Reborn 1990 Get Rich

Chapter 843 Abnormal Pregnant Woman

Chapter 843 Abnormal Pregnant Woman
The surveillance video showed that the woman ran out of the hospital with the child in her arms, then got into an unlicensed van and disappeared. She was wearing a black mask throughout the process, so she could not tell her identity.

Even the black car was prepared, and he didn't show his face during the whole process. It was obvious that this was planned and organized.

The police judged that this may be a gang crime, but there are so many children born in one day in the hospital, why did they attack the children of this family?

Inside the police station.

The policeman who handled the case asked Li Hongxin, "Is it possible that the enemy committed the crime? Have you offended anyone recently?"

"No, our family is honest and responsible, and we rarely offend others." Li Hongxin shook his head, he really couldn't figure out who would do such a thing.

"It may also be extortion and kidnapping." Another policeman made such an inference after learning about the family situation of Li's family.

Li Hongxin is now a well-known "land owner" in Nancheng, with dozens of houses and facades under his name, and his annual income from rent alone is almost one million, which is really possible.

For this case, the police felt that they had no way to start. They could only start their investigation from road monitoring and several well-known human trafficking organizations, but this also meant that the investigation period was very long.

But they probably wouldn't know the purpose of the person taking the child no matter how hard they searched, so no matter how they searched, it would be useless.

After hearing the news, Lin Xuhan also rushed to the police station immediately.

Looking at the exhausted faces of her uncle and aunt who seemed to be ten years old, her heart seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand.

Lin Xuhan asked the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and quickly found the key point, "Lin Cuican was also there at the time? And 'just' about to give birth?"

She bit the word "exactly".

Liang Manyun was taken aback, "Xuhan, what do you mean...?"

"Isn't it a coincidence? Lin Cuican tripped you up in an accident, and the person who stole the child just bumped into him, and it was when uncle was away." Lin Xuhan sneered.

"You don't mean to say that Cancan is with that woman, why would she do this?" Liang Manyun's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lin Xuhan also knew that the combination of these things was absurd. Lin Cuican was a pregnant woman, so she had no reason to want to steal other people's children, and she chose such a big goal.

Now there is no definite evidence to prove that Lin Cuican did it, the key is that Lin Cuican is actually giving birth in the delivery room now.

"I just made a random guess like this." Lin Xuhan smiled, and didn't intend to explain further, but careful people will notice that after she guessed that this matter was related to Lin Cuican, her expression became obviously a little lighter.

The couple were extremely anxious, and they kept asking the police about the latest investigation. The police knew that they had lost their child, so they patiently answered and comforted them. No one noticed that Lin Xuhan walked out of the police station with his mobile phone and dialed a Telephone.

Lin Hanyi didn't know that such a big thing happened. He hurried over when he heard that his daughter was about to give birth, but found that only Zhang Kai's father was outside the ward.

He asked Zhang Kai's father, "Old Zhang, where is Xiaoyue?"

Although he has become a relative, he is still used to being called Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang shook his head, "I don't know. I heard that something happened temporarily. I went home just in time for Cancan to give birth. Fortunately, nothing happened..."

The old man looked in the direction of the delivery room with a worried face.

The screams inside were one after another, deafening.

The doctor was sweating profusely, and couldn't believe what he saw, "The child's head is half out, why did it come here until now?"

"The pregnant woman said that she didn't feel it until now..."

"how can that be……"

Half of the baby's head came out, but the birth canal kept shrinking, and the surrounding muscles were also very stiff. It looked as if the pregnant woman deliberately tightened this muscle to prevent the baby from being born.

How could a normal pregnant woman do such a thing?
But the doctor certainly didn't expect that the person lying on the bed was out of his mind.

"Director, the fetal heart rate is still there, eh...why are there two?"

Lin Cuican was lying on the hospital bed, yelling heart-piercingly... It seemed that she had heard such a conversation in a dim way, but she was not conscious enough to distinguish the meaning of those words.

She regrets so much now that she insisted on holding on until now to have a baby.

In fact, as early as five o'clock in the morning, the amniotic fluid showed signs of rupture, and her stomach was aching, but she knew that Liang Manyun would be discharged from the hospital in the morning, and that was the best chance.

So she found a diaper, and then lay on the bed with her legs crossed, gritting her teeth to prevent the baby from being born.

She held it in until morning, she was about to faint from the pain, and then she had to get up again and desperately try to find a chance for Xiaoyue to attack... So there was the previous scene.

Now that her child was about to be born, no one would doubt her, but she didn't know that she almost killed herself and an innocent life.

The muscles near the birth canal were also unable to relax due to long-term tension, and the baby was stuck there, and his exposed head was swollen and purple, and he was about to suffocate to death.

The child was about to come out, but her muscles were always tense. Lin Cuican felt as if a hand was stirring her internal organs, and the pain was so painful that she wished she could die immediately.

I don't know if it was luck or misfortune, but the doctor who delivered her was the director of obstetrics and gynecology department. He was very experienced and prepared for a caesarean section right away...

Lin Cuican didn't know how she spent this period of time. When she woke up, it was completely dark.

She opened her eyes drowsily, feeling empty in her stomach, as if something had been hollowed out.

Lin Hanyi sat aside with a solemn expression, and when she saw her wake up, he quickly stood up, "Cancan, how are you doing?"

"Where's my child?" Lin Cuican panicked for no reason. She wanted to sit up, but she couldn't use her strength.

"The child is fine and is now in the neonatal intensive care unit."

"That's good..." Lin Cuican heaved a sigh of relief, as long as the child is fine, she can work for Qin Jianlou, "Is it a boy?"

Lin Hanyi nodded, looking at his daughter's gratified expression, he hesitated to speak.

After hesitating for a long time, he opened his mouth softly, "Cancan..."

"Huh?" Lin Cuican, who was immersed in excitement, finally felt something was wrong.

"What I'm saying now, don't be too sad..."

Lin Hanyi searched for suitable words, "Your uterus was severely congested during childbirth, and some tissues were necrotic. When the doctor performed a caesarean section on you, the doctor had to remove your uterus."

"What?" Lin Cuican was stunned, as if she didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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