Chapter 354
Lin Wanwan walked in with Shen Xingci, and the two of them stopped talking about it.

The butler came in, "We have prepared a barbecue banquet by the pool for a few of you, please move."

The swimming pool in the backyard appeared in the sparkling light. Shen Xingci glanced at Su Ye who was sitting on the side. Lin Wanwan shouted beside him, "Looking at the third master, he seems to be very healthy. He doesn't smoke or drink. I heard from their housekeeper that he is really a good man... But Sister Ci, you seem to be afraid of him."

Shen Xingci said in a low voice, "In the Su family, everyone said that half of the Su family is Su Ye. Maybe they have heard too much...Anyway, I feel afraid when I see him."

"Really, I think the third master is quite a nice person."

"You see, everyone is pretty nice." Shen Xingci said involuntarily.

Over there, the roaster was roasting the suckling pig on the spot, and the aroma was tangy. Gu Xiuhan was sitting on the side, talking to Su Ye, and Shen Xingci joked, "Gu Xiuhan, who is said not to be approached outside, doesn't you think so?" Very nice people."

"That's what people outside said. I thought it was scary at first, but after I got to know him, I realized that people are not that scary. I think maybe the third master is like this, otherwise why would the third master So help you."

"Hey, the third master doesn't want Su Yikun and me to be so stiff and let outsiders laugh at the Su family." Shen Xingci only realized today, "This is enough to see how terrible the third master is, and he has already thought about it calmly. Everything, hey, if I knew he would come back, I should have refused, but now..."

Thinking of living with such a person, Shen Xingci felt his scalp go numb.

"No, I thought he meant something to you..." Lin Wanwan said.

"How come, don't you know, the third master is notoriously not close to women."

"Well, of course I don't know."

Lin Wanwan couldn't help taking a sneak peek at Su Ye, "It doesn't look like there is something wrong with your body...but, you can't judge by appearance,'s a pity..."

Lin Wanwan suddenly became evil.

Shen Xingci slapped her with a teasing smile.

Lin Wanwan laughed, and hurriedly got up and said, "I'll give you some seasoning, actually I can also roast suckling pig, but this roast suckling pig, the ingredients are very important, if the taste is not good, the whole pig will be useless .”

Shen Xingci wanted to pull her but failed, "You really want to do it..."

There was clear distrust in her eyes.

The chefs here must be five-star chefs, she must be too impulsive.

However, she looked sideways and saw that Gu Xiuhan didn't look worried about being ashamed. He smiled lightly, looked in her direction, and said, "Okay, let her go make trouble."

Shen Xingci was certain in his heart, and didn't try to stop him.

Seeing that Lin Wanwan smiled and said something to the chef, the two really started to cook.

She skillfully adjusts seasonings, chops vegetables, and grills meat, and she looks organized.

Gu Xiuhan couldn't help but raise his lips, seeing her bouncing over with something, said happily, "Come and try it."

Shen Xingci took a sip in doubt, and Su Ye also took a sip.

Su Ye said first, "Well, it's pretty good."

Shen Xingci put it in his mouth, and felt that the taste was unexpected and very surprising.

Looking at Su Ye, who is picky by nature, he is full of praise, it seems that the taste is indeed good.

Gu Xiuhan had already expected it, he smiled and ate vegetables slowly, looking at Lin Wanwan, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

The momentary warmth made his heart quiet and indulged, as if it went on like this, as if he saw a lifetime all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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