The Golden Fleet in the Super Seminary

Chapter 79 Kaa's Doubts

Chapter 79 Kaa's Doubts

Although the hatchery is still a living thing in essence, it does not have the ability to move, so worker bees need to collect minerals and transform organic matter to provide nutrients. The more abundant the nutrients, the faster the larvae will be produced.

Of course, it is impossible for a nest to have only one hatchery. One after another, the worker bees turned into giant cocoons, and various flesh and blood buildings sprung up like mushrooms after the rain, split pools, hydralisk nests, baneling nests, cockroach greenhouses, evolution chambers, infection abyss, Minaret, Thunder Beast Cave...

Larvae are transformed into various zerg in these structures.

Splinter Pools allow Larvae to turn into Zerglings, which in turn can evolve into Jumpers or Splitters.

The hydralisk lair can turn the larva into a hydralisk, a highly aggressive zerg. The carapace armor on the upper part of the hydralisk can open and shoot out hundreds of spikes. These thorns are enough to pierce a two-centimeter thick Dark alloy plate, and the range of this kind of thorn is extremely long, shooting upwards can shoot down enemy fighters flying at a height of more than 1000 meters from the ground.

If it is attacking an enemy on the ground, the Hydralisk can adjust the shooting angle according to the opponent's position and distance, and can accurately kill a target ten kilometers away under a near-perfect parabola.

As for the rest, Baneling Lair, Cockroach Greenhouse, Infested Abyss, and Ultralisk Cave evolve larvae into Banelings (should be Zerglings, change the setting here), cockroaches, Infectors, and Ultralisks respectively.

Ultralisk is the most ferocious existence among the Zerg ground species. The bone-like scythe on both sides of the forelimb is composed of pure single molecules. The density, slope and sharpness of this biological weapon are not different from the energy blade of the Purifier. cents.

Spires and evolution chambers are relatively special insect nest buildings. The former is used to mutate flying zergs and corrupters, and the latter is used to decompose the genes of various creatures and extract parts that are beneficial to the evolution of insects. Come up with more variation directions.

In this way, the preliminary construction of a decent insect nest is completed.

Every second, a new swarm of insects is born, and worker bees are produced one by one, and the mineral veins are collected and transported back to the hatchery and other hive buildings.

The swarm is growing stronger all the time!
In addition to the worm mother, there are 130 seven worm nests established under the surface of the German star. The main nest of the low-level worm queen is far less complete than the worm nest established by the worm mother. It infects the gene sequences of the abyss, the thunder beast cave and the evolution cavity. Only the Hive Mother can use it, and even then, once the swarm is large enough, they can make enemies feel hopeless.

Dexing hopes to rely on super antibodies to resist the potential threat of infected people, but they always forget one thing.

That is, Yuqin's skin was pierced by a parasitic stinger!
Although the infected person could not be infected with the super antibody, Yuqin's blood remained on the infected person's tail thorn.

And the evolution cavity is precisely used to analyze the existence of genes that help the swarm evolve...

About a month later, when Jiawen vigorously mobilized medical resources for Yuqin, he finally injected super antibodies to all the senior personnel of German Star. The stars breathed a sigh of relief.

They couldn't help thinking that more and more biologists were speculating that the swarm might be a species that lived underground, and controlling the chief was just for self-protection.

Whether it is the Kamigawa beast body, the triangular body or even the protoss, they are all creatures that live on the surface. It is normal not to know this kind of underground creatures. The swarm should not pose much threat to them.

This speculation seems to be recognized by most biologists, only Yuqin is the most staunch opponent.

However, Yuqin was a victim of the Zerg incident after all, and it seems right to hate the Swarm.

Therefore, gradually even Jiawen was no longer so worried.

Viscero and the Everlasting Sword Master vaguely felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't figure out why, and they were no longer as vigilant against the swarm as they were a month ago.

Martial law in several cities was quickly lifted.

Dexing relaxed, but their old neighbor Nuoxing became tense.

For the operation of the old neighbor in the past month, Wangcheng was inexplicably put under martial law, and then returned to normal inexplicably.

In the end, the Royal Academy of Sciences was even changed. The original Academy of Sciences was directly abandoned and surrounded.

Unusual and definitely problematic!
Kayo has been tossing and turning these days, unable to sleep at night, thinking about what happened to De Xing in the past month.

Accidents in the Academy of Sciences are no small matter. For a civilization of Xiang De Nuo's level, the security level of scientific research places is absolutely the top priority. Building materials must use the highest strength dark alloy, and the specifications of some places even far exceed the palace.

Logically speaking, even if there is a major experimental accident, it is impossible to shake the entire Academy of Sciences, rebuild a laboratory at most, and it is impossible to abandon an Academy of Sciences that has been in operation for thousands of years.

Unless... Dexing's experimental accident was beyond imagination.

Must be researching some kind of unknown super weapon!

Kayo seems to have a kind of persecution paranoia, no matter what the situation is, he can think that De Xing is going to attack Nuo Xing.

"Could it be something wrong with the power of Kamigawa..."

After Nuoxing successfully developed the Nuoxing God of War, Dexing also abandoned other research plans in order to keep up with the progress. Except for the death research of insect eggs, all the centers were put on the power of Shenhe.

It is impossible to hide the huge cost of the god-making project, so it is easy for Nuo Xing to know that De Xing is developing the power of Kamigawa.

Kayo always had a bad premonition. His long military career told him that this would be an early warning of an unprecedented storm. However, there has been no possibility of any foreign war in the Deno galaxy for thousands of years. There are only a few civilizations in the known universe that can pose a threat to Deno, but none of them have had conflicts.

Not to mention protoss.

That could only be civil war...

However, Kieran has described the future of the three major god-making projects. Although the power of Kamigawa is regarded by Kieran as the last resort to fight against the void, in his evaluation, Nuoxing God of War is the one with the strongest combat power.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Dexing to take the initiative to start a war against Nuoxing.

At this time, Kayo did not have the idea of ​​declaring war on Germany. Although there is an arms competition between the two countries, it is still a healthy competition at present, and it will not suddenly reach the level of hand-to-hand combat.

After much deliberation, Kayo decided to send someone to Dexing to investigate.

It is very common for De Nuo to communicate with each other. Before they started the god-making project, they often had technical cooperation. Suddenly, such a big thing happened in De Nuo, and Nuo Xing should understand the situation.

As for whether Dexing will tell the truth, it will determine Kayo's final attitude.

"Lianfeng, go to De Xing and ask them what happened this month. It's the same as in the normal communication before, no need to deliberately spy!"

Since Deno entered a state of arms race, the two countries have been unable to communicate directly, and can only send ambassadors to communicate.

(End of this chapter)

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