game trailblazer

Chapter 220 The storm is coming

Chapter 220 The storm is coming
Sorry, the network has not been normal these days. Often some websites or some pages of the website cannot be opened. I just encountered the situation that the starting point could not be opened before. Please forgive me for keeping you waiting for a long time!

On July 1997, 7, the first day of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the whole country was jubilant, and there were celebratory crowds everywhere in China.After artists from the two places held the "Unity of Hearts Parade" in Happy Valley the night before, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government held another "Fireworks Show to Celebrate the Return of China" that night. Under the night sky full of fireworks, people were full of joy. The citizens of Hong Kong are in a good mood, but no one realizes that a storm is about to hit quietly.

On July 7, two days ago, the Thai Prime Minister vowed that "the Thai baht will not depreciate, and we will let those speculators lose their money." The exchange rate system implemented a floating exchange rate system. The Thai baht plummeted 2% that day and began to affect the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. A financial turmoil slowly began to take shape in Southeast Asia.

Half an hour before the news of the Central Bank of Thailand’s “abandoning the fixed exchange rate system” was announced, Zhang Lexing had already received the relevant news. He knew very well that this was a war launched by hedge funds led by Soros’ Quantum Fund. The war of profit-making due to the flaws in the financial system has actually been quietly launched as early as the end of last year, but the Thai people who were still dreaming of tigers and dragons did not notice it at all.

Zhang Lexing has read a lot of relevant information on why the Asian financial turmoil formed and how it will develop in the future, and has also done a rough study of Soros's speculative methods. So when he knew that he would experience the Asian financial crisis for the second time, He started preparing for this day very early on.Of course, Zhang Lexing is not so arrogant that he thinks that he can fight against the world with his own power, trying to quell this turbulent financial turmoil on his own. However, the country (including Hong Kong), which is an important foundation for his industry, does not want to see the tragic situation in Southeast Asia. , although according to his influence, the storm did not directly hit the country, and several attacks by speculators on Hong Kong were repelled, but since he has this ability, he still hopes to play a part in this defense battle. force.

After learning that Thailand had given up resistance, Zhang Lexing turned on his computer, logged in to a free mailbox through a proxy server, and sent out a pre-written email. The content of the letter was very simple, only a few words "The feast has begun." .Not long after, in a room on the third floor of a villa in Pattaya, Thailand, a young man sitting in front of a computer saw the email sent through a satellite receiver. The last 64 bytes of data were copied in, and when the message "Data match, OK" appeared on the decoding software, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

The young people stood up and walked downstairs. This place has been transformed into a large open office area. There are more than 30 computers. The computer screens are full of numbers or curves, and each computer is sitting in front of it. A person who is concentrating, there are a few people sitting on the sofas in the middle, they seem to be relatively leisurely, chatting casually, or drinking drinks in their cups.

The young man clapped his hands, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said, "The boss has spoken, we are going to serve dinner!"

"Yeah!" The idlers on the sofa jumped up and cheered, not caring about drinking or gossip.

With a smile on their faces, the young people began to assign tasks: "Andy, you lead people to watch the price of gold. If it rises sharply, we can start shipping...Miller, pay attention to the spot foreign exchange market... Matt, you are in charge of the stock market, hit me hard... Jennifer, you do the data analysis, I want the most detailed market report in Thailand... Donny, you and Ronnie and Thomas pay attention to the other few in Southeast Asia The situation in this country, we may soon pass..."

"Yes Sir!" The people who were named by the young people responded, and then they all went to their respective posts and started their own tasks.

"Everyone work hard, our Montara Foundation can't be thrown away by that old guy Soros." The young man waved his hand and instructed.

"Okay!" Everyone roared angrily.


After sending the email, Zhang Lexing called Yan Ruofei again and asked her to prepare for a video conference with several rich men in Hong Kong.Half an hour later, Li Ka-shing, Guo Bingxiang, Zheng Yutong and other rich people appeared on the big-screen TV in Zhang Lexing's office.

"Uncles, I wonder if you have read the financial news this morning. The Bank of Thailand has abandoned the fixed exchange rate system." Zhang Lexing smiled and looked at the camera next to the TV, and said to the microphone on the table.

Several wealthy people nodded, but Zheng Yutong sat on the executive chair and asked in a very puzzled manner: "What does the Bank of Thailand have to do with us whether it abandons the fixed exchange rate system? Mr. Zhang came to us specifically, not just for Say something irrelevant."

Zhang Lexing believes that it is impossible for these well-developed and rich people to completely fail to see the impact of the Bank of Thailand's actions. Perhaps it is due to old habits, and Zheng Yutong and others are unwilling to be this early bird.He couldn't help sighing, and continued: "Uncles and uncles are seniors in the business world. They have lived in Hong Kong for decades, and I believe they all have feelings for this place. I just got a very reliable information. The situation has something to do with the attacks of the hedge funds led by Soros. It is estimated that Thailand has no hope of keeping it, but these hedge funds will not stop here. They will continue to wreak havoc in Southeast Asia. The three countries of the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia The country is likely to be their next target, and they may also attack Hong Kong. I think that uncles and uncles should not be willing to see their territory fall into the hands of these foreign hedge funds."

Li Ka-shing laughed and said, "Of course not. Hong Kong is the backyard of all of us, and we certainly don't want people to come in and start a fire. Lao Guo, Lao Zheng, you probably think the same way."

Guo Bingxiang and Zheng Yutong laughed a few times and said, "Li Sheng is right, Hong Kong is a place where outsiders can't just let in and make trouble."

Seeing this, several other wealthy people nodded repeatedly, and echoed: "Mr. Li has already spoken, we can't hold back."

Zhang Lexing felt a burst of emotion in his heart. His career is definitely developing faster than Li Ka-shing, but his influence is still far behind. If he hadn't agreed first this time, I'm afraid he would have to grind with these rich men for a while. It seems that In the future, I have to work harder on network management.

"Uncles, since everyone doesn't want outsiders to disturb the Hong Kong market, I have an idea. I plan to set up a foundation with 70 billion Hong Kong dollars. When Hong Kong is facing attacks from international speculators, the Hong Kong SAR government will definitely intervene. , this foundation can also take the opportunity to contribute. But one person's power is limited after all, so I hope that all uncles and uncles can also contribute."

This time it was Li Ka-shing who spoke first, and he promised to invest 40 billion Hong Kong dollars to join the Hong Kong Defense Foundation. When someone started, other rich people felt embarrassed to show weakness and agreed to contribute to the foundation. With more than 260 billion Hong Kong dollars, Zhang Lexing's first line of defense for Hong Kong has begun to take shape.

Of course, the main force to defend Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the support from the central government. After all, even if Zhang Lexing pulls together all the wealthy people in Hong Kong, he may not be able to spend so much money to fight against the surging hedge funds, so Zhang Lexing The plan is to make a key blow at the right time. The main force is still the funds drawn from the Montara Foundation, and this fund of more than 260 billion Hong Kong dollars will be used as a defensive force to ensure that the funds from the Montara Fund The funds that will be transferred can catch up with the critical moment.

On July 7, hedge funds began to launch direct attacks on countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Malaysian stock market fell to its lowest point in 9 months. The central banks of the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia announced that they would intervene in the foreign exchange market and intend to continue to support their countries currency.Just two days later, countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia were unable to maintain their original exchange rates and were forced to announce the expansion of the floating range of their currencies. The financial crisis in Southeast Asia gradually intensified.The Montara Foundation is also divided into several parts at this time, one part remains in Thailand, and the other part follows the country speculators into the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries, trying to dig out more cakes in this feast.


At this time in China, only a very small number of people are aware of the financial crisis, and more people are still immersed in the joy of the return of Hong Kong and the prosperity of the motherland, while the players are enjoying the flood of games.There are a lot of games on the market this summer. EA has launched a "Summer of Electronic Arts" and launched games including "Crazy Monster Truck", "Die Hard", "Super Stupid Cat", "Beast and the Wild" in one go. Hillbilly, Independence Day, Advanced Tactical Fighter Gold Edition, and Three-in-One Boutique Games, Taiwan game companies have also launched a series of games including Silent Hunter, Fire Fighter, Slam Dunk, etc. ", "Fringe Theater" and a series of self-developed or agent games.Mainland game companies have also launched a series of self-developed or agency games including "Between Life and Death", "Opium War", "Legend of Heroes of Time and Space", "Intercontinental Storm", etc., especially Totem Company launched Twelve new and old games, in addition to three self-developed games "Water Margin Heroes", "Monkey King" and "Firefox" preview.

In comparison, Fengyun Interactive has relatively few games in the summer vacation, but all of them are high-quality goods, such as the re-made "Maximum Alert" expansion pack "Defense of China", which was born out of the planning of "Blood Lion", and some of them are hot sellers. The game's sequels "Blood War on the Bund 2", "Legend of Sword and Fairy 2", "Three Kingdoms 2" and so on, have the turn-based strategy game "Three Kingdoms Strategy" launched by its game studio, and of course there is also the most important game that Zhang Lexing pays attention to "Adventure King", plus several imported games such as "Sim City 3000", "Theme Hospital", and "Diablo".

Compared with previous years, Fengyun Interactive released quite a few games during the summer vacation, but it was not outstanding compared with other companies, especially game agency companies. Out of the encirclement, relatively good results were harvested.However, the centralized listing of a large number of games and the increasingly sophisticated methods of piracy have resulted in no crazy sales of more than 8000 sets this year like last year. The best result was more than 2 sets created by "Highest Vigilance: Defense of China". In addition to the 2 sets of "Blood Battle on the Bund [-]" and "Legend of Sword and Fairy [-]", the remaining games of Fengyun Interactive basically passed the [-] sets pass line.

However, the life of other companies is not so easy. Many companies have worked hard to develop a game and may sell two or three thousand sets. , or simply lose money, and those who can make money are rare.In contrast, it is easier to be a pure agency company. As long as you have a clear vision when choosing games and a tighter tone when negotiating, it is quite easy to make money.After some setbacks, many companies began to think about how to control costs, and even laid off employees. Only the leading companies behaved differently. Because they made a lot of money through game export, bundled sales and agency, they not only did not shrink , On the contrary, it began to expand aggressively, recruited a lot of game developers, and launched several game projects in one go, "Water Margin Juyi Chapter", "Journey to the West: Monkey King" and "Gesar "Wang" and even "A Dream of Red Mansions" were dug out. For a while, the leading company was full of people's voices every day, and there was a scene of a prosperous Kaiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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