Reborn 1990 Get Rich

Chapter 867 Death Penalty

Chapter 867 Death Penalty
With a snap, the recording pen slipped from Lin Hanyi's hand, and he looked at Lin Cuican in disbelief, "Your Aunt Liang's stole it?"

Lin Cuican was already stupid, she never thought that Liang Xiaoyue would dare to record, now she can't speak clearly even with ten mouths.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Hanyi only felt angry, "You are talking, is it you?"

The facts are in front of his eyes, but he still refuses to believe it, deceiving himself and others here.

Lin Xuhan thought it was ridiculous. It really was because of the different level of care and effort, because she had been with her since she was a child, and even if Lin Cuican made a big mistake, her father could turn a blind eye and close it. One eye, even forgiveness...

On the other hand, if she hadn't worked hard on her own to let her father's conscience find out, I'm afraid that father and daughter will still be strangers in this life.

Probably out of impatience, Lin Cuican suddenly sneered, "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, didn't you hear it all?"


Lin Hanyi's eyes widened, looking at her as if he was looking at a monster, "Has your conscience been eaten by a dog? That's your sister's aunt, or half of your cousin, how could you do that?" Something so insane?"

Lin Cuichan glared at Lin Xuhan viciously, with blood in her eyes, "My own sister? What kind of sister is she? Was she born to the same mother as me? She has been my nemesis since childhood, and she took away what belongs to me. Everything, why should I still recognize her as my sister?"

" are simply unreasonable. Why did your sister treat you badly? She tried her best to find a way out for you and wanted to send you to be a soldier, but in the end you ran away from home and trampled on other people's kindness. Wait until you come back, she kindly gave you extra lessons, and you are against her everywhere, what you told me before, if you want to be sisters with Xu Han, are you just farting?"

Lin Cuican sneered, "Of course, how could I want to be sisters with a slut like Lin Xuhan? Am I out of my mind? She is a robber who snatched everyone around me, and even kidnapped me. Mom got into jail, and now it's my turn to go to jail, aren't you happy?"

Lin Hanyi's chest rose and fell, and these words almost didn't make him lose his temper on the spot.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he wouldn't have known that Lin Cuican had always thought this way, that his thinking was so distorted... However, he thought she was a simple and ignorant child who just messed around a bit willfully...

The policeman tapped the table impatiently, "That's enough, you guys want to film family ethics dramas and let me go home, this is not a place for you to argue.

Lin Cuican, don't think that you can get away with the crime without admitting it. The drug was found in your hotel room with only your fingerprints on it. This is a new type of drug that is extremely harmful. If the mastermind speaks out, he will most likely be sentenced to death. "

The word "death penalty" made Lin Cuican tremble, "What is a death penalty? Didn't I just sell my own child? It's my own child, why can't I sell it? Give me some drugs. It doesn't matter, I must be framed by a bitch..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly pointed her finger at Lin Xuhan, "She is the mastermind behind the scenes! She wants to send me to jail, that's why she created so many crimes against me!"

Is the wife of the chairman of Xuanhe Group the mastermind?

The policeman looked at her as if he was looking at a fool, and slapped the table hard, "Lin Cuican, if you pretend to be crazy, we won't be so polite. Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. You are still young. You don’t want to just ruin your life like this, do you?”


Isn't her life over?The scenes of her being with Feng He were all captured by reporters, and the matter of buying and selling children has also been exposed, and now she is charged with drug trafficking.

The more Lin Cuican thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and the more he thought about it, the more desperate he became. Suddenly, he jumped up from his seat like crazy, but Lin Xuhan rushed over, "Lin Xuhan, I will fight with you!"

As if she had expected her to make such a move, Lin Xuhan took a step back in a calm manner, and the policeman quickly pushed her down, and at the same time buckled her ankles with the chair legs.

In this way, Lin Cuican couldn't move at all, and could only swear and curse, like a mad dog biting people indiscriminately.

She cursed viciously, "Lin Xuhan, you bastard, you set me up like this, even if I become a ghost from now on, I won't let you go, just wait and see!"

Lin Xuhan smiled lightly, "I was never afraid of you when you were a human being, let alone a ghost, I advise you to confess your sins and strive for a chance to reform."

After saying that, she didn't bother to look at her ugly appearance here anymore, so she turned and walked out.

Even after leaving the room, Lin Cuican's yelling and cursing didn't stop, causing headaches.

Lin Hanyi followed out disheartened, the blow like a catastrophe made him look like a frosted eggplant, lifeless.

Lin Xuhan glanced at him, but could only sigh silently.

Hotel VIP reception room.

Mrs. Qin held a glass of red wine in her hand and was drinking alone facing the night, her figure was a little lonely.

Lin Xuhan gently opened the door, and greeted with a smile, "Madam Qin, are you looking for me?"

Mrs. Qin came back to her senses and smiled at her, "Sit down."

Lin Xuhan gracefully walked to the seat opposite her and sat down.

Mrs. Qin said with a smile, "It looks like your matter has been settled?"

"Probably." Lin Xuhan smiled lightly, but thinking of his father's distraught appearance, he felt a little uneasy. Of course, there was also the drug incident, which was also a bit strange.

Mrs. Qin's eyes returned to the night outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, her face was not very good-looking, "I didn't believe you when you came to me, but now the evidence is solid, men really can't stand the temptation."

If you say that back then, Qin Jianlou and his wife were also a pair that others would envy.

Qin Jianlou was born in poverty, but he is very talented, and Mrs. Qin married him because of his talent.

From acquaintance to love, it is also a beautiful love. However, with the passage of time, people's hearts are easy to change.

Just like Qin Jianlou now, he is impetuous and ignorant.

Lin Xuhan didn't know what to say, so she could only listen quietly.

Mrs. Qin also realized that she was talking too much, she smiled and said, "Look at me, you just got married, you really shouldn't say these things, but as a senior, I still advise you, we women should control our destiny at all times In your hands, don't be attached to men, only at this time will you have the confidence to retreat completely."

(End of this chapter)

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