Chapter 427

Lin Xuhan's eyes fell on her hand. It was a mobile phone with a red shell, brand new.

After noticing her gaze, Lin Cuican simply raised the phone and shook it in front of her, "I haven't seen it before, it's a new model this year, with a color screen!"

Lin Xuhan looked at her indifferently, and really couldn't figure out what was going on in this girl's mind.

She originally thought that after Qiu Lingfeng was imprisoned, Lin Cuican could somewhat restrain himself.

Seeing that Lin Xuhan didn't speak, Lin Cuican thought she was mad with envy, and became more and more proud, "Don't be jealous, that lunatic must not be able to give you such a valuable thing, you should have received a lot of benefits from him before. Bar?"

The boy she saw when she was a child was holding a lot of imported snacks that no one else had seen before, and deliberately refused to give them to her. Now she wants Lin Xuhan to taste that taste too!
She was showing off to herself, but she didn't notice the murderous look in the girl's eyes after she said the word "crazy".

Lin Xuhan's expression was so cold that it made people shiver, "Then Tang You gave you such a precious thing, does dad know?"

Lin Cuican's expression froze, how did she know it was given by Tang You?

She hastily denied it, "I bought it myself. I won a piano competition and saved it up with the red envelopes I usually receive during Chinese New Year."

"Then tell me, how much does this phone cost?"

This really caught Lin Cuican's attention. This phone was too new and hadn't been launched in China yet. Tang Yifa got it from a business partner, and later gave it to his son.

Seeing that Tang You got a new phone, she was very envious, so she cheekily said that she wanted to borrow it for fun. Tang You was also generous. She already had one herself, but she felt uncomfortable using the new phone, so she gave it to her.

Lin Cuican hesitated for a long time, but couldn't answer why.

Lin Xuhan sneered, "It seems that Tang You gave it to you. If Dad knew that you took such a valuable thing from someone else, he would definitely take your skin off!"

"you dare!"

Lin Cuican panicked, turned from embarrassment into anger, and raised her hand.

During this period of time following Tang You, she was naturally very beautiful, and she even learned a bit of the style of Tang You's dude, wanting to strike at the slightest disagreement.

But she obviously forgot that Lin Xuhan is talented.

Lin Xuhan caught her falling hand accurately, and at the same time slapped her face with a backhand.

A slap landed heavily on Lin Cuican's cheek, knocking her arrogant face to one side.

"You dare to hit me?"

Lin Cuican's eyes widened in fright, and then they were filled with fierceness, and she rushed forward like crazy.

It's a pity that her combat power is not worth mentioning at all.

Lin Xuhan subdued her with three slaps, and then slapped her on the other side of the face.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I'm still your older sister. Today I'll teach you what kind of attitude you should have towards your older sister!"

Lin Xuhan's hand was so strong that Lin Cuican's cheeks were already swollen. She cursed constantly, but Lin Xuhan couldn't do anything about it.

It's no wonder Lin Xuhan, her bottom line is her family, and in Su Xuan's mind, family members are better than family members, she will not allow Lin Cuican to describe him with foul language!
Furthermore, it was Lin Cuican who did it first, how could she have any reason to let someone do it for no reason?

The two wrestled into a ball, and Lin Hanyi, who had gone out to buy vegetables, saw this scene as soon as he came back.

"What are you two doing!"

Lin Cuican hurriedly cried for help, "Dad, sister hit me, she hit me for no reason!"

Still want the villain to file a complaint first?
There was a trace of coldness in Lin Xuhan's eyes, and he snatched the mobile phone from her hand, walked up to his father, "Dad, just now I saw Lin Cuican holding a mobile phone in his hand, so I asked her where is it?" She came, but she refused to tell the truth and wanted to fight with me."

She was holding the mobile phone, her arms stretched out long, revealing a small section of white wrist, with a small scratch left by Lin Cuican during the scuffle.

Lin Hanyi looked at the scratch and the brand-new mobile phone, and his expression changed suddenly.

He grabbed the phone, lifted Lin Cuican who was sitting on the ground, and asked angrily, "Where did this phone come from?"

Lin Cuican shrunk her neck in fright, but subconsciously quibbled, the rhetoric was still the same as what she said to Lin Xuhan just now.

Lin Hanyi is not stupid, so how could he believe it.

Moreover, he had seen this model of mobile phone before. When Tang Yifa got it, he planned to give it to him first, but how could he accept such an expensive thing!

Thinking about it again, the youngest daughter has gotten so close to that kid from the Tang family recently, doesn't he know what's going on?
"I'll ask you again, where did you come from!"

Lin Cuican was also angry, "Why do you question me so fiercely when I take a mobile phone, my sister has changed two phones, why don't you ask her?"

"You're still talking about this, she bought it with a scholarship! Besides, can she be the same as you? When she was your age, she could support herself and her younger brother. Do you have the ability?"

Being yelled at by her father like that, Lin Cuican didn't dare to say anything more, but she was still unconvinced in her heart, the so-called ability was not the ability to seduce boys, she didn't believe that Lin Xuhan could make so much money by herself!
But there was no way, her father was so eccentric that he would not believe her words at all.

Seeing her swollen face, she couldn't listen at all. Lin Hanyi was about to go crazy, and he dragged Lin Cuican into the house, and then called the Tang family.

When the couple heard about this, they were also taken aback, and immediately went to question their son.

Tang You didn't think there was anything at first, so he said flatly, "She asked me for it, so I gave it to her. Anyway, I have it myself."

Shen Yueru was very surprised, "She asked you for it?"

Tang You nodded, "That's right, I've said it several times, and I'll give it to her."

"Why didn't you see that you are so good at coaxing little girls before, and you can give them thousands of dollars if you want them?" Tang Yifa almost laughed angrily, and couldn't help but sarcastically.

Only then did Tang You realize that something was wrong.

During this period of time, Lin Cuican would always take the initiative to come to him, and because of the comfort that day, his impression of this girl has really changed, and he, who has always spent money lavishly, doesn't care about giving some expensive things.

But what was strange to him was that his parents had always been very generous to the Lin family. No matter how they heard about this, they always had scolding expressions on their faces.

However, Tang You didn't understand at all that giving and taking are two completely different concepts, and his parents didn't have a good impression of Lin Cuican.

(End of this chapter)

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