Chapter 643
No one is more aware of the impact of cyber violence than Zhou Yawei.

All those unbearable pasts were brought to her by Lin Xuhan, and she wanted her to taste them well!

And this is just the beginning.

It's a pity that the media has never been able to find Lin Xuhan's whereabouts, otherwise she would have seen this bitch panicked under the siege of the media...

However, even if he hides, he's just like a rat crossing the street, in an unreasonable embarrassment, right?

Imagining that scene, Zhou Yawei almost burst out laughing.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Tang You poked his head in cautiously, "Weiwei, breakfast is ready."

Zhou Yawei closed the computer with a snap, and said displeasedly, "I've told you several times, won't you knock on the door before you come in?"

"I..." Tang You looked at her helplessly, "I don't think you're awake, you didn't pay attention so much..."

Besides, aren't they lovers? Is it necessary for lovers to be so fussy before?

But he didn't dare to say the latter sentence.

Zhou Yawei took a deep breath and stood up slowly, "Forget it, let's eat first."

Tang You was immediately happy.

He hurriedly took off his apron, and then brought the brewed coffee to the table, "Today there are only sandwiches for the time being. Let's go to the supermarket together later, and I can cook domestic dishes for you."

Zhou Yawei picked up the knife and fork, cut a corner of a sandwich and put it in her mouth.

The eggs and bacon inside are fried just right, no one would have guessed that the playboy brother also has a side of a good man at home.

She shook her head, "No, I have something to go out today."

"You want to go out...?" Tang You became nervous, "You don't know who you are now, do you? You are stealing..."

He hesitated.

Zhou Yawei became impatient, "My family has already settled these things, so you don't need to worry about them."

Tang You, "..."

After breakfast, Zhou Yawei was ready to go out.

Tang You anxiously sent her to the door, looked at her delicate face, and with a thought, he put his arms around her waist and brought his lips together.

Zhou Yawei immediately struggled away. Seeing Tang You's dissatisfied face, she quickly put on a smile, "Didn't it be agreed that in the first month of dating, let's not have any intimacy and get to know each other first."

Tang You gritted his teeth. He is a vigorous man. There is no man who can get along with his girlfriend day and night without having the slightest idea.

But before the relationship, he did promise so.

Tang You could only nod his head, "Then be careful when you go out."

Zhou Yawei smiled and blew him a kiss, but turned around and walked out the door with a gloomy face.

This idiot actually wanted to touch her, and he didn't even look at what he was.

Things that even Lin Xuhan can't look down on are even more worthless to her!
Downstairs a low profile black sedan waits.

Zhou Yawei put on her sunglasses and entered the co-pilot.

The driver was an oriental face, and he handed over a document bag.

Zhou Yawei opened it and saw that it was her visa, but the photo and name on it belonged to Luo Yingchun.

Seeing that dark face with no bright spots, her face was extremely gloomy, and she stuffed the thing back with a swipe.

Receiving the visa meant that it was time to say goodbye to Tang You. She had had enough of being in the same room with that worthless man.

If it weren't for the fact that he could help her disguise, it would be absolutely impossible for her to associate with such a man.

When Lin Xuhan heard the news, he probably thought that the broken shoes he didn't want were picked up by others, so he felt very proud!

That night, she packed her luggage and left Tang You's apartment, leaving only a parting letter full of various excuses.

Tang You made breakfast as usual the next morning and called her. After seeing the parting letter, he was so anxious that he went all over the world to find her.

But he didn't know that his girlfriend ran to find another man.

In order to speed up the research progress of artificial intelligence, Su Xuan almost stayed in the research room during this period.

He has a shaggy beard and black spots under his eyes, obviously he hasn't had a good rest for a while.

Every time Professor Huo saw him like this, he couldn't help but sigh, "You will break your body like this, and you should relax when appropriate."

Su Xuan tapped his hands on the keyboard quickly without raising his head, "Got it."

I know, I know, every time I just talk but don't do it!
Professor Huo was helpless, and threw an invitation letter to him, "This is a symposium for exchange students held by our school recently. It is in the field of computer technology. Many students are from our country. Didn't you say that we need talents in this field? , just in time to look for it.”

Su Xuan's subordinates paused, then picked up the invitation letter and took a look, "Thank you."

He was thinking of mentioning the little girl to reduce the burden, and this invitation letter could be regarded as a solution to his urgent need.

The networking meeting is scheduled for Saturday afternoon.

It was rare for Su Xuan to take care of himself, shaved off his beard, and changed into a suit.

His appearance is already outstanding, and as an oriental face, he is even more eye-catching in the eyes of the blondes and blue eyes, and he is called a school that entered as a special student, which shows his talent.

Many girls in the academy had already paid attention to him.

Western girls have always been very bold in their pursuit of love.

Ever since Su Xuan entered the school, he always received all kinds of strike-up and date invitations, but every time he always acted like strangers should not get close to each other, and would be scolded if he entangled too much.

As time goes by, no one will stick to Leng's ass, and some people even call him behind his back—a lunatic who has no interest.

Isn't it like a lunatic who only knows about research every day?

But no one knew that there was only room for one person in his emotional world.

From his point of view, other women are like those bushes on the campus. Who would be interested in a blade of grass?
The content of the symposium was about artificial intelligence. As the organizer of this symposium, Professor Huo gave an hour-long lecture on the subject.

After the lecture, the exchange students below can ask questions.

As Professor Huo's closed disciple and the president of the Artificial Intelligence Academic Research Association, Su Xuan sat beside Professor Huo.

Even in the symposium, he kept doing various tests in front of the computer. He didn't stop until the exchange students started asking questions, and raised his head slightly.

Asking questions also has a technical content. In this case, if you ask some questions that are too ignorant, it will be ridiculous.

To a large extent, asking questions represents the person's understanding and research in the field, and it is the best reflection of a person's strength.

But at a glance, Su Xuan was taken aback.

An oriental girl was sitting in the front row, looking at her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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