Reborn 1990 Get Rich

Chapter 115 Benefits, Fame, Choose One!

Chapter 115 Benefits, Fame, Choose One!

She had expected this to happen a long time ago, Lin Xuhan sneered in her heart, then took her uncle and killed the Lin family.

Along the way, Li Hongxin was nervous and uneasy. After all, he still didn't know what happened.

Lin Xuhan patiently explained it to him. He was shocked at first, then clenched his fists, "What does Lin Hanyi mean? What does this store have to do with him?"

Lin Xuhan also thought so, but since the other party sent a court summons, it proved that the case had been accepted by the court, and they were at a disadvantage as defendants.

The father must have caught a loophole in the law, otherwise it would be impossible to directly sue the court to solve this problem, but with the educational level of the father and stepmother, it is impossible to come up with such a method, and it is more likely that there are black hands behind the scenes .

For a while, she couldn't think of who it would be, but the other party definitely came prepared.

At this critical moment, if Jiang Chen was still there, he would definitely be able to give her many solutions.

Fortunately, there are still lawyers around to consult.

She called Lawyer Shen, who fell into deep thought after listening to him explain the case, "Student Lin, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle this matter."

"What do you mean?"

"From a normal point of view, your uncle has no objection to the ownership of the store, but you have participated in media interviews before and admitted that you are the founder of the store, which has also been recognized by the public. Your guardian's father didn't participate in it, and they can use this as an entry point to sue your uncle for fraudulent minor formula intellectual property rights and store ownership..."

Lin Xuhan was silent for a while, then asked, "Is there any chance of winning?"

Lawyer Shen sighed, "From their point of view, they should have a very professional legal team, and the team that will take this kind of case is generally not simple... I am afraid it will be a tough battle."

What did Lin Xuhan hear from his sigh? Could there be an inside story?

After hanging up the phone, he was almost at the community where the Lin family was located.

She was not in a hurry to hire a lawyer, and planned to talk to her father before going to court.

After going upstairs, she knocked on the door of the house, but still no one opened the door.

It's the weekend now, there's no need to go to work, and her father is unemployed. She doesn't believe that none of the couple will be at home.

Lin Xuhan flirted with his uncle, Li Hongxin understood, and knocked loudly on the door, "Lin Hanyi, don't hide at home and keep quiet! Are you capable of robbing other people's shops, but not able to open the door?"

Now that she has torn her face, she has nothing to worry about, she wants people to take a good look at their ugly eating!
There was still no movement inside, Lin Xuhan also shouted at the top of his voice.

"Dad, that snack bar was invested and opened by my uncle. I was just helping out in the store. How can you say that it should belong to you?"

"Have you ever added bricks and tiles to this store? When you opened this store, did you ever ask me about my brother's life?"

"You didn't! You don't even know what kind of life my brother and I lived in the country. My uncle took care of me and my brother for a year and tried his best. Now you sue your uncle against your conscience. Are you happy? You Don't you have nightmares at night?"

A sound of questioning quickly attracted the attention of other neighbors in the corridor, and everyone stuck out their heads to see what happened curiously.

Seeing this, Lin Xuhan roared even louder.

"You don't know right from wrong, and you allow your unscrupulous stepmother to bully our siblings. I've endured it all these years, but why do you still want to hurt people who treat me well?"

"When my uncle didn't open a store, you left my brother and me in the countryside and ignored us, and allowed your stepmother to deduct our living expenses; now that my uncle has opened a store, you have the idea of ​​a store again, trying to sell things that don't belong to you. Take it away, you only have interests in your eyes, you are not worthy of being a father at all!"

"You are unemployed and have no job. Uncle kindly accepts you to work in the store. You don't want to repay him. Instead, you want to occupy his store and take the fruits of other people's labor. You are not worthy of being human!"

Although it was intentional, it was not all a play. After all, these are facts, and the words are sincere.

Lin Xuhan yelled this, thinking of what happened in this life and the previous life, his eyes felt so sore that he actually shed tears.

The girl's loud but choked words were heard by almost the entire building.

The neighbors also gradually understood the reason for the incident.

Everyone who lives in this building knows about the situation of the Lin family.

It is not surprising that the wife dies in childbirth and the husband remarries.And Qiu Lingfeng is usually a good person, and her neighbors and neighbors have good relations with each other. Everyone thinks that she is a good wife and mother. At that time, it is said that the siblings were sent to the countryside because they made a mistake. No one thought of her. Going up, I don't even know that so many things happened in the follow-up.

This kind of thing can't be made up, and the tears in the little girl's eyes are not fake, it makes people feel distressed when they see it, and everyone blames the parents in their hearts.

Cheng Youxuan, who was doing homework at home, also noticed this voice. She lived on the first floor upstairs, and went to the stairs to take a look. Seeing Lin Xuhan crying at the door, she covered her mouth in surprise.

Having been suppressed for so many years, coupled with the wrong guidance of her parents, she had long been distorted when she faced Lin Xuhan. A trace of mockery was drawn at the corner of her mouth, she took out her English repeater, and turned it on. record key...

The sound outside made the Lins and his wife in the room terrified. Lin Hanyi wanted to open the door several times but was stopped by Qiu Lingfeng, "Don't go, you will confirm what she said if you go now!"

My own daughter came to knock on the door and didn't open the door. She didn't open the door until she was accused of being like this. What else could it be but a guilty conscience?

Now is the time to pretend you're not home until the time comes to clear up the rumors.

But is that a rumor? It is clearly a fact!

Xie Bojun was also sitting on the sofa at the moment, listening to the cries outside, with a sarcastic arc on the corner of his mouth.

He had expected that the girl would come to find his father after receiving the summons from the court, so he sat here early to stabilize the situation. One of the couple is cowardly and the other is greedy, which is easy to handle, but the little girl outside The girl is not easy to deal with.

But a child, even without full hair, is worthy of fighting with him?

Lin Hanyi was angry and embarrassed, and whispered, "Mr. Xie, are you really not planning to do something? If these words are going to be spread, it will be bad for us to file a lawsuit, right?"

Xie Bojun raised his eyebrows, and smiled casually, "Profit, fame, you choose one!"

(End of this chapter)

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