game trailblazer

Chapter 215 The Rebirth of "Blood Lion"

Chapter 215 The Rebirth of "Blood Lion"
According to Wu Gang's thinking, since others have invested money, the task must be completed no matter what. stand up".

Hearing this, Zhang Lexing became angry immediately, took a step forward, glared at Wu Gang and asked, "Are you responsible to the investors?"

Wu Gang nodded: "Of course, others paid for it."

"Are you responsible to the seller?" Zhang Lexing asked again.

Wu Gang nodded again: "Of course, I contacted them after all, and they also paid for it."

"You..." Looking at Wu Gang's innocent expression, Zhang Lexing felt so angry that he yelled at him, "You bastard, have you ever considered players? Investors' money is money, distribution The merchant's money is money, but the player's money is not money. Could it be that the player's money is all blown by the wind!"

Zhang Lexing's words carried an irrefutable momentum. Wu Gang opened his mouth, but couldn't say a complete sentence: "But we..."

"Do you want to say that it's your first time developing a game, and you can be forgiven if you don't do well?" Zhang Lexing glanced at Wu Gang and helped him say what he wanted to say.

Wu Gang nodded again and again: "Yes, that's what I mean."

"Fuck, you guys are developing games for the first time, so there's no reason why you can't do well. If you really feel that your level is not good enough, don't come out to harm others, go back and do your promising career in software development Let's go." Zhang Lexing roared again, and at the end he changed the subject and asked, "How much are you going to sell this game for?"

Wu Gang was taken aback, and instinctively replied: "98 yuan a set."

"98 yuan! Have you ever thought that many people who buy games are still students or people who have just started working. For students, 98 yuan is likely to be half a month's living expenses. For those who just started working In other words, 98 yuan is probably a fraction of his income. Just relying on your shabby game, do you have the nerve to ask someone to pay for it!"

Zhang Lexing continued to vent his anger for many years, Wu Gang no longer dared to answer, and the two artists next to him who were eager to refute at first also showed a face of embarrassment.

After scolding for a while, Zhang Lexing's anger gradually calmed down: "What plans do you have after "Blood Lion" is finished?"

Sensing the change in Zhang Lexing's tone, Wu Gang raised his head and said, ""Blood Lion" may not be a success, but I believe that after this experience, it will be even better next time I make a game."

Hearing what Wu Gang said, Zhang Lexing somehow remembered "Fire Civilization", and his temper, which had calmed down a bit, rose again, and his tone became much worse: "You still want to do it, do you plan to toss about ten or twenty people? After a month, you may not be able to let others wipe your ass for you. Forget it, I think you should learn how to develop games first and then think about these things."

At this moment, a voice came from behind Zhang Lexing: "Who are you, why do you say that?"

Zhang Lexing turned around and saw that there was a young man standing at the door with an extremely ugly face. It was obvious that he had heard what he had said before.Although the young man's tone was very rude, Zhang Lexing was not angry, but smiled instead.

Before Zhang Lexing could speak again, Luo Xunji first introduced: "This is the principal of our Fengyun Game Academy and a senior game developer with more than ten years of experience. I think he should have enough qualifications to judge everyone. work."

Wu Gang and several of his team members were obviously taken aback. They had heard about Fengyun Game Academy. This is the highest school for game majors in China. Many companies are proud to have graduates of Fengyun Game Academy. Shang Yang Electronics was a late start. When entering the game industry, I just missed the time when the students graduated, so the current development team was formed.The reason why Wu Gang chose Luo Xunji at the beginning was because of his experience of graduating from Fengyun Game Academy.

However, everyone did not expect that the person who looked like a dealer who came here today suddenly became the principal of Fengyun Game Academy. If Wu Gang didn't know the details of Luo Xunji, to be honest, he would never believe it. .For the New Year's Eve, a headmaster would come here to find fault with something he did not do well, at least from Wu Gang's point of view, he would not be able to do such a thing.However, the name of the principal of Fengyun Game Academy is still very bluffing. At least people like Wu Gang were frightened, and they didn't dare to question any more, so they had to stand there and wait quietly for their punishment.

After venting his anger, Zhang Lexing felt much happier in his heart. He glanced at the people who were standing there blankly, and secretly made up his mind that this time he must not let such a rubbish game enter the market.Reaching out his hand to take out the phone from his purse, Zhang Lexing didn't even look at Wu Gang and the others, because he knew that these people didn't have the right to make decisions.

Pressed a few numbers on the mobile phone, dialed Wang Mengyao's number, first briefly introduced the situation of "Blood Lion", and then Zhang Lexing continued: "Mengyao, you should immediately contact the general manager of Shangyang Electronics. Immediately buy out "Blood Lion" from them, including the dealer's information, and use the fastest speed. If they don't want to, you can mention the situation I just mentioned, I think they should do it Make a smart choice. In addition, you arrange a few developers to come to the fourth floor of unit xx, xx building, xxx road, Asian Games Village. They must have senior planning, art, and programs. I need them to check the information here. Also, please contact A moving company, there are a lot of things that need to be moved here."

"Okay boss, I'll arrange it right away." Wang Mengyao's voice came from the phone.

Zhang Lexing approached Wang Mengyao at this time because the BJ office of Dongfang Holdings had been at work for a few days. Although there was nothing to deal with for the time being, all the personnel were already in place, so there was no need for him to contact all parties in person.

Twenty-five minutes later, the developers arranged by Wang Mengyao arrived. Under Zhang Lexing's command, they were going to read the relevant materials of "Blood Lion". Now Wu Gang and others were in a hurry and stepped forward to stop them.Wu Gang saw that these people were called by Zhang Lexing, and he immediately pointed the finger at Zhang Lexing, accusing him angrily: "Comrade principal, what do you mean by this, this is our internal information, how can you mess around."

Zhang Lexing's cell phone rang just right, he picked it up and listened for a while, with a smile on his face.Putting down the phone, Zhang Lexing looked at Wu Gang and said, "Okay, everything here has nothing to do with you. If you have any questions, call your general manager yourself."

After speaking, Zhang Lexing directed his own developers to start collecting and organizing data.Wu Gang felt that something was wrong, he rushed to the living room immediately, picked up the phone handle, dialed the familiar number, and then said into the microphone: "President Shen, there are people here to make trouble, they..."

Before Wu Gang finished speaking, a shocking news came out from the phone. He only felt his head buzzing. He couldn't understand a word of what Mr. Shen said later. I don't know either.

Several other team members saw that Wu Gang's expression changed not long after he picked up the phone, and they all surrounded him, wanting to find out what happened.Wu Gang looked at the concerned gazes around him, sighed, and said, "The project "Blood Lion" has been bought out by another company, and we will hand over all the materials to them now."

"What?" Several people exclaimed in unison: "Then what are we going to do in the future?"

"Mr. Shen knows that everyone has worked hard in the past, so he gave everyone a vacation for a while, and will report to the company on the [-]rd of next month. As for what to do in the future, I don't know now. I can only listen to the arrangement then." Wu Gang bitterly Shaking his head, Shen always knew that the progress of the "Blood Lion" project was not smooth. Months of hard work really came to naught.But right now he has no other choice, the boss has already spoken, what else can he do but follow through.

The few people standing next to Wu Gang were silent, with complex expressions on their faces, unable to tell whether it was joy or sadness.

Half an hour later, several developers had sorted out the information about "Blood Lion", including computers and computer desks, and labeled them under Zhang Lexing's instruction.At this time, seven or eight black and thin men poured into the three-bedroom room again, and the leader of the men came in and shouted anxiously: "Who is the boss, we are here to move things."

Hearing the voice, Zhang Lexing came out from the room, looked at these people, and asked, "Are you from the moving company?"

The black and thin man in the lead nodded and said, "Yes, you are the boss? Where are the things you want to move?"

Zhang Lexing pointed inside and said, "Of course someone will tell you what to bring when you go in!"

"Okay, boss." The leading black and thin man nodded with a smile, then waved his hand and said, "Brothers, follow me!"

With a greeting, seven or eight black and thin men poured into the workshop inside, and began to move things under the command of the developers who came first.

"Be careful, don't break the rope that binds the materials, or else it will be cleaned up once it falls apart."

"Okay, I'll be careful."

"So who, there is a computer in that box. Do you know the computer? It's a very expensive thing. Be careful when you move it, don't bump it, and put it down lightly. What if it breaks!"

"Okay, I'll take it easy."

"Hey, who told you to move around, this place hasn't been cleaned up yet, so move over there first!"

"Oh, good."

Wu Gang and several of his team members were sitting on the sofa in the living room in frustration. When those black and thin men entered the door just now, they were not even interested in getting up and asking. Watching the people coming and going in the house, shuttling and busy.Luo Xunji was also standing in the living room, because no one greeted him, and he was embarrassed to participate in the moving operation, and he was even more embarrassed to sit with Wu Gang and others, so he stood there in embarrassment.

A black and thin man was walking out with a stack of books packed in a cardboard box. He accidentally slipped his foot and the whole box of books fell to the ground.The artist sitting next to Wu Gang suddenly stood up, rushed forward to pick up a few books, and said excitedly, "I still want to read these books, so I can't take them away."

The black and thin man stopped doing it, and stretched out his hand to snatch the book back. He muttered impolitely: "The boss said he wanted to move it, so it's none of your business."

When the two were arguing, Zhang Le walked over and asked, "What's the matter with you two?"

"Boss, he snatched my book!" Seeing the boss coming, the black and thin man immediately regained his courage.

"This is my book!" the artist said aggrievedly.

Zhang Lexing took a closer look, and it turned out that there were several books about the use of 3DStudio, but they seemed to be stamped with the seal of Shangyang Electronics on the side, so he asked: "Did you buy this book yourself or the company paid for it?"

The artist explained: "The company paid for it, but this..."

"It's fine if the company buys it." Before he finished speaking, Zhang Lexing interrupted him, waved at the black and thin man, and said, "Move!"

The artist struggled a few times, but the book in his hand was still taken away by the thin black man. He sighed and sat down on the floor weakly.After more than an hour, all the things that should be moved have been moved downstairs, and the "Blood Lion" development base, which seemed lively two days ago, suddenly became very empty.

Zhang Lexing sat on a chair, watched a few black and thin men put together the last things, walked out of the house with their shoulders on their backs, turned to look at Luo Xunji who was still in a daze, and shouted at him Voice: "Luo Xunji, why are you still in a daze, I have to go."

"Oh, good." Luo Xunji woke up suddenly, nodded happily, and followed Zhang Lexing and others to go downstairs.

Looking at the already empty "development base", Wu Gang and others sighed in unison. Their moods were indescribably complicated, but they felt that the burden that had been pressing on them had been unloaded, and they felt a sense of relief in their hearts. Feel.

When they came downstairs, the black and thin men had already piled up the things they had moved down into two trucks. Zhang Lexing turned around and looked upstairs. In the three-bedroom apartment on the fourth floor, a serious blow was about to happen. It is a game of confidence for mainland players, but this time it will definitely not happen again.Zhang Lexing believes in his team, as long as they are given a little time, it is impossible to make a game that is not a game at all. "Blood Lion" is about to usher in its new life.

Withdrawing his gaze from upstairs, Zhang Lexing turned around and got into the car driven by Ma Guanghai, patted the driver's seat lightly, the car quickly started to drive out, and the two trucks and the commercial vehicle in which the developers were riding also immediately Followed up, a group of people headed towards the direction of the creative workshop...

(End of this chapter)

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