The Golden Fleet in the Super Seminary

Chapter 86 The Battle of Deno

Chapter 86 The Battle of Deno ([-])

Zeratul asked Synthesis to lead his troops to stand by on the outskirts of the Dinor galaxy, and entered first by himself.

Voidseeker enters stealth mode.

The Deno galaxy has one star and eight planets, and the Nuo star and De Nuo star are the second and third planets respectively.

When the war broke out, the fleets of Deno and Nuo were not all concentrated in the middle zone between De and Nuo. After all, it was easy to affect their own home planet. It was mainly light ships that were engaged in the exchange of fire. possible.

The medium-sized ships are mainly concentrated in the area between the German star and the fourth planet. As the initiator of the war, Nuoxing will naturally only keep the battlefield as far away from its own home as possible.

The last of the heavy ships, the megaships, included new flagships with god-killing firepower, and the main battlegrounds were beyond the fourth planet.

All kinds of fusion weapons, laser weapons, and dark energy weapons are activated everywhere in the Deno galaxy. Every moment, the energy shield of the battleship reaches the threshold and disintegrates, and then it is bombarded by a shell, and the hull explodes like a bright fireworks.

Zeratul came to the fifth planet of Deno, and there were also dozens of Deno warships fighting. They fought very anxiously, and no one found the trace of the void seeker.

Unconsciously on both sides of Deno, Zeratul landed on the back of the fourth planet.

After opening the small space-time channel of the Void Seeker, a team of Carlisle engineers led by two phase technicians came out. Their task was to build a large space-time channel here to ensure the smooth passage of the golden fleet.

After handing over with them, Zeratul flew away from the planet with the Void Seeker again, and he was going to the German star to find out.

During the journey, Zeratul encountered many warships in the firefight. He carefully avoided the intensive artillery fire and finally approached the Devon Star.

"The guiding voice stopped in my head, this is the destination."

Zeratul spoke to himself in his uniquely magnetic voice.

"Oddly enough, that feeling of unease disappeared and was replaced by disgust that made me visceral."

"Maybe, the Zerg Swarm really came to this universe with us, but I want to confirm whether the main hive is here... I don't want to smell the stench of the Zerg again."

The Voidseeker stopped accelerating and landed downward.

It soon entered the atmosphere of the German star, stopped about 1000 meters above the ground and continued to descend, and began to circle around the equator of the German star, which is for better reconnaissance.

It didn't take long for Zeratul to feel that something was wrong. As far as he could see, the German star city was full of ruins, and no crowd could be seen. It was as silent as an ethereal world.

The battlefield of the Battle of De Nuo was in the interstellar space. The Nuo star did not strike the German star on the ground. It is impossible to suffer such a huge damage, and there is no sign of creep on the ground.

"Activate Xel'Naga Probe."

Seeing this scene, Zeratul was [-]% sure that this was an underground insect nest.

"Alarm, a large number of Zerg signals have been detected below the surface, and 130 eight underground insect nest signals have been detected."

"Can you confirm which worm nest is the main nest?"

Generally speaking, the insect swarm will only build one main nest on a planet, and the rest of the insect nests are subordinate, and the insect nest where the insect mother is located is the main nest. As long as the insect mother is killed, the insect swarm on this planet will It will lose command, and even devour each other, reducing the threat factor countless times.

But how could the cunning worm mother reveal such a big flaw? The size of each worm nest is almost exactly the same. The secondary nest of the worm queen just lacks the production authority of several high-level zerg, and there are quite a few worm nest buildings.

If it is a bug nest built on the surface, it is okay, the protoss will destroy all the bug nests, but this kind of underground bug nest cannot do so, they will choose to destroy the entire planet directly.

"Insufficient information to confirm the location of the main nest."

Zeratul had expected that although the protoss didn't like to destroy planets at every turn, especially the home planet of a civilization, in order to purify the Zerg, sacrificing a German star was inevitable and necessary.

"The known universe will not understand the horror of the swarm. Maybe our actions will be regarded as cruel massacres, but we must do so!"

Zeratul immediately contacted Shen Jun, "Archbishop, the insect swarm is hidden under the surface of the German star, and we cannot pass the German star to destroy the insect nest."

Hearing this, Shen Jun was not surprised, this was expected.

"Zeratul, I have assembled the golden fleet, and I can go to the Dinor galaxy at any time, as long as the space-time channel is established."

It will take at least several hours to calibrate the space-time channel, and we can only wait before that.

Over the main space-time channel of Aiur, countless double-type phoenixes, void glow ships, storm battleships, aircraft carriers, Notre Dame ships and all kinds of warships are ready to go. The scale is larger than the golden fleet 1000 years ago.

On the other side, Zeratul contacted Synthesis and asked them to slowly enter the Dinor battlefield, not asking how fast or showing hostility.

"Detect how many living people are left on this planet."

After the explanation, Zeratul activated the detector again, and the result was even more surprising.

Excluding the part that fought against Nuoxing outside, the surviving population on German Star is less than one out of ten!

And all of them hid in their undamaged homes in the air defense facilities, so no one on the surface of Dexing dared to show their faces.

"The signal of the tunnel worm has been detected below, and it is moving towards a gathering place of survivors."

Hearing this, the benevolent Zeratul drove the Voidseeker and rushed down without even thinking about it.

Because the Void Seeker does not have a weapon system, or the weapon system has not been excavated by Zeratul, in short, Zeratul jumped out of the Void Seeker when it was approaching the ground, and then let it automatically turn on the phantom and stop in a safe position.

Zeratul himself slipped into invisibility.

Coincidentally, the place where the survivors gather is the palace of the German Starlight Shield family.

Jiawen, Wuji Juggernaut, Viscero, Yuqin and others, as well as a team of palace guards are here to resist the attack of Zerg. There is also a ten-year-old child, Jiawen's son Yaowen.

A huge tunnel worm drilled out from the ground in front of the palace, and a huge torrent of zerg gushed out from the giant mouth of the tunnel worm.

Tens of thousands of springtails, thousands of hydralisks and cockroaches, hundreds of Mutalisks, and ten ultralisks all flocked to the palace.

"Sword Master, there are several times more bugs than before, can you hold it?"

Viscero laughed dryly.

"I won't fall until you fall."

The Promise Sword Master said calmly.

"Your Majesty, please step back."

The two agreed on the same goal, wanting Jiawen to hide in the palace.

"No, this time is no different than before, you are almost exhausted, we must fight side by side!"

Jarvan objected.

Suddenly, they noticed that some of the springtails in the distance died for no reason...

(End of this chapter)

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