Reborn 1990 Get Rich

Chapter 118 Facts speak louder than words

Chapter 118 Facts speak louder than words
Lin Xuhan pursed her lips and smiled, "Mr. Wen, would you like to hear a comparison with the original version?"

Teacher Wen was taken aback, "Huh?"

"This recording has been edited, and I didn't say those words at the time." Lin Xuhan simply recounted what happened at home, and added, "There is a sentence in this recording, 'You... the person who opened this store Did you ever ask me and my younger brother...?', the combination of context and context will make people mistakenly think that the person who opened the store is my father, do you think in this case, I will admit that the store is opened by my father?"

Teacher Wen was dumbfounded, "..."

The little girl's analytical ability and sensitivity simply made him ashamed as an adult.

The suspicion was relieved, and he quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, the teacher shouldn't doubt you."

"Normal." Lin Xuhan didn't feel aggrieved at all. After all, the person who recorded the recording was really "intentional". In this era, there are no editing tools as convenient as later generations. To record her words like this, I'm afraid I took two repeaters and repeated it several times before I succeeded.

Teacher Wen looked puzzled, "That's weird, who wanted to record this as a prank, and sent it to the school, it's really annoying."

Of course Lin Xuhan guessed who it was, but she didn't intend to ask about it now, she just smiled slightly, "Teacher, I don't know, maybe someone doesn't like me very much."

A child like her is liked by teachers, but not necessarily by classmates. She is too sharp and will stand out among her peers.

Teacher Wen nodded, "Don't worry, the teacher will check it carefully, and the teacher in the class will help you clarify it later."

As an adult, he certainly knows what to say and what not to say.

Lin Xuhan didn't waste much time, nodded and returned to the classroom.

In the classroom at the moment, the discussion was already in full swing, and when they saw her coming back, they all subconsciously stopped, talking about people behind their backs, and they still felt somewhat guilty.

When Teacher Wen arrived in the classroom, she first taught her a lesson with a straight face, and then said, "Student Lin Xuhan has encountered some family changes, but it is definitely not what everyone imagined. As classmates, what you should do is to care about her. It’s not about making unreasonable comments behind your back, it’s disrespectful to others, once I find out that there are still people discussing this matter, I will be punished according to discipline!”

In junior high school, no one dared to challenge the majesty of the teacher. With this sentence, after all, no one dared to blatantly discuss this matter.

But "gossip" is something that people all over the world are passionate about.

The incident intensified while slowly fermenting.

The students of the Experimental Middle School found that there were many small notes on their desks during their spare time.

[The snack bar opposite is run by Lin Xuhan's family from the experimental class. 】

[Father and daughter quarrel every day, but the "Iceberg Beauty" is actually extremely capricious, with a dark heart and twisted psychology. 】

No one knows who put these small notes, and no one cares. Everyone is only interested in the content inside. Lin Xuhan, who is originally a topic of gossip, has been discussed by students since he entered school, but no one agrees. Thinking of her true face is like this.

Combined with the broadcast heard before, no one doubted the contents of the note.

The rumors spread more and more fiercely, and finally became "true", so that no matter who saw Lin Xuhan, they shunned like snakes and scorpions.

Even Sun Xinran next to her was criticized, saying that she was vain and greedy for wealth. Who didn't know that the snack bar business was good, Lin Xuhan must be rich, and some people saw her using As for the mobile phone, the reputation is so stinky, and you still follow others like a fool, what is it?
Although Sun Xinran was wronged, she still stood by Lin Xuhan's side unswervingly, and even comforted her, "Don't listen to those messy rumors, they are just jealous." She didn't understand, she is a good girl, Learning is so good and beautiful, why do these people say bad things about her?As for the recording, it’s obviously nothing, what’s wrong with crying, who hasn’t cried when they grow up so old?

In this regard, Lin Xuhan said something meaningful, "Rumors stop with the wise, and facts speak louder than words."

She doesn't care much, after all, there are more important things to be busy with.

Weekends are the time to visit grandparents as usual, and it is also the day that Lin Xuhan pays most attention to, because only on this day can he see his younger brother.

After entering junior high school, she studied in the city, while her younger brother was still in the country, and they only got together on weekends.

Lin Xuyang felt a little strange. In the past, he would meet up with his sister at the snack bar on weekends, but last night, his sister called ahead of time and told him to go directly to grandpa's house first.

A boy who was originally a careless boy was a little more cautious when facing matters related to his sister. On the way to his grandfather's house, he deliberately took a long detour and passed the snack bar to take a look.

The door was closed tightly. He walked over to take a look, and found a closure notice posted on the door.

Why did the snack bar close down?

Lin Xuyang was suspicious, so he went to the surrounding shops and asked around, and only then did he learn that such a big event happened in the shop.

No wonder my uncle stays at home lately and sighs from time to time, but why hasn't anyone told him about it?

The little guy angrily walked towards his grandfather's house.

At this moment, Lin Xuhan was already at her grandfather's house. She set up a small bench and table in the yard, and the person who was doing homework lay there, yawning from time to time, as if he was still awake.

Wang Ziyu also spent weekends at his grandparents' house. He knew that Lin Xuhan would come over every week, so every time he waited eagerly at the window, and when he saw the girl walking from the door to the yard, he carried his schoolbag with him. The person on the small bench walked over with a straight face.

"You're here." Lin Xuhan greeted him with a smile.


Xiao Douding responded coldly, set up the small bench coldly, and then sat down coldly, pretending that he was just doing homework, but staring at the girl vigorously.

Feeling his gaze, Lin Xuhan felt amused, and said without raising her head, "Don't hold back every time you want to say something, it's bad for your health."

Xiao Douding was very annoyed: Do you have eyes on your head?
Wang Ziyu was actually very ashamed of being caught out many times, but seeing the girl's tired face, he still asked, "What have you been doing lately? You're sleepy during class, and you're still sleepy after holidays."

"It's nothing, there are many things at home." Lin Xuhan smiled wryly.

Thinking of the recent rumors, Wang Ziyu wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know where to start. In the end, he could only say, "If you need anything, you can tell me, and I can find a way to help you."

Lin Xuhan raised his head, squinted his eyes and joked with a smile, "Have you changed your sex recently, and you don't even put on a bad face?"

(End of this chapter)

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