Chapter 17
"You are a normal person. Your skin's ability to sense temperature is better than mine. My body temperature is low and I am very sensitive to heat." Ling Yi looked serious.

Only then did Ning Huang calm down to feel the temperature of the bronze wall under her palm.

Sure enough, there was a scorching heat rushing in from the crack of the fire pattern.

After a while, the space became hotter and hotter, and the lines on the bronze wall gradually showed a tinge of red, like a heated copper furnace.

Even the bronze plates under his feet began to change color.

Ning Huang was shocked.

No way, it won't burn to death, it will be roasted to death!

How miserable!
In a short while, one person, one ghost and one beast were all sweating profusely, dizzy, and they were about to turn into roasted human beings and beasts!

In a daze, Ning Huang seemed to see a vast white glacier in front of her. The chill was overwhelming, and she couldn't help getting up and was about to run over.

"Catch the Yi country's orphan and reward him with a reward of ten thousand taels!" A cold roar pierced the dark night sky.

Ning Huang was taken aback, and opened her eyes forcefully.

Now I can see clearly that there are really continuous, snow-capped peaks in front of me, and a large palace is surrounded by the iceberg, and the palace is surrounded by black cavalry.

This is where?


"Destroy the Yi Kingdom, seize the order of the dragon and make peace!" The bursts of shouts and the dust raised by the cavalry were as real as if they were on the scene.

Ning Huang was taken aback, the ancient Yi country that was destroyed 500 years ago?

The sound of shouting and killing was deafening. Under the leadership of a domineering figure in golden helmet and iron armor, the iron cavalry roared like sharp swords through the wind. In an instant, they broke through the barriers of the palace and rushed into the gate of the palace.

The millennium-old country, the majestic Yiguo Palace, was suddenly surrounded by a stormy sea of ​​flames and plunged into thick smoke.

In the night, there were ferocious black shadows slashing with teeth and claws, and there were shrill cries everywhere in the chaotic fire shadows. In less than an hour, corpses were strewn all over the ground, and blood flowed like a river.

By the moat, a team of guards, even though they were outnumbered, still fought to the death, blocking the way of the cavalry, protecting a woman who was struggling to move forward, and went straight to the endless glacier.

Behind him was the figure in golden helmet and iron armor leading thousands of people to chase him madly all the way.

"Qin Bing, the empress of Yi Kingdom has a stubborn temperament, disregards the people of the country, and acts recklessly. For many years, she has left the mess of Yi Country to you. Now, she has been wiped out, so why do you work for her anymore! Afterwards, we will dominate the world, and one day, you and I will cultivate together and become immortals, wouldn't it be great!" The man in golden helmet and iron armor roared.

The woman stood proudly facing the wind, and slowly turned her head to look at the man who was full of murderous aura.

The firelight in the distance draws a round of floating shadows, reflecting the alluring face.

"Yang Chenxuan, don't insult me, Empress Dayi, she is a great hero in the world who sacrificed her life to seal demons for the sake of the common people! It was I who did not see your ambition clearly and believed in your sweet words. It was I who harmed Dayi Kingdom. You are the one who ruined the thousand-year-old foundation of our Yi Kingdom, and you broke the peace of the world. I, Qin Bing, can’t kill thugs, and I am ashamed of the queens of the Dayi Kingdom! But, you don’t want to win the treasure of my Dayi Kingdom and harm the world!"

She waved her arms and roared, "Long Yinwei! Kill!"

"Kill!" The remaining ten or so bloody black-clothed guards surrounding her yelled sharply, forgetting about their wounds, they turned into ferocious beasts and rushed towards the group of invaders.

Thousands of people were beheaded by a dozen or so black-clothed guards, screaming in agony, broken bones flew, and blood spattered. In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred corpses piled up into a mountain.

Ning Huang watched all this helplessly, every time the dozen or so guards were hacked, it seemed that her heart trembled.

But she couldn't move, she could only watch helplessly, her heartache was indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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