of Fanchang, which was still covered by artillery fire. Do your best to pour artillery fire to the rear of the Fanchang city wall, killing the Qing soldiers and Qing army reinforcements behind the city wall.

"Brothers, Wu Gou is here!" Le Erjin was also doing the final military mobilization, and shouted with red eyes: "If there are too many words, Ben Baylor will not say anything, if you want to survive, kill Wu Gou as hard as you can Otherwise, no one will be able to run away!" The soldiers of the Qing army yelled and agreed, trying their best to cheer up their comrades, and also encourage themselves.

"Kill all the dogs!" In the roar that could not be concealed even by the loud gunfire, the infantry of the Fat Man Army rushed to the vicinity at a flying speed, threw the sandbags and grass bags on their shoulders into the moat, and set up a car to form a temporary defense. In the Arrow Fortress, the soldiers of the Qing army on the city wall were desperately shooting and firing arrows, and the fat army artillery array in the distance continued to pour shells at the back of the city wall. The sound of huge shelling, explosions, shooting, shouting and roaring was mixed together. The shock made the mountains echo, and the mountains and forests trembled.

In the ferocious attack, the first flying ladder climbed up the city wall of Fanchang, and then the flying ladders followed closely, scrambling to climb up the city wall. A fat soldier with red eyes roared and quickly climbed up. Soldiers crazily smashed wood and sheep's head stones, poured hot gold juice made from tung oil and feces, and bullets, cannonballs and arrowheads came and went like locusts in the sky, which was so spectacular that it could hardly be described in words.After Li Kuang, the second wave of siege infantry of the Fat Man Army had already rushed forward.

The infantry siege battle has been intensified from the very beginning. It didn't take long for the well-prepared infantry of the Fat Man Army to fill up a large section of the moat. Hundreds of flying ladders climbed the city wall of Fanchang. He also rushed up the Fanchang city wall, and even entered Fanchang city through the gap.However, the smooth start also came to an abrupt end at this stage. After the initial panic, the cohesive Leer Jin Army quickly adjusted and began a bloody hand-to-hand fight with the Fat Army, fighting for the top position inch by inch. The soldiers of the Fat Man Army continued without hesitation, even though the soldiers of the Fat Man Army were elite, and their firearms were far superior to those of the Qing Army soldiers, they were blocked by death for a while, making it difficult to advance an inch.

At the same time, Wang Xu, the general of the fat army who was in charge of the secondary attack at the south gate of Fanchang, also blasted a hole more than two feet wide in the southwestern section of the city wall of Fanchang through the tactic of concentrating artillery bombardment on one point, and decisively ordered a strong attack. They shared the pressure on the main battlefield, but after attacking the city wall of the south gate, they also encountered desperate resistance from the Garhan tribe of the Qing army. Like the city wall of the east gate, the battle also fell into a stalemate.

The inevitable two-way attack has fallen into a stalemate. This is not only expected by Fatty Lu, but also quite unexpected by Fatty Lu - he did not expect that after Leerjin's team was repeatedly covered and bombarded by the artillery of the Fatty Army , To be able to resist so tenaciously, without showing any signs of defeat.But the more this happened, the more gratified Fatty Lu felt, and he couldn't help but rejoice: "Thank God, fortunately, Kang Mazi handed over the West Front Mangou to Prince Zhang to command and command. A Western Expedition will have to be fought."

"General, how about letting the last general lead the army to attack the North Gate?" Han Daren suggested: "Just now the Manchu cavalry came out of the city from the north gate, which proves that the city gate there must not have been sealed by the Mangou, let the last general attack by force." North gate, use explosives to blow open the city gate and break the deadlock on the battlefield."

"No!" Fatty Lu resolutely vetoed it, explaining: "If there is no accident, the north gate of Fanchang should be the life gate left by Le Erjin for the Mangou team, and it is used to retreat when the battle is unfavorable. Attacking the North Gate cut off Man Gou's last way of life, so Man Gou will have no choice but to fight to the end, which is very detrimental to our army."

"Then how do we break this deadlock?" Han Daren asked again.

"Not yet, the only way is to fight hard!" Fatty Lu waved his hands and ordered: "If you can't stay idle, take five thousand infantry up and attack the east gate of Fanchang with all your strength, forcing Mangou to give up the position at the top of the city."

Without saying a word, Han Daren turned around and left with his fists in his hands, going down to organize a team to attack the city.After a while, the [-] elite soldiers were assembled. Before setting off, the resourceful Han Daren first delivered a speech to the fat army generals, and asked in a loud voice, "Soldiers, I ask you, who are you wearing the heavy filial piety on your body for?" ?”

"For the compatriots!" Five thousand fat soldiers answered in unison.

"That's right, it's for our Han compatriots!" Han Daren yelled, "Although you all know it already, I still want to repeat it again. The filial piety we put on us is for the Chinese who were brutally slaughtered by the dogs 30 years ago." Compatriots wear it! 30 years ago, Mangou entered the customs and killed our Chinese compatriots in tens of millions! In Yangzhou alone, there were 80 Chinese compatriots slaughtered by Mangou! How many are 80 compatriots? People? Holding hands, you can pull two back and forth from Yangzhou to Beijing!"

After shouting here, Han Daren paused, then pointed to Fanchang City where fierce battles were raging in the distance, and said calmly: "Brothers, have you seen that Fanchang City? Now in this Fanchang City, there are two Wan massacred the descendants of our compatriots. The purpose of our western expedition to Fanchang is to capture this Fanchang City and eliminate the [-] descendants of Man Gou in Fanchang City. Our former brothers attacked the city wall, but were blocked by Man Gou Alright, now it's up to us."

"Brothers, I want you to remember that this battle is the first battle in which the main force of our Great Zhou Jiangnan army is dispatched. We are only allowed to win, not to lose!"

"Brothers, I want you to remember that the Emperor Mangou is watching this battle, our Lord Zhou is watching, our General Lu is watching, and all the Chinese compatriots in the south of the Yangtze River are watching. Tens of thousands of Chinese compatriots are watching in the spirit of heaven! If we fail to take down this prosperous city, the Emperor Mangou will laugh his teeth away, the prince of Zhou and General Lu will be disappointed, and our compatriots in the south of the Yangtze River will also feel that they handed over It’s not worth paying taxes to feed us! Our Chinese ancestors would also feel that we are not worthy to be their descendants!”

"Brothers, I want you to remember that in this battle, we are not fighting for our own promotion and wealth! We are fighting for our tens of thousands of Chinese compatriots! We are fighting for our compatriots who were massacred by the dogs!"

"Brothers, if you still have eggs, follow me, follow my flag, and fight for our fellow Chinese! Fight for the honor of our Great Zhou army! No one is allowed to retreat In the end, you are only allowed to die in battle, and you are not allowed to retreat!"

"Fight for the Chinese compatriots!" Countless fat soldiers raised their swords and guns and shouted, and more fat soldiers roared, and five thousand fat soldiers roared together, "Fight for the Chinese compatriots! Fight for the Chinese compatriots!" ! Fight for the Chinese compatriots!"

"Follow me! Kill the dog!" Han Daren roared, turned around and strode towards the city wall of Fanchang, and the five thousand fat soldiers behind strode forward together, constantly roaring, "Kill! Kill! Kill Man Dogs! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill all dogs!"

Striding forward turned into a quick trot, and a quick trot turned into a full-speed charge. It took only half a cup of tea for Han Daren's team to rush to the foot of Fanchang City after a five-mile journey. Han Daren swung his knife and roared. , Hundreds of flying ladders flew up the city wall, and the fat soldiers in white mourning clothes rushed up the ladder with red eyes, just like the white turbulent tide, rushing up the Fanchang city wall in an instant.When the soldiers of the Qing army shouted and charged to stop them, they were shocked to find that they had encountered a group of lunatics this time. As soon as they cut out their steel knives, the lunatics on the opposite side chopped at their heads at a faster speed. As soon as his spear was thrust out, the lunatic's spear pierced into his chest at an even faster speed.

"Kill all the dogs! Kill—!" As the commander of the Fatty Army who has always cherished his own life, Han Daren took the lead to charge up the city wall of Fanchang this time. , when one after another rushed to encircle and fight, Han Daren hacked and slashed like crazy, with unparalleled power, he chopped down three or four Qing soldiers in a blink of an eye.The soldiers of Han Daren's team at the back were also crazier than the other, wielding steel knives and long spears fiercely and fast, desperate to get injured and die, they wanted to drag Qing soldiers to be buried with them, and threw the grenades on their bodies to the densely populated places of Qing soldiers. Rolling and scuffling with Qing soldiers in their arms, stabbing their teeth and fists with knives, machetes and guns, rolling down the city wall with Qing soldiers in their arms and dying together.

"Kill all the dogs!" More and more fat soldiers rushed to the city wall of Fanchang. Seeing that the situation was not good, Le Erjin hurriedly ordered the city's reserve team to go to the city for rescue, and at the same time personally led the fire brigade to make up for the omissions, trying to make up for it. A fat army drove down the city wall again, and under the two-phase charge, the single-handed battle scene of generals, which had not been seen for thousands of years, finally reappeared on the Fanchang city wall where the fat army and the Qing army fought fiercely to the death.

"It's a big man dog!" During the scuffle, when he saw the armor on Le Erjin's body, Han Daren's eyes lit up, he roared and rushed forward madly, slashing his head.

"He's a big traitor!" Seeing the armor on Han Daren's body, Le Erjin's eyes lit up, and he strode forward subconsciously, slashing at Han Daren's neck with his saber, but just as the saber was cut halfway, Le Erjin was in his heart. Screaming, and subconsciously crooked his neck to hide...

"Bang!" Sure enough, when the two knives intersected, the Le Erjin Steel Saber, whose thumbs were chopped off and lost [-]% of its grip, immediately flew into the air. A large piece of Jin's left shoulder was cut off, and a large piece of flesh on Leerjin's left ear and face was also cut off. The blood immediately flowed all over Leerjin's face and half of his body.

"Protect Lord Baylor!" Several of the soldiers of Leerjin who were entangled by the soldiers of the fat army were all shot in the back, and rushed forward to block Han Daren's next knife with their bodies. The soldiers of the Qing army behind were also frightened. His soul was scattered, he dragged Le Erjin and ran back, Han Daren stepped forward to chase, and was immediately stopped by Qing soldiers who came up to rescue like a tide, and watched Le Erjin being carried by the Qing soldiers and disappeared into the chaos. deep.Han Daren couldn't help feeling very regretful, and cursed, "Fucking shit! Luck!"

Although Han Daren missed the once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity to capture the thief and the king first in Leerjin, it was enough. Seeing the ferocity and madness of the soldiers of the fat army, and seeing the Leerjin banner, which has always been charging ahead and retreating behind. Taking the lead in withdrawing the city wall for an unprecedented time, the Qing army, which was completely supported by one breath, suddenly collapsed, and the deadlock at the top of the city was also broken immediately. Going down the city wall, the fat man army captured the east gate city wall almost in the blink of an eye.

The east gate fell, and the morale of the Qing army in Fanchang City was hit hard. The Qing army defenders at the south gate were also greatly affected. Looking around to observe the situation, Wang Xu led a large number of fat soldiers from the south gate to rush up the city wall.Fatty Lu also quickly sent someone to send a large number of Sanhao rockets to the east gate city wall, and ordered the soldiers of the Fatty Army to bombard the Qing army in Fanchang City. The bullets shot at the inner center of Fanchang County, and teamed up with Miyoshi rockets to bombard the Qing soldiers inside the city wall indiscriminately.

When Le Erjin was rescued from the city wall, half of his body was already stained red with blood, and he almost passed out due to excessive blood loss. While he was still a little conscious, Le Erjin quickly grabbed the soldiers next to him and ordered: "Quickly send the order, Fanchang can't hold it anymore, let the army go out of the city to break through, retreat to Digang, let Baka... the rear." After saying that, Le Erjin fell into a coma.

Le Erjin hoped to break out of the siege in an organized way, and his calculations were too good. Although the fat army occupying the top position of the city hadn't had time to enter the city in large numbers, the condescending bombardment and artillery coverage of Sanhao rockets alone were enough to disrupt the Qing army's assembly. organize.At the same time, because of the loss of Leerjin's unified command and coordination, the Qing army also fell into chaos. Yilibu led the reserve team to charge back to the east gate, trying to regain the position of the east gate wall. Guarcha, the guard of the north gate, was greedy for life and afraid of death. He opened the city gate and left the city to flee for his life, driving a large number of Qing soldiers out of the city and fleeing.

At the same time, Fatty Lu's fat face burst into laughter under the banner of the Fatty Army. He never expected Han Daren to be quite good at fighting tough battles, and he took down the city wall position with just one charge.Overjoyed, Fatty Lu hurriedly adjusted his layout and ordered: "Let Wang Xu's team continue to attack the south gate. Within an hour, all the dogs on the south gate wall must be driven off the city wall, and they will bombard me with Sanhao rockets from a high position." !"

The messenger rushed away, and Fatty Lu called Yao Qisheng's eldest son, Yao Yi, to the front, and ordered: "Take three thousand soldiers and one thousand Sanhao rockets to the north gate of Fanchang. It is estimated that the dogs in the city have escaped for seven days." After 8000 people, immediately block the way out of the north gate of Fanchang, catch turtles in the urn and wipe out the remaining dogs in the city."

Yao Yi took the order to go, but Fatty Lu grabbed another soldier, put a command arrow into his hand, and ordered: "Ride the fastest horse, go to the south bank of Nichakou to meet Li Jiyang, and tell him that Digang Mangou is likely to send troops to rescue Fanchang City, and immediately attack the west. If the Mangou navy did not send troops to rescue Fanchang, then don’t rush to attack Digang, first seize the upper reaches, wait for Mangou’s defeated soldiers to board the ship, and then send troops to the city. I hit!"


Fatty Lu was triumphant on the Fanchang battlefield where he had an absolute advantage, but he didn't know that at this moment, the entire fourth-line battlefield in the south of the Yangtze River was already raging with flames.On the eastern front, the Dutch fleet of eight ironclad warships, led by the Ningbo Navy of the Qing Army, has joined forces to reach the vicinity of Chongming Island.Although Mao Yougui, the deputy general of the Fatty Army Navy, and Han Yuanren, the defender of Liuhe Port, resisted with all their strength, but the Dutch double-layer fort three-masted warship was far more advanced than the Fatty Army Bird Ship, and its firepower was much more fierce. The Fatty Army Navy suffered a lot. deficit.

In the end, in desperation, the fat man had no choice but to resort to the sampan tactic of returning to the sky again. Under the cover of night, they blew up a Dutch warship and injured two Dutch warships, and then managed to beat Qing He away. The coalition forces also paid a heavy price. Except for the people in Chongming County on Chongming Island, the rest of the people were massacred by the Qing army and the Dutch soldiers, and more than half of Mao Yougui's fleet was lost.As a last resort, Mao Yougui and Han Yuanren could only quickly send messengers to ask for help from the Li Guodong Marine Division of the General Reserve of the Fat Army in Zhenjiang.

On the southern front, Geng Jingzhong, who was thoroughly irritated by the arrogant attitude of the old man Wu, was also tempted by the conditions proposed by the Qing court to cede the entire territory of Zhejiang. They also sent out an army to attack Yixing, and Guo Yingfu and Huang Ming, the fat man's army, fell into a bitter battle at the same time.The Zheng Jing team in Hangzhou was firstly dissatisfied with the old man Wu's treachery and usurped the emperor, and temporarily terminated the ally relationship with the Fatty Army. Strong support.

Huzhou is the strategic buffer zone preset by the fat army, no matter how badly it fights, it will have little effect. The real danger is Yangzhou Prefecture on the northern line.As Han Daren expected, the Yangzhou Fatty Army, which had only [-] Hongyi cannons, suffered a great disadvantage in the long-range artillery battle with the Qing Army, which had an absolute superiority in numbers. It was not only difficult for the army's Hongyi cannons to completely destroy the Qing army's artillery formations, but they were bombarded by the Qing army's original artillery shells and caused a lot of damage, and the city walls were in a hurry several times.

As a last resort, Gao Dejie had no choice but to ask for help from the rear of the Fatty Army, and asked to send Hongyi cannons to reinforce the Yangzhou battlefield, while sending troops to attack the Qing army's artillery formation.However, Yue Le, who had enough cannon fodder, was determined to kill Gao Dejie. When Gao Dejie left the city with one thousand troops, Yue Le sent three thousand troops. After dispatching [-] troops, Yue Le dispatched all the cannon fodder of the Mongolian cavalry, determined to exchange three for one or even four for one, desperately consuming the precious troops of the fat army.

In addition, Zhou Peigong, who represented Kang Mazi to the Yangzhou battlefield to inspect the battle situation, gave Yue Le another bad idea, that is, once the high-level Czech army leaves the city in large numbers, the Qing army, which has an absolute superiority in strength, will attack another city gate. Forcing Gao Dejie to return to the teacher for rescue.There is also desperately digging horse traps and building anti-horse walls, so as to limit Gao Dejie's best cavalry raid tactics.

"Actually, there is another way." Zhou Peigong also suggested to Yue Le: "In the territory of Yangzhou, there are many Han people who are daring and treacherous. Your lord, you can arrest these thieves in large numbers, and then tell them, If they can fill up the moat of Yangzhou for us, they will be allowed to shave their hair and braids again, otherwise, they will all be executed for treason."

"What? Wugou doesn't care about the life and death of the common people? Forgive me for saying so boldly, the prince is wrong on this point. Wugou's army has always been hypocritical. When we entered the Qing Dynasty 30 years ago, they were the only ones who didn't slaughter the city for us. It is the army of the old thief Wu Sangui. Now that the old thief Wu Sangui has ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he naturally dare not kill the people casually. Besides, even if Wu Gou is so determined to shoot at the people, it will not waste Wu Gou's ammunition. It’s pretty good too? Now that Wugou in the south of the Yangtze River is fighting on the four fronts, how many firearms can be supplied by just a black weapon battalion?”

(End of this chapter)

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