game trailblazer

Chapter 240 Zhang Lexing's Solution

Chapter 240 Zhang Lexing's Solution

Sitting on the rostrum, Zhao Haiguang looked at the crowd of people below, and felt a little relieved in his heart. After several years of development, it was at least much stronger than when the domestic game industry first started.Although the current situation is not optimistic, seeing Zhang Lexing sitting next to him, he felt an indescribable feeling of solidity in his heart. This may be related to Zhang Lexing's good performance in the past.

"Le Xing, what you asked me to inquire about last time has already begun. Jinpan Electronics may be merged into the Jinpan Engineering Research Center of Tsinghua University at the end of this month, and the game department will also be abolished. I asked Yang Nanzheng , he is very interested in your proposal. It just so happens that he also came this time. After the adjournment, you can take time to chat with him face to face. It is not clear whether Tengtu Software will withdraw, but his The Octopus Studio does have plans to come out and do it alone." Zhao Haiguang looked at the audience, leaned a little closer to Zhang Lexing, and said in a low voice.

"Well, that's good. I'll talk to him later. As for Tengtu, let's talk about it." Zhang Lexing nodded and replied in a low voice.

Zhao Haiguang smiled, raised his hand and looked at his watch, the time was almost up, and the audience was almost full, so he switched on the microphone in front of him, tried the sound test lightly, and then announced: "Please be quiet, everyone! Today's domestic game development trend seminar has been held before, but it was more about discussing future development, but today is different. I believe everyone knows the industry situation, so I don't need to repeat it. again...

The current situation is very delicate. Many game companies are thinking about how to survive, but as far as I know, there is no good solution. So today I hope that everyone can jointly discuss a way to survive. This is today The subject of the meeting.Well, well, now the meeting has started. First of all, Mr. Wang, who has working experience in overseas game companies, is invited to speak. He is a top student at Fudan University in Shanghai and has a master's degree in RB. He has worked with well-known RB game companies in the United States for more than six years. work experience. "

When Zhao Haiguang introduced, a man in his 30s sitting on his left stood up, nodded to everyone in the audience, then sat down, took the microphone passed by Zhao Haiguang, and started his speech: " Hello, everyone! My name is Wang Zhijie, from Ningbo, Zhejiang..."

After a brief self-introduction, Wang Zhijie continued: "I have some superficial ideas about the development of the domestic game industry, and the time to think about it is short, and there may be many shortcomings. Please forgive me.

In my opinion, to develop the game industry, we must first work hard on technology and narrow the technological gap with advanced countries, so as to maintain the sustainable development momentum of domestic games..."

Wang Zhijie talked a lot incessantly. The overall meaning is to grasp the game development technology and improve the game production ability, so that the development potential will be sufficient. Unfortunately, his words did not attract the participation of various game companies in the audience. The sympathy of the staff, even the applause at the end was sparse.Everyone knows the slogan of keeping up with the latest game development technology and improving game production capabilities, but this can't solve the current survival problem at all. If you can't survive, who cares about what happens in the future.Even Zhang Lexing, who is passionate about game development technology, couldn't help frowning after hearing Wang Zhijie's words. In fact, his words are not too problematic, but they are out of date.

After Wang Zhijie finished speaking, two other experts appeared on the stage again. As a result, the topic was brought up to promote national culture and make patriotic-themed games, but they were just empty slogans without any substantive content, just like some officials Even Zhao Haiguang couldn't bear this kind of unreliable statement, and he couldn't help congratulating himself for his wise decision. If Zhang Lexing didn't sit on the sidelines, maybe this time he, the chairman of the China Game Industry Association, would I'm going to lose face.

The boring speeches of the experts disappointed the audience. If it weren't for the close relationship between the Dream Fund and the association, many people still had certain expectations for it. Maybe some people left midway, but even with this concern, The expressions on everyone's faces are not much better now.

Noticing the poor mood of the audience and the applause that seemed to be coping, Zhao Haiguang quickly announced: "The speeches of the previous experts were very insightful and inspiring to everyone. Thanks to the experts who attended.

Next, I would like to invite Mr. Zhang, who is sitting next to me, to speak.Mr. Zhang is the founder of the famous "Dream" Fund in the game industry, and he is also a very experienced game designer. Today he just wants to share with you his thoughts and experiences on the development of the domestic game industry. Welcome! "

Immediately there was a burst of warm applause from the audience. Unlike before, the applause was mostly from the hearts of everyone. The "Dream" Fund is well known in the game circle. Many game companies were established because of the funding from the fund, so the applause was full of gratitude. For more people, facing difficulties, they had pinned their last hope on the "dream" fund, so the applause was full of gratitude. expected.Of course, some people have some doubts about Zhang Lexing's identity, and some of them muttered in their hearts, "Isn't he the boss of that creative game company? Why did he become the founder of Dream Fund again?" Daliu applauds.

Zhang Lexing stretched out his hands and pressed down, the applause from the audience gradually subsided, his eyes scanned the audience, and he said: "I know why everyone came here today, it is because the domestic game industry has reached a stage At this critical juncture, due to various reasons, many companies have been unable to sustain themselves. In fact, this is not the worst time. To me, at least half of the companies in the audience will go bankrupt.”

There was an uproar in the audience, and even some irritable people couldn't help standing up and questioning: "Mr. Zhang, why do you say such depressing words!"

"Please be safe, everyone." Zhang Lexing stretched out his hands again and pressed down, and then said: "The reason why I say this is reasonable. I have a survey report here. According to the statistics of Lianbang Software and other organizations , the total sales of genuine game software last year was about 9000 million yuan.”

"Is this a lot?" Zhang Lexing glanced at the audience, and continued, "Actually, 9000 million is not much. Of course, some people may think it is a lot, but how many game companies are there in China? There are 63 million in the audience alone. home, let alone some that haven’t come. How much is left after dividing 9000 million by 63, with an average of more than 140 million per family. Now, if you want to make a better game, the investment is generally more than one million yuan, or even three or four million. This includes the game company’s daily expenses and personnel wages. And the 400 million is not only in the pockets of domestic game companies. According to last year’s statistics, at least two-fifths of it was used by imported games. Take it away, everyone think carefully about how many companies can survive with 9000 million yuan?"

Those who were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to criticize Zhang Lexing were silent, and those who were whispering dismissively just now were also quiet. Everyone was thinking in their hearts how many companies this 9000 million could support.

"Let me do the math for everyone," Zhang Lexing looked at the audience's reaction, and said, "According to the ideal situation, three-fifths of 9000 million is 5400 million, and the development cost of a game is 150 million. , coupled with the profit stratification of distribution channels, it is estimated that a sales revenue of about 300 million is ideal. If each company counts one game, 5400 million means that only 18 companies can survive. But now there are 63 companies under the stage alone, I believe that no one is willing to become a company other than these 18, and the result of fierce competition may not even guarantee the status of these 18 companies.”

Immediately, someone in the audience muttered disdainfully: "Who said it takes so much money to develop a game!"

Zhang Lexing smiled and said: "Just now someone said that it doesn't take 150 million to develop a game. Yes, if you try to lower it, maybe 50 can make a game, but can the quality of the game be guaranteed? It's like a TV. In order to control costs, manufacturers sell black and white TVs as color TVs. Do you think consumers will accept it? You are not the only one in the market who can develop games. Players are not idiots. Even if you use marketing means to let them play games Dang, you think there will be a second time, and this kind of irresponsible method will not only damage the reputation of your family, but also drag down the entire domestic game, so never lower the quality of the game just to save money, and then play What patriotism, the banner of supporting domestic products, let players pay for you."

"Then what should we do, we just have to wait to die?" Someone muttered in the audience.

"Of course we can't wait to die!" Zhang Lexing continued: "We must find a real solution to the problem. What is our main difficulty now?"

"Piracy!" Everyone in the audience shouted in unison.

"Piracy is indeed a big threat, but this problem is not so easy to solve. On the one hand, government departments need to step up efforts to crack down on piracy and cultivate users' awareness of using genuine copies. This is not a short-term solution. On the other hand, it is necessary We rely on our own efforts to make players feel that it is a good deal after buying the genuine version, so as to stimulate them to continue to buy genuine games.” Zhang Lexing also feels a headache about the problem of piracy, which is indeed a difficult problem to deal with. The current pirated discs are about 10 to 15 yuan a piece, the genuine version can be used at a low price to fight, or through the attached peripherals to enhance the attractiveness, but when the cracked version on the Internet becomes popular in the future, and the cost for users to obtain the game is close to zero, the genuine version How to deal with him has not yet figured out.However, he is a little relieved that the public opinion environment is better than before. Although it has not reached the point where most parents take the initiative to help their children buy games to play, at least no one will associate playing games with computer viruses now.

"Of course, the most important thing is the quality of the game itself. If the game is not fun, maybe even the pirated version will look down on you. Okay, let's go back to the market share. The market capacity of 9000 million is too small , although the overseas market is very attractive, I believe that all the companies here are mainly domestic, so we must consider how to expand the market share, so that everyone has more chances to survive. So how should we go about it? What about expanding the market?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Lexing stopped and turned his gaze to the audience.Everyone in the audience thought about this question, and occasionally whispered to each other. A few people who couldn't hold back couldn't help shouting out their own ideas. In fact, it was nothing more than advertising and strengthening publicity. , with small gifts, etc. have long been used rotten techniques.

After waiting for a while, seeing that everyone in the audience did not say any more insightful opinions, Zhang Lexing made a gesture to the staff next to him, and the staff immediately put down the projection screen, turned on the projection and played Zhang Lexing specially invited someone To shoot a video.

"Okay, everyone, watch this video first!" After Zhang Lexing finished speaking, everyone in the audience gradually became quiet, and all turned their eyes to the projection screen.A building first appeared on the screen. The building was not high, about five or six floors. The camera moved forward quickly, and soon entered the interior of the building. After turning a few corners, it entered a room with an open door. There are four long computer desks in the room, and the computers are arranged in pairs on the computer desks. There are about 20 computers in total, and there are people who are using computers sitting in front of each computer.

The camera continued to move, shuttling through the aisle between the computer desks, maybe it would be facing a certain computer monitor, and it turned all the way down. Although the screen flickered non-stop, everyone in the audience could still see the People sitting in front of the computer are playing games, and many game screens are familiar.

This is a voice suddenly coming from the speaker connected to the projection: "How do you charge for playing this?"

Everyone in the audience was shocked, and realized that what they watched just now was not a silent movie, but it should have been filmed on the spot somewhere. Some people also vaguely felt that they seemed to understand something, so they all turned their attention to the movie. Curtain, I intend to see clearly.

"5 yuan an hour, I want to play and pay at the counter." A person who was playing the game on the screen replied impatiently without looking back, and the video stopped abruptly here.

"I don't know how you feel after watching it?" Zhang Lexing looked at the audience and asked.

There was silence in the audience. Some people didn't understand at all and didn't know what to say. Some people understood the video but didn't know Zhang Lexing's intentions and dared not speak.After a while, someone got up the courage to stand up and said, "I know, this is a public computer room, that's what we call it."

(End of this chapter)

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