Reborn 1990 Get Rich

Chapter 725 Survivor

Chapter 725 Survivor

The fire has been extinguished, but the entire island is in a mess.

It was scorched black everywhere, and it was impossible to tell what it was like before.

"There are discoveries here!"

Someone shouted.

Irene hurried over, and even she, who was quite knowledgeable, was stunned by the scene in front of her.

In front of him were three charred black corpses that had been burned until only their skeletons remained. Their skin and internal organs had been turned into ashes and blown away completely, making it impossible to identify their identities.

But judging from the skeleton, there is actually a vertebrate corpse inside, which looks a bit like a cow.

Continuing to search along this area, corpses of all sizes were found one after another, which made Irene's heart feel heavier and heavier...

All the corpses were found, and there were more than thirty in total.

On an uninhabited island, there are so many people. It can be seen that there must be a secret organization lurking here. Who else can it be except Black Storm?
Irene gave an order, "Continue searching nearby to see if there is any stronghold for them, don't miss any place!"


The subordinates scattered, and Irene also joined the search team.

Not long after, someone reported that an underground entrance had been found.

Irene followed the past and found that the underground entrance was not simple!
As soon as she approached, there was a strong and pungent smell, and she quickly asked everyone to put on gas masks.

Looking down, they first found two people lying on the ground at the door.

Irene approached and tested, and found that one of them was in a state of coma and shock, and the other had lost her heartbeat.

In this kind of place, it is already a miracle that there is still a living person, and she also needs to find out what happened from this mouth.

Irene then ordered, "Send this person for treatment immediately, and the others will continue to follow me!"

A group of people walked forward cautiously, and then Irene heard a burst of fast footsteps from behind, and when she looked back, it turned out to be Su Xuan!

Su Xuan looked anxious, and almost trotted in, and the two followers behind were out of breath after chasing after him.

Su Xuan passed Irene and the others directly, and rushed into the underground base.

Irene quickly stopped her, "Boss Su, you have to wear a gas mask. This should be the stronghold of the black storm. Be careful of someone ambushing you!"

Su Xuan was suddenly furious, "I don't have time to worry about so much, where is Lin Xuhan?"

He heard that this place was affected by the volcanic eruption, and more than 30 corpses were found, how could he calm down!

Irene was helpless, so she had to take off the gas mask of one of her subordinates, and put it directly on Su Xuan's head, "No matter what, you have to wear a gas mask. You don't want your wife to find it before you find it." Fall down first?"

Su Xuan's face darkened, he grabbed the gas mask and adjusted his position, then plunged into it.

This underground space shocked everyone.

To build such a place, I really don't know how much financial and material resources were spent, not to mention that there are so many contraband and ammunition inside.

This must be the stronghold of the black storm, absolutely not wrong.

But there was no one inside.

The entire underground base is full of yellow-green gas. The oxygen concentrator was tampered with by someone, and the chlorine gas was released. The fire broke out on it and burned the solar panels and some circuit structures outside. A broken state.

As for the fire not spreading, it was really lucky.

Originally, chlorine gas was more oxidizing than oxygen, but due to the failure of the oxygen machine, chlorine gas was denser than air, so it settled at the bottom, and there was no combustible material at the entrance of the base, so the fire did not have time to burn down.

Otherwise they can't find anything.

While Su Xuan was investigating, he speculated in his heart...

Who tampered with the oxygen generator?And what happened here?

Soon, the situation in the restaurant gave him the answer.

Before he had time to clean up the leftovers on that table, he saw at a glance that they were dishes cooked by Lin Xuhan.

The breeding room in the kitchen next door was empty. Perhaps the animals could not bear the poisonous gas and fled in fright.

At the same time, the accompanying men also found some girls' supplies and clothes from a room inside.

Although most of those clothes looked old, one of them was worn by Su Xuan who saw Lin Xuhan wear it with his own eyes, so the rest of the clothes were prepared by Xie Bojun.

Su Xuan suddenly remembered Bai Xinling's words that day.

Did Xie Bojun really do something to Lin Xuhan?

Otherwise, how could he not say a word after taking people away, and didn't even make any threats...

But people, why can't they find people?

Fear, doubt, worry... All kinds of emotions are mixed together, making Su Xuan, who has been frightened these days, almost crumbling.

Seeing that Su Xuan was about to lose his hold, Irene quickly helped him up, "Master, go and have a rest, your body is important."

Su Xuan wanted to swipe her away, but his body seemed to be hollowed out, and he had no strength at all.

Irene quickly winked at the people next to her, asking them to help him up first, and then said, "Master, I will continue to investigate, you go back to the plane and sit for a while, as soon as I find anything, I will immediately inform you."

Su Xuan didn't say a word, but he didn't resist.

Because there are locks everywhere in this stronghold, the progress of the investigation is not fast.

After more than an hour, the investigation was considered over.

The subordinates brought out some suspicious items, most of which were notebooks with suspicious contents.

The search and rescue team from country M is coming soon, and this place can't stay for long, so Su Xuan ordered everyone to bring back these investigation results, and at the same time notified the FBI headquarters that the stronghold of the black storm had been discovered.

All kinds of signs indicate that there are traces of Lin Xuhan's existence here, so this must be the hiding place of the black storm.

Almost all the people on the island died in the fire. There was only one person who survived by chance, but he was also seriously poisoned, and rescue is still underway.

Su Xuan personally waited for the results of the rescue in the hospital.

In fact, according to the investigation, there will be no more survivors on that island. Before the fire broke out, these people didn't know what they were doing, and they all gathered in the woods, which was also the place where the fire was most violent.

Now I can only hope that the person who survived, as long as he can be revived, he will definitely learn the truth from him.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Xuan flipped through the investigation results.

What surprised him was that these were treatment notes one after another, and the handwriting clearly belonged to Susan.

(End of this chapter)

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