Chapter 932 My Good Husband
When she realized it and turned around, Gu Xiuhan had already started to pack her luggage inside.

He took out the things in the suitcase one by one, and put them in the right place by category. Have you lived here for a few days? They brought a lot of things. Anyway, it was their own plane, so bring more things It doesn't matter.

Not right, as a big man, she is a petite wife, it should be these luggage for her, how can I let Gu Xiuhan pack it.

"Let it go, let it go, let it go."

Lin Wanwan hurried over,
"Leave all these to me, what are you doing with these, don't I usually clean them up?"

"??" Gu Xiuhan smiled suspiciously, when did she do this?

But then I remembered what Lin Wanwan said before, I understand, this is her act of interpretation again.

All right, she can clean up as long as she can.

While tidying up, the staff on the other side asked, "There are two people at home, who usually does the cleaning."

"Of course it's me." Lin Wanwan promised, patted her chest in a hurry.

At this time, Gu Xiuhan said bluntly from behind, "Isn't Wang Ma doing the cleaning?"

"..." That's right, they have a nanny at home, so this can't be too much, Lin Wanwan nodded, "I forgot, I forgot, I mean when Wang Ma was not around"

The reporter was right after thinking about it. What kind of 250 questions did she ask? They must have aunts and nanny at home, and there must be more than one or two.

"Then usually, who do you usually listen to when it comes to family affairs?"

This kind of problem, most couples should say, listen to him for big things, and mine for small things, but usually nothing big happens in the family, so polite words.

However, Lin Wanwan hastened to shout out at this time, "That must be listened to by my husband, my husband is so smart, he can even manage a company as big as Gu's, let alone such a small matter as our family, I will listen to everything his!"


What Lin Wanwan said was true and false.

The reporter looked at the way Gu Xiuhan shook his head behind him, and couldn't help feeling suspicious.

That night, Lin Wanwan was tired again and fell asleep early.

Neither went out to eat.

Because we arrived at the venue on the first day, the program team organized a dinner for everyone.

Almost everyone was present, only Lin Wanwan was absent.

At this time, Liu Yuxin on the side was still muttering, "Why are you here so late, look, Mr. Gu is here."

He is talking about his wife.

Feng Xiaoxiao saw Gu Xiuhan, "Mr. Gu came here by himself, Mr. Gu, where is your new wife?"

Gu Xiuhan raised his head, "Fell asleep."

After hearing this, Liu Yuxin said, "Hehe, Mr. Gu is not strict in managing the family. Let Mr. Gu come out alone, and his wife is sleeping soundly at home."

Feng Xiaoxiao raised her head and wanted to say something, but she didn't dare to speak. Instead, Fang Yi couldn't help but said, "Does Mr. Gu need to manage the family? Mr. Gu didn't say anything, but you want to help others manage the family?"

"Of course I don't mean that. What I mean is that Teacher Lin asked Mr. Gu to come out alone. Always take care of it."

Gu Xiuhan frowned and sat down.

"I didn't let anyone call her, what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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