Chapter 722 Give You A Bell
Lin Wanwan was also very angry when she saw her arrogant appearance.Especially when she kept talking about opera actors, she was humiliating her and Gu Xiuhan.

Lin Wanwan said, "We make money based on our abilities. What about you? You make money based on your father. Others can look down on us, but you still want to look down on us? We are indeed not as good as you. It's not like you can get money just by calling daddy. We After all, we have worked hard and achieved results, and many years later, we will still leave traces of our existence in this world, what about you, besides leaving ashes to pollute this world, what else have you left behind?"

"You poor poor ghosts will find some high-sounding excuses. If you don't have money, you don't have money." Gu Sixi's face was flushed when he was told, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. They all stopped and looked at themselves with sullen faces. She felt something was wrong for no reason.

Gu Sixi turned around angrily, "What are you looking at? Dance for me. You dancers are called here for the purpose of dancing. If you dare to stop, I guarantee that you won't get a penny."

Lin Wanwan looked at the people behind, "What era is this? Does anyone really think that money can buy human dignity? If you have money, you can swear at others? Sisters, you are here to make money, aren't you? Come to be angry, you have been scolded on your head like this, can you still jump down?"

Several people hesitated to offend Gu Sixi too much, but at this moment, one of them suddenly stood up.

"I think what she said makes sense. We are here to make money. We make money based on our ability. Why should we be scolded by her? What can she do? We can dance and sing anyway. After learning art for so many years, she really has the ability to make money by herself." Jump, we are not waiting, and she is not the only one who invites us, I really think she is the only one with money in the whole world."

When someone said this, the others immediately protested.

"Isn't it? Are you jealous? I'm not good enough. When I go out to be a star, no one will see me. So I'm prejudiced against the star."

"The figure also looks bad."

"If you're so rich and have such an ugly face, you probably have a bad foundation. You can't make a good face with money."


Gu Sixi did not expect that these people would be incited to rebel.

It's all because Lin Wanwan is here to provoke trouble, otherwise how dare they.

Lin Wanwan said, "Okay, since you don't welcome us, we're leaving, Wang Mian, we still have to bring over the gifts we brought."

An exquisite bell was carried by two people in the middle of the hall.

Send it to the end?

Gu Sixi pointed at Lin Wanwan and yelled at Gu Xiuhan, "You, are you just looking at her and humiliating me?"

Gu Xiuhan said nonchalantly, "Didn't it be that you didn't welcome us first? We kindly came to give you gifts, but you spoke rudely first, and Wanwan was right. Since you don't want us to come, let's go. That's right, it's late."

"Well, let's go." Lin Wanwan had enough trouble, took Gu Xiuhan's arm, and turned her head to stare at Gu Sixi who was mad.

Turning his head, he saw from behind that a man in a Chinese dress with slightly white temples was standing behind, looking at the two with squinted eyes.

Gu Xiuhan paused, looked at the predecessor, and said flatly, "Uncle."

Is it the Dafang's father who came back to China?
(End of this chapter)

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