The Queen of Phoenix is ​​demonic

Chapter 1 Zombies Are Not Randomly Flirted

Chapter 1 Zombies Are Not Randomly Flirted

Huozhezi's light flashed.

A dark and gloomy ancient tomb corridor appeared in front of him.

Ning Huang cautiously held the fire folder, and looked around with the faint light.

call out.

Suddenly a fluffy ball popped out of her shoulders, and a big tail was rolled forward, covering her pink nose, revealing a pair of sneaky little eyes.

After confirming that it landed in the right place, Ning Huangfang breathed a sigh of relief, patted the fat ball, and smiled: "At the beginning of the ugly era, the five elements are soil, so it is suitable to rob the tomb! It really went well, let's go steal the treasure!"


A dark sound came from the bottom of the half-lifted foot, Ning Huang froze all over, and dared not move the half-lifted foot.

"Unlucky! I bumped into an organ right after I came down!" Ning Huang cursed.

No one person or beast dared to move.

The two pairs of eyes rolled around, but found nothing unusual, and the already gloomy ancient tomb felt more and more chilly.

Suddenly, a faint blue light appeared on the stone walls on both sides of the passageway, shaking twice, suddenly turning into a ray of light, drifting along the tomb passageway, and the human oil lamps were lit up one by one like ghosts lighting up lamps.

The corridor suddenly lit up, reflecting Ning Huang's face covered with talismans with cinnabar, and the fat ball on her shoulder was a small animal that looked like a mouse or a dog.

One person and one beast were silent for a long time, and not a single ghost hair appeared.

Ning Huang lifted her feet up carefully, there was no abnormality.

Well, it must be a hallucination from scaring myself!
"Idiot, work!" Ning Huang breathed a sigh of relief.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a red afterimage left in the corridor, and the person had already swept towards the entrance of the tomb.

Standing still at the entrance of the tomb, he took out an exquisite ancient bronze compass with flying stars in the sky from the slanted Qiankun bag.

The little fat group called the rice bucket stood proudly on the shoulder of the master, with its big tail swaying leisurely, with a professional expression on its animal face, looking seriously at the compass in the master's hand.

"Usually, imperial tombs face south and north. This tomb faces south and north from the outside, but the layout of the main tomb is actually west to east? It's so strange, is it trying to cover up?" Ning Huang said to herself, looking up.

It was pitch black in the main tomb, and according to the rules, the coffin was parked in the middle of the tomb.

Ning Huang threw the fire bag in her hand into the tomb.

Following an arc of light across the sky above the tomb, his gaze paused.

Just now...she seemed to see a coffin as bright red as blood standing in the middle of the tomb!
The heart stopped for half a beat in horror.

How can it be!


The voice from just now resounded under their feet, and Ning Huang and Fei Qiu both frowned, stiffening and not daring to move.

After a while, the human oil lamps on the four walls of the tomb lighted up one by one as if someone had pressed a switch, and the whole tomb was lit up.

Ning Huang took a deep breath, suppressing her beating heart and forcing herself to calm down.

There was silence for a while, but there was no more movement. Ning Huang glanced strangely at the human oil lamps on the four walls. Could it be that the dark clicking sound just now was the mechanism for lighting the lamps?
What is this operation?Could it be to let the tomb robbers see more clearly?
However, it is now clear that there is a tall and mighty bright red coffin standing in the center of the tomb!
The redder the color of the coffin, it means that the person in the coffin died violently, and the resentment is extremely heavy. It needs to be suppressed with an evil coffin, so as not to condense evil spirits and create evil things!

However, this is the tomb of the ancestor queen of an ancient country thousands of years ago, how could it be someone who died suddenly?
Ning Huang tried her best to take a few deep breaths, since she came in, there was nothing to be afraid of!

Otherwise, she risked her life to accept this task, and in exchange for the one hundred thousand gold to save, she would only die!
She must not let him die!

"The huge ancient mausoleum has no terracotta warriors, no tomb-suppressing beasts, and no killing mechanism activated. It is impossible. It is rumored that the ancient country is a big country that ruled half of the Yanbing Continent." Ning Huang was full of doubts, holding the compass to compare, Check the calculation, dare not move your feet.

Ning Huang's mission this time is to steal the treasure "Dragon Hidden Token" belonging to the queen of the ancient tomb. This treasure can command the mysterious power left by the queen.

There is another rumor that besides Long Yinling, there is also a Ding Qiankun.

Of course, no one in the world knows what setting the universe is.

This bounty seems to have existed hundreds of years ago. It has been a task that no one has completed. The person who issued the reward seems to have been passed down from generation to generation.

The most important thing is that the extremely high bounty has lured countless tomb robbers to come in, but all of them come in but never come out.

Therefore, it is rumored in the world that this tomb is very evil.

Ning Huang frowned, and touched the inner and outer coffins with her hands, hey, it didn't feel right, and the paint didn't look like an ancient coffin that was thousands of years old.

Then he leaned closer and sniffed, then raised his eyebrows, "Idiot, smell the paint on the coffin!"

The rice bucket jumped onto the coffin, sniffed his nose, "Hundreds of years."

It is a spirit beast ferret under the emperor's seat in the sanctuary temple, which is born only once in a thousand years. It not only communicates with the contracted master, but also has great other abilities, especially the sharpest nose.

Ning Huang frowned, ghost so idle?Go to the underground palace to renovate and paint the coffin of the thousand-year-old queen's ancient tomb?
Ghost letter!
Regardless of these things for now, it's so weird, maybe Long Yinling is in the coffin!

He pulled out the special small shovel on his waist to pry the coffin.

"Hey, the coffin lid is newly nailed on, it's not very tight!" Ning Huang muttered.

The nails were very long, and it took a lot of effort to pry them all out.

"Eighteen blood nails!" Ning Huang stared at the pile of blood-red spikes that fell to the ground in shock.

The eighteen blood nails are used to stare at the souls of those who died in vain, preventing the souls from having a chance to turn around.

What happened to the thousand-year-old emperor in the coffin to cause such a strange situation?

Ning Huang became more and more curious, pushing away the heavy coffin lid with all her strength.

The idiot jumped up excitedly, one person and one sly one eagerly poked their heads into the coffin.

Sure enough, there was a corpse lying in the coffin.

A yellow charm was pasted on the face, ears, chin, and chest.

Ning Huang didn't care about so much, and with a wave of her hand, all the spells were removed, revealing the corpse's true face.

One man and one beast gasped.

Hmm...Her Majesty slept peacefully.

Uh...thousands of years of ancient corpses...this skin can be broken by blows, it seems...too fresh!

Ning Huang couldn't help reaching out to pinch the face of the ancient corpse, wow, it feels so good.

The skin care and beauty technology of this thousand-year-old corpse is simply amazing.

Ning Huang couldn't help touching her face along the face with her fingers. The contours of the ancient corpse's face were as if they had been meticulously carved by the axe, with clear outlines.

Hanging bridge nose, flying sword eyebrows, closed phoenix eyes, long and narrow, protruding upwards, with wanton publicity, thin lips curved without smiling, with a spontaneous domineering king, and unparalleled charm.

It's just that her lips are purple-black, and it looks like she died of poisoning.

"If it's a man, it's really the most beautiful man in the world. For a woman, it's not gentle enough." Ning Huang commented critically, her hand has already slid down the contour of the face, passed through the smooth neck, and was about to hook it on the neck There should be treasures hanging under the rope.

Before it could be pulled out, suddenly, his hand paused, and he climbed down in amazement to see the weird bump he felt.

"Mom! Adam's apple!" Ning Huang exclaimed.

At the same time, the rice bucket swished past, his fat head glanced at his neck, his eyes lit up, "beautiful man!"

The queen's corpse turned into a beautiful male corpse?
what the hell!

Ning Huang's back felt chilly, it was so weird!
...Actually, Ning Huang didn't understand until many years later.

Coffins are not picked casually, and zombies are not picked casually.

If you tease him, he will do everything possible to stick to you, sticking to you for life after life, just like a dog skin plaster that will not come off for thousands of years!
 Yaoyao's new book "The Phoenix Empress Has Demonic Qi" is a brand new attempt, integrating reincarnation, time travel, fantasy, supernatural, and fairy tales into one.

  Some friends said that this kind of innovation is very dangerous, and if it is not done well, there will be no achievements at all, but Yaoyao wants to persevere and try.

  Even if, not many people really like it.

  The heroine Ning Huang is the character design of the great heroine, the plot is straightforward, the heroine never suffers, the world will be turned upside down because of her appearance, and she is close to death. If the sky wants to destroy her, she will not shrink back and face it calmly, and finally become the real one. winner!
  Yaoyao wants to write a heroine who never gives up!

  Yaoyao wants to write a love story that moves heaven and earth!

  If you like it, please bookmark, vote and leave a message to support!

  Code words, loneliness.

  Code words are not easy.

  With only a few words from you, even a random footprint is a great support for Yaoyao.

  There will be many characters in this article, and babies are welcome to play guest roles.Please leave a message in the guest room in the book review area, Yaoyao will cherish everyone's participation.

  Let, let's experience a demon together (∩∩) meow~~

(End of this chapter)

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