The Golden Fleet in the Super Seminary

Chapter 72 Isn't He... Dead?

Chapter 72 Isn't He... Dead?

(It seems that many book lovers still don’t read the author’s words, or they may not believe that there is no difference between the official Ark, and it is not tailor-made for protectors. I really am not talking nonsense)


Suddenly, the dean heard a crackling sound, and when he took a closer look, the giant egg in front of him began to vibrate. There were more and more cracks on the surface, and the cracks became bigger and bigger.

Even though he couldn't see clearly under the strong light in the cultivation room, the dean was sure that the giant egg was emitting a faint green light.


The dean let out a cry of pain, and the temperature on the surface of the egg shell rose sharply. The dean's attention was already attracted by the change of the giant egg, but he didn't notice it for a while. Now the temperature of the egg shell was already very high, directly scalding the dean's hand.

"President, are you alright?"

Yuqin panicked and said, not only the one in front of the dean, but all the giant eggs in the cultivation room began to vibrate, as if something terrible was about to come out of them.

"I'm fine... Maybe they are about to hatch, dare to close the breeding chamber quickly! Then notify His Majesty and General Viscero."

Yuqin opened the dark alloy shield in a panic, and was about to open the dark communication to notify Jiawen III, but suddenly stopped.

"Yuqin, why did you stop?"

"Court... Dean... behind you..."

The dean couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and when he looked back, he was almost scared out of his wits, only to see a strange creature clinging to the dark alloy shield in the cultivation warehouse behind him, and the original giant egg had already broken.

"'s okay, we have shields made of dark alloy, and they can't get out."

The dean forced a smile on his face. For some reason, this strange creature that he had never seen before gave him a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

The body of this creature is about seven or eight meters high and fifteen or six meters long. It is covered with a layer of hard carapace. There are two sharp front legs growing on both sides of its head. You can also see some long and narrow growths under its mouth. tentacle.

It has a tail-like appendage at the end and a sharp tail spine at the end.

If Shen Jun was standing here, he would definitely turn pale with shock, and then kill this creature at all costs, just because it has a notorious name.


The most hated zerg in the swarm, they have parasitic stingers on their tail spines, which can secrete a kind of neural parasite, once it penetrates into the organism, it will quickly control the host's nervous system, and then the creature will be under the control of the infected.

Under normal circumstances, once the nervous parasite leaves the infected person, it will die within a few hours, but the infected person now is not the one that the Queen of Blades used to have, but the swarm after being contaminated by Emon .

Neuroparasites can survive indefinitely, but an infected person can only secrete ten neuroparasites at a time.

In addition, the infected are covered in a fungal carapace, which can resist enemy fire or potential threats.

The two huge sharp forefeet are digging feet, which can drill into the ground in a very short time, and can move at high speed underground.

The giant eggs were broken open one by one, leaving only the largest one that hadn't fully hatched.

Infestors are not the only species of zerg in this batch, it accounts for more than half of the number, while the other half are queens.

In terms of size, the two zerg are not much different, with queens being taller and infestors being longer.

But the queen can produce incalculable larvae, which is the root of the endless swarm, and at the same time possesses higher intelligence, and is the leader under the mother.

The upper body of the queen is inclined to the outline of a person. Two forelimbs have insect claws that resemble three fingers, and a row of bone spurs on the back. The lower body is similar to an ant queen. There are three pairs of gliding insect legs, which are convenient for high-speed movement on the creep.

The Devon Star could never have imagined what kind of disaster he had brought back.

The dean forcibly endured his fear, looked around the breeding room of the infected, and was quickly attracted by all kinds of weird tissues on the infected.

Made him ignore the parasitic stinger rising from the infected's tail.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's blocked by the dark alloy shield, they can't rush out..."

The dean murmured silently in his heart.


The infected person popped out the parasitic sting like lightning, and the powerful penetrating force easily pierced through the shield, and plunged into the dean's neck.


The severe pain made the dean couldn't help but yell, but he stopped yelling after a few seconds and fell into silence.

Yuqin standing at the console turned pale with fright.

Immediately following a loud bang, all the infected and the queen broke through the wall.

Yuqin suddenly came to her senses, and hurriedly continued the previous operation on the console, trying to connect to the secret communication of the royal family.

However, before she could operate a few times, a worm queen sprayed a cloud of corrosive slime towards the console, destroying the console in an instant, and the alarm sounded.


Yuqin screamed in fright, and rushed out of the cultivation room without looking back. Fortunately, the console was very close to the door, which allowed her to temporarily avoid disaster.

"Come on, there are monsters!"

Yuqin ran outside and shouted, "The dean was killed by a monster!"

German Star Spear Viscero was ordered to guard the Academy of Sciences and was stationed near the entrance of the Academy of Sciences at this time. Yuqin ran all the way to Vissello's barracks and explained to him what he had just seen.

As soon as she left, the largest insect egg in the corner finally shattered, and a zerg that was similar in shape to the queen, but two or three times larger in size emerged from it.

The insect mother, the superior unit of the queen, has the power to independently develop the insect nest, has a very high degree of intelligence, and has the ability to learn.

But this is not important, the important point is that the worm mother has the ability to speak.

Which also means... I can write dialogue!

"A smell that humans... haven't asked for for a long time."

The worm mother looked at the infected president of the Academy of Sciences and said nostalgicly.

"Go, serve the swarm... before I hatch enough larvae, remove those human doubts!"

The dean said in a daze, "Follow orders..."

"Dean, are you in there? We heard the siren, is there something going on inside?"

In the corridor, Viscero and Yuqin came to the door of the cultivation room, followed by a group of guards, and they found that the door of the cultivation room had been locked.

"Who! What are you arguing outside?"

Hearing the dean's violent roar from inside, Viscero and Yuqin were stunned for a moment. Isn't the dean... dead?

(End of this chapter)

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