The Golden Fleet in the Super Seminary

Chapter 75 Amon's Spokesperson?

Chapter 75 Amon's Spokesperson?
Yuqin is in a panic now, because she doesn't know what's going on with these monsters in the cultivation room, and they all stare at her with green eyes.

Just a few seconds ago, the huge and disgusting infected pierced Yuqin's left shoulder with its tail thorn.

The parasitic stinger is actually not that big, about the size of an ordinary syringe needle, so there won't be a particularly obvious wound on Yuqin's shoulder.

but that feeling...

How should I put it, it was nauseating and painful, especially the instant pain that made Yuqin suspect that she was feeling the twelfth level of human pain in advance...


There's no after that.

That's right, Yuqin was not infected, the neurological parasite died before entering Yuqin's nervous system.

This is due to the medical attainments of the genius of Yuqin. As the chief medical officer of the future heroic company, even Morgana will be forcibly taken away by force, how could he not take strict protection of his own health?

As a doctor, Yuqin has added countless kinds of super antibodies to her genes, so it is normal to prevent all harmful parasites and microorganisms from entering her body.

The dean is even more sad. He is not a fighter, so he is not qualified to receive super genes. He can only artificially delay aging, so he is actually several hundred years younger than Viscero, but his hair is already graying. Luo is still a young man.

Medical attainment is not as strong as language and piano, just a little healthier than ordinary people, so it is easy to be infected.

Since the Zerg has just arrived in the Super God Universe, it needs a period of time to adapt, and it also needs the biomass of the Super God Universe to assist in evolution, so it is difficult for infected people to infect super soldiers, or natural antibodies like Yuqin.

"There are humans in this universe who are immune to the infection of infected people, good biomass... If Master Abathur is here, just look at this human being to find out her genetic sequence, and it is easy to make infected people Get evolution..."

The worm mother said in a hoarse voice.

Although Yuqin doesn't know the specific meaning of these terms, she can probably guess that after being stabbed by those so-called infected people, she will be controlled by them. spared.

However, how could the biggest monster speak!

Yuqin thinks if she negotiates with it and asks it to let her go, whether the worm mother will understand what she means.

The name Abathur was remembered by Yuqin. After listening to the worm, what does it mean that this Abathur can analyze all the super antibodies developed by Yuqin just by looking at it?
And Abathur is not in the known universe yet, which means...

"Although it can't be as easy as Master Abathur, swallowing can help analyze the gene sequence, but it will take a little time."

The worm mother said to herself, she didn't know why she suddenly liked to talk to herself, it obviously didn't like talking before.

Yuqin saw the worm mother crawling towards her while saying "swallow" to herself.

While crawling, they did not forget to lay eggs. In just a few minutes, nearly a hundred worker bee eggs were laid, while other queens laid immeasurable larval eggs.

Yuqin wanted to escape in panic, but was surrounded by the infected dean and a bunch of infected people, unable to move.

"Oh, I still feel something is wrong... Dean, we have known each other for so many years, I really didn't expect you to be controlled by these disgusting things."

With a "bang", the door of the cultivation room was kicked open, and it was Viscero who entered.

And behind him, there was another god-slaying warrior of the same level as him, the Infinity Sword Master.

"When I came here just now, there was a spiritual force that was secretly disturbing my thoughts. In addition, the dean, your cover-up was almost perfect. At that time, I was really in your way!"

With a flash of Viscero's figure, Yuqin was rescued. The speed of the Dexing Spear was at the forefront even among the three generations of gods. Of course, these large zergs couldn't stop him.

"However, as soon as I left the Academy of Sciences, I got rid of the interference of that mental power, and instantly remembered the biggest flaw, which was the usual reminder before I left. The dean's answer will definitely not be good, but 'do well Just do your own business, you don’t need to worry about my affairs here’, you monsters that crawled out of eggs, you’d better get the dean back to normal quickly, and then obediently crawl into the biological museum of my German star!”

Viscero held the dark alloy gun and pointed at the worm mother.

"Viscero, the arrival of the swarm will surely devour the entire galaxy, and you should serve the swarm with me."

The dean said frantically that his brain nerves have been completely taken over by parasites. Even if the parasites are removed by surgery, the best end result is to become a vegetative state.

Liang Bing's face turned dark immediately, the previous conversation with Karl had already made her see clearly Karl's perverted nature, especially once it happened that Karl was preparing to become a phantom body and wanted her to become a phantom body, unless it was absolutely necessary, she would I really don't want to have anything to do with Carl again.

Well, looking at Liang Bing like this, Shen Jun knew that she didn't know Karl's current situation. According to the information secretly detected by the Protoss, Karl's trajectory did not change much from the original trajectory of the Xiongbing Company.

But this is impossible, the entire Super God universe has been messed up because of the addition of the protoss, Shen Jun also fooled Karl with so many messy things, it is absolutely impossible for Karl to remain unchanged.

Shen Jun asked Gaius to give Karl Ian the crystal, just to confirm Karl's position. He fabricated the history of countless super civilizations fighting against the void in the super god universe, and wanted to see if Karl would change his view of the void.

It turns out that dogs can't change what they eat, and Karl can't escape the fate of becoming a fart god after all.

According to Shen Jun's expectation, the probability of Amon's entity coming to the Super God Universe is very small, and most of them will still cultivate minions or project troops first, and then enter the field as an avatar.

The advantage of this is that if the protoss knows the location of Amon's projected power in advance, they can take the lead in attacking. Under the timely attack of the golden fleet, Amon will not even want to get the body of the avatar.

The difficulty is that it is impossible for the protoss to monitor the entire universe at the same time. Otherwise, the protoss would have gone to Zerus long ago, and it would have been the turn of the Zerg to steal the house?
It is impossible to monitor the universe. If you want to do this, you have to be at least close to the demigod level of Xel'Naga.

So Shen Jun decided to change his mind.

Karl will definitely actively become Amon's minion, and can even play a role similar to the Moebius Foundation.

Then let him become Amon's spokesperson in the known universe, and then only need to keep an eye on Karl.

(End of this chapter)

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