The Golden Fleet in the Super Seminary

Chapter 44 Construction Plan of the Koprulu Sector

Chapter 44 Construction Plan of the Koprulu Sector

This means that the population growth of the protoss will be slower, but the advantage is that their growth cycle will be much shorter, which means that the new protoss can form effective combat power faster, and there will be no protoss who die naturally. The population of protoss is increasing, that is, when the population base reaches a certain level, even if the ability to reproduce is weak, there will still be hundreds of millions of protoss after tens of thousands of years.

The genetic enhancement is aimed at the entire protoss. Currently, all the complete facilities are concentrated in Aiur, and the protoss troops outside of Aiur have to return to Aiur to receive injections. The strengthened protoss troops will switch defenses with them. The spirit has time and space channels, and it only takes a few minutes to change defenses.

Naturally, this includes the Mineral Star-1 garrison in the Thain star system, and Kaludia led the team back to Ayr yesterday.

In recent decades, the Protoss has been developing rapidly outward. Shen Jun divided the star field within a radius of [-] light-years into the control of the Protoss, and added it to the general star map of the known universe and uploaded it all over the world. Knowing the universe, of course Al's coordinates will not be exposed, even if it is exposed, Shen Jun is confident that there will not be more than three people in the entire universe who can find Al by themselves.

Naturally, this star area was also named by Shen Jun as the Koplu star area.

The Koprulu Star Region is a subjective territory directly controlled by the Protoss. It does not mean that the Protoss has no affiliated civilizations in other distant star regions. In fact, the real scope of the influence of the Protoss Durham government is 27 light-years in diameter and has affiliated civilizations. [-], ten in pre-nuclear civilizations, seventeen in space civilizations.

None of them are too strong, and the time of surrender is relatively short, and their loyalty needs to be considered.

So Protoss did not give them substantial technical assistance, but only provided protection, how to provide protection?Very simple, the protoss has built space-time channels in the parent galaxies of these 27 affiliated civilizations.

Not only for protection, but also to consolidate the control of the protoss.

Zeratul continued to run around the universe, but he didn't know exactly why. An instinct of life made him unable to stop, so Shen Jun had no choice but to send him a mission, which was to go to the major stars of the universe. To build a space-time channel, as long as there is a large insect bridge, a space-time channel will be built not far from it.

Shen Jun wants to build a cosmic transportation network that belongs exclusively to the protoss. He is not worried about the destruction of the time-space channel, because he has specially added a psionic storm trigger device to the time-space channel. Once the time-space channel is destroyed, it will detonate a A field of power equivalent to ten high-level temples jointly launched a spiritual storm, and the enemy died together.

There are nearly [-] galaxies in the Koprulu star region, and only seven galaxies have civilizations, and only one civilization has reached the pre-nuclear era, and the rest are from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

The seven civilizations are located on Sion Star, Reed Star, Auk Star, Senuo Star, Sanna Star, Guka Star and Keha Star.

Of course, they were all named by Shen Jun. Among them, Keha is the only home star of the pre-nuclear civilization, a subsidiary civilization that the Protoss values ​​most, and the capital planet of the Tyrann Federation, the spokesperson of the Protoss Empire in the known universe in the future. .

Shen Jun speculates that Triangle may have come here because there are no enemies in this territory and there are quite a lot of planets with rich water resources.

Compared with other places that are far away, the cultivation of civilizations in the Koprulu star area is undoubtedly more trustworthy, and the control will be greater. Therefore, Shen Jun planned to cultivate these seven low-level civilizations many years ago.

In Rohana's database, there are technology trees of the three races. The zerg technology has been mastered by Gaius, and the human race technology is still lying in the corner eating ashes, which is just used to cultivate subordinate civilizations.

Of course, except for the only pre-nuclear civilization that can use a small part of technology, the other six civilizations need to let them enter the pre-nuclear era first.

This cannot be done overnight, it has to be done step by step.

However, with the active help of the protoss, even the most backward Thain civilization successfully entered the first industrial revolution three years ago, entered the steam age, and could successfully enter the nuclear front after about two industrial revolutions. The era, the breakthrough will be completed in about half a century or so.

The remaining five non-nuclear pre-nuclear civilizations have also successfully entered the pre-nuclear era.

Shen Jun intends to allow these affiliated civilizations in the Koprulu star area to enter the space age in the next 100 years and establish a real Tyrannian federation.

Only Keha has entered the space age as a matter of course, but their cognition of the universe is still in its infancy. This cognition cannot be compensated simply through data. After all, the foundation of civilization depends on the accumulation of civilization itself. Shen Jun has been very supportive , but many things will ultimately depend on their own experience.

This is why Lieyang is willing to provide some technical assistance to the earth, but will never send troops to aid the earth.

As early as more than 1000 years before the establishment of the Xiongbing Company, the Lieyang civilization took a fancy to the earth, and it did not simply want the earth to become a subsidiary civilization of the Lieyang, but wanted all the Lieyang civilization to immigrate to the earth, and was finally defeated by Monkey King and Duka Ao stopped it, but this coveting never dissipated.

In that era, Sun Wukong's fighting power was very strong, and the gene of fighting against Buddha was among the best in the entire universe, but it was dragged down by the technological level of the earth, and it had not been upgraded once in more than 1000 years, making the original fighting power comparable to Pan Zhen Sun Wukong struggled even to beat Xuan Tianji.

This is not to say that Sun Wukong is weak. On the contrary, the technology of more than 1000 years ago can defeat Xuantianji who has been upgraded many times, which has already shown the strength of the fighting and defeating Buddha gene.

It was the Tang Dynasty when Mr. Wu of the Super Theological Seminary designed the battle to defeat Buddha. With the conditions at that time, it would be a miracle to create Sun Wukong by exhausting all the resources of the Earth Super Seminary’s branch, so Brother Hou’s true strength must be extremely powerful. Most of them have not been developed. Even if the company of heroes is formed, the earth finally has the conditions to upgrade super soldiers.

However, by this time, the three major creators have also awakened, and coupled with Ducao's subjective factors, most of the resources will definitely be tilted towards Ge Xiaolun, that is, the power of the galaxy before the power of Kamigawa.

This also led to Sun Wukong's embarrassing situation. Fighting the gluttonous army does not need to upgrade Monkey King. No matter how old the technology is, Monkey King is also a peak animal body, which is equivalent to the existence of three generations of gods. It is easy to abuse a glutton without super genes.

The biggest crisis at that time was gluttony, and what would the earth government think about God? Monkey King's combat power was already the ceiling of the Xiongbing Company, so why not build more ceilings?
What's more, the whole universe regards the power of the galaxy as the main god of the earth and even the galaxy by default. Isn't this a message to the high-level people that Ge Xiaolun is the savior?

It's just a pain for Brother Monkey.

All in all, Lie Yang has always regarded the earth as his own, and naturally he can't understand the gluttonous demon angels raging on the earth, so they let Lena go to train the army, including the news that the gluttonous is about to attack the earth It was also sent by Pan Zhen to Ducao.

(End of this chapter)

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