game trailblazer

Chapter 209 Summer Storm

Chapter 209 Summer Storm

In 1996, after the expansion of Fengyun Game Club was completed, member activities became a regular gathering once a month. The originally slightly crowded venue became spacious after expansion, and the number of players who came to the party also hit a record high. Xingao not only has local players from BJ, but sometimes there are also players from surrounding areas, and even occasionally there are fanatical players who come by plane to catch the game. On the last weekend of July, on a very ordinary Saturday morning, the Fengyun Game Club, which had been quiet for a while, became noisy again. This month's membership activities started, and this time the theme was the game COSPLAY.

Zhao Wei chose to join the Fengyun Game Club last year because he wanted to get more free game coins from the Oriental Electronic Game City. However, after participating in several membership activities, his interest gradually changed. The popular arcade games that were originally very attractive Games are no longer in his eyes, and he now likes the feeling of playing against people online.

The game appreciation area in Fengyun Game Club has a lot of games for players to choose from, ranging from role-playing "Legend of Sword and Fairy", "Xuanyuan Sword", "Magic Gate", to No.1 shooting "Doom II", " Destroy the Witcher and Bloody Battle on the Bund, as well as the popular action game "Crusader" and shooting games "Fury Tank", "Nova Storm", and all kinds of simulation management, strategy simulation, adventure decryption, and even Also includes some of the newest games just seen in the magazine.However, among so many games, the most popular and attractive ones are real-time strategy games, such as "Command and Conquer" and "Warcraft 2", as well as the newly added "Three Kingdoms", all have their own fans. Some people will invite friends to play a few rounds, and even on non-member event days, some people will pay for a few rounds, anyway, the charge of 4 yuan per hour is still affordable.

Whenever it comes to the member event day, the place with the most people must be the game appreciation area. Even if the number of computers is increased to 50 later, it still cannot satisfy the players who are full of expectations, so that it even makes other areas become It's hot.Anyway, they are waiting in line to receive a number. Players whose numbers are far apart often choose to watch performances and eat, or go to the board game area to try their skills. Welcome, even many players waiting in the game appreciation area will gather together to play one or two games to pass the boring time of waiting, or play battle cards with two or three people.In short, waiting is boring, but there are still plenty of options to pass the boring time. With the addition of different themed activities on each member event day, players can always return with a rewarding experience and feel that the trip is worthwhile.

This time, Zhao Wei came directly to the game appreciation area as usual, and Li Wenbo and Wu Yufei, who came with him, went to the board game area. It is said that there are new games coming there, and the rules of the killing game have also been upgraded, but these Even Zhao Wei's "heart of real-time strategy" cannot be shaken. He has already made up his mind to fight hard.After receiving the license plate, he sat in front of the computer and turned on the power. As soon as he reached the desktop, Zhao Wei noticed that there was a new game, and there was an icon called "Highest Alert Experience Edition" in the real-time strategy area.

"Isn't this the game that was introduced in last month's journal? Unexpectedly, I can play it myself." Zhao Weiyi sighed, and clicked on the "Highest Alert Experience Edition".

The screen went dark for a moment, and soon the "Highest Alert Experience Edition" screen appeared. Zhao Wei was surprised to find that the single-player game could not be clicked, and he could only choose the online game. He couldn't help but frowned slightly.

When Zhao Wei was hesitating, he suddenly heard someone shout: "3vs3, there is still one person short, if you are interested, join the 'Qiaojiabao Assault'."

Hearing this, Zhao Weiyi immediately forgot to think about the problem of single-player games. He quickly clicked a few times and successfully joined the 3-on-3 game "Qiaojiabao Assault". He chose an organization called "Central State Alliance" and chose red as the color, and the game soon began.

As the screen turned on, Zhao Wei found that there was an extra thing in the middle of the screen, which looked like a car. After he selected it with the mouse, he could really move around. With the literacy cultivated in "Command and Conquer", he quickly Judging that this is his base car, he quickly unfolded the base, and several icons appeared on the black panel on the right.

Zhao Wei looked at it for a while, and it was a bit similar to "Command and Conquer", so he followed his previous experience, first built a power plant, then built a mine, and then another mine.As soon as the second mine was put on the ground, the power immediately fell below the green line. Zhao Wei hurriedly repaired another power plant. At this moment, he remembered that he was not armed yet, so he built another barracks and sent out several guns. He and the soldier who threw the grenade began to explore the surroundings.

Not long after running out, Zhao Wei found a green mining truck. Obviously there was another player nearby. Based on the habit of beating people and paying money first, he commanded his soldiers to sneakily shoot at the mining truck. After several rounds of attacks, the mining cart exploded.At this time, another mining vehicle came, and Zhao Wei organized troops to continue the siege. After blowing up the second mining vehicle, he led his men and ran away quickly.Not long after running out, a wailing sounded in the game appreciation area: "Who hit my mining truck, it's too despicable."

Before the words fell, the same wailing voice sounded again: "Damn it, whose soldier is this? Why did it get here. My God, I will throw grenades, ah, my barracks!"

Not long after, the player who chose green as the flag became sad. He looked at his messy base in pain, and the soldiers who were slowly strafing or throwing two grenades in the base, and sighed incomparably resentfully: "What are you doing? , I just want to play games!"

After a successful blow, Zhao Wei was elated. He also sent out the newly created soldiers and two tanks in the base. After the two troops joined together, they continued to look for other players. The original 3v3 alliance had already been established. Forgotten by him.Soon the purple player was discovered by Zhao Wei again. Relying on his strength and strength, he rushed forward and was beaten up. The opponent barely resisted and then collapsed. Zhao Wei only paid the price of 4 soldiers and flattened him again family.

Just when Zhao Wei was full of ambition, he suddenly found that six blue tanks appeared in his base. When he realized that the enemy had come, the troops left behind in the base had been destroyed one by one, leaving only the last tank. Still smoking tanks.Zhao Wei panicked. While working hard to produce troops in the barracks and arsenal, he called back the attacking troops outside.When the attacking troops rushed home panting, what Zhao Wei faced was also a mess. Although the buildings were basically still there, there was not a single power plant left. Can slowly wait for the first power plant to produce.

Before Zhao Wei could breathe a sigh of relief, another seven or eight yellow tanks rushed out from the left side of the screen, followed by a bunch of soldiers, looking at the only two remaining tanks in the base that were emitting green smoke and five, Six small soldiers, a feeling of despair rose from the bottom of his heart.After a while of ping-pong-pong, five or six yellow tanks and a pair of soldiers swept past Zhao Wei's base like a whirlwind, leaving only a clean, smoky ground.

At this time, Zhao Wei calmed down, and looked up at the wall clock on the wall in a leisurely manner. He found that although it felt like a long time had passed, in fact, this tense and fierce battle only took him seven years. It took more than a minute, and the battle between the remaining few people was over within 4 minutes.Compared with the previous real-time strategy games, Zhao Wei feels that the game speed of the "Supreme Alert Experience Edition" is faster, usually with regular-sized maps. The previous games usually took more than 10 minutes to see the results, but now this game It only takes about 10 minutes, which is quite time-saving in comparison, and the feeling of fighting is more tense and intense.

Zhao Wei knew that if he wanted to play the "Maximum Alert Experience Edition" better, he had to adjust his strategy. Just now, when he played for the first time, he fought indiscriminately, and even the 3v3 game became Although the six-party melee was very interesting, it turned into a chaotic battle, so he began to think about his own gains and losses in this round, and pondered how to deal with the next round of battle.

Players who were still playing other games accidentally noticed this fierce and interesting melee, so they started to try it out one after another. After all, compared with ancient or alien gold and iron horses, modern warfare such as tanks and cannons is more difficult for players. Their attraction is still much greater.As a result, the "Highest Alert Experience Edition" quickly occupied the screens of most computers, and this situation continued even after the replacement. If these computers were not equipped with headphones but speakers, the entire game viewing area would probably be flooded with There was the sound of gunfire.

It's a pity that the time of the game always passes quickly, especially the game is very attractive, and when there are many people waiting next to it, it seems that there are too many monks, and the time seems to pass by with a swipe, and it is not enjoyable to play at all.On the second day, players who had played the "Supreme Alert Trial Edition" yesterday and some players who had heard the news came to Fengyun Game Club one after another, but they found a new game "Legend of Black Stone Trial Edition", which was simple to operate and easy to use. And it can also be online, which immediately attracted many players to join in.

As a result, at the end of the day, not only did they fail to enjoy the "Supreme Vigilance Trial Edition", but the players missed the "Black Stone Legend Trial Edition". Unfortunately, the event day is over, and even if they pay to play, they have to wait until the next weekend. The feeling of not being able to get up or down makes many players feel like they are scratching their hearts. Many players who have no chance to participate in the interaction on the spot have heard about the hot scenes of these two games through newspapers and magazines. endlessly.Those players who have seen "Maximum Alert" and "Legend of Blackstone" or not, after two weeks of torment, many of them secretly made up their minds to buy a set and go home as soon as the game is ready for release. Even some computer rooms that have just opened have noticed these two games that have just become popular.

In the first ten days of August, some D-version disc sellers with fixed booths began to be frequently harassed. From time to time, people would come to ask if there were two games, "Highest Alert" and "Legend of Blackstone". Unfortunately, these D-versions The CD seller has never seen it himself, so he can only wait helplessly and depressedly for the new product to be released by the previous seller.Some quick-thinking D-version CD vendors printed a batch of covers themselves, and used other game CDs to pretend to be "Supreme Vigilance" and "Legend of Blackstone", and made a small fortune by taking advantage of the chaos.

On August 8th, the day when the simplified Chinese versions of "Highest Alert" and "Legend of Black Stone" were launched, Fengyun Interactive has prepared 10 sets of "Highest Alert" and "Legend of Black Stone" in advance through preheating and based on market feedback information. "Legend of the Black Stone" has been spread into the channel, but I still have more than 3 sets in my hand to deal with members' mail orders and some emergencies.As for the traditional Chinese version and other language versions, Asia Interactive, American Activision and British EIDOS are in charge, and the launch time is also set on the same day.

Before 8 a.m. on August 10, every software store covered by the Fengyun Interactive channel placed the simplified Chinese versions of "Highest Alert" and "Legend of Blackstone" in the most prominent positions.As soon as nine o'clock arrives, as soon as the door of the exclusive store opens, players flock to them, pick up one or two games from the most conspicuous position, and leave after paying. For example, the owner of the computer room who has been disappointed with the D-version CD seller, the D-version CD manufacturer who wants to rush the time, etc.

Most of the players who bought the game couldn’t wait to install it on the computer and play it a few times, but most of them can only experience the single-player game at home or bully the computer in a multiplayer game or be bullied by the computer. A few lucky ones have the opportunity to experience the feeling of playing against others because they have two new computers at home or because people in the same dormitory buy more computers.Some game rooms that were lucky enough to snap up a set of two sets of games and go back quickly became the most popular places in the city with their own advantages. Even many players who bought genuine games couldn't help but go online Well, the game scene is so popular that some savvy bosses find that it is a good idea to buy genuine games occasionally.

The D-version disc manufacturer who secretly bought back several sets of games was envious of the hot sales in software stores, so he could only urge his technicians to crack the games as soon as possible every day.Finally, someone cracked "Highest Alert" in less than two weeks, and then "Legend of the Black Stone" was also successfully cracked. The D-version disc manufacturer rushed to produce the master disc, and then put it on the assembly line, and began to produce it frantically .

But fortunately, Fengyun Interactive's action of mass distribution in advance has achieved good results. The simplified Chinese versions of "Highest Alert" and "Legend of Black Stone" have exceeded [-] sets of sales in just twelve days. About [-] sets were sent out through mail order channels. Although the pirated copies flooded in two weeks later and the sales plummeted, but relying on the reserves of the first two weeks, "Highest Alert" and "Legend of the Black Stone" still created an incredible sales. Record.

Many game companies that are paying attention to Fengyun Interactive and companies that are planning to enter the game industry have also seen this achievement. While envious, they have also started their own projects, or started to enter the game industry. Wu Gang and others went to investigate Shangyang Electronics. Under Wu Gang's persuasion, their manager Shen finally approved the proposal of developing the game, and handed over the matter to Wu Gang to take full responsibility, and began Shangyang Electronics' first test in the game industry. .

(End of this chapter)

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