Chapter 159

After the fair man's story, Qian Gungun learned that these four people were villagers from a village at the foot of the mountain. Because the county magistrate was too cruel, he colluded with landlords and businessmen to exploit them.

The scars on this face and the blind eyes were all injured in the struggle of resistance. They had no choice but to occupy the road and rob here.

"Oh? Then how do you plan on saving them?" Qian Gungun didn't directly agree to their words, but instead asked them what she needs to do next to save them.

At first, Qian Gungun thought that although these four people were bandits, they were still honest and could be saved, but now.

The skill of lying is not good enough, and he even wanted to lie to her. It is simply that if you don't die, you won't die.

For the first time, Qian Gungun felt that his standard of judging people was still very poor. Whether it was Lan Zuixin before or these few people now, they would have delusions from the beginning.

But Di Yishu is different, this Di Yishu is very successful no matter in life or work, and...

Why did he think of him again? Qian Gungun had warned himself more than once, now, the most important thing is not the love between children.

Life does not exist for love, since there is no such thing, life still has to go on, and time will not stop because of this.

"That's right, I just hope that the heroine can bring us justice." The fair man continued to demand, thinking that Qian Gungun was moved by his tears full of sorrow.

Unexpectedly, Qian Gun Gun had already KO'd these people, and now asking this question, he just wanted to know what the purpose of these people was.

Maybe, you can follow the clues and find the instigator behind the scenes. An ion said that when doing things, you can't just look at the surface, but look at the essence behind the surface.

Well, what An Ion wants to explore is the mastermind behind the scenes with deep cultivation and excellent concealment, and she will start the trial now to find out the mastermind behind the scenes with poor skills and average brains.

Chang Lezi said that in order to find an opportunity to break through, one must enter the world before being born. In the turbulent world, one may be able to find one's own inner essence.

From this noisy world, let go of the world of mortals.

Although Qian Gungun didn't understand what Chang Lezi said at the time, she only understood one thing, that is, in this secular world, if you get an opportunity, you need to intervene in its affairs.

Um, Qian Gungun's language comprehension ability is just like this, everyone will not be surprised, forgive this stupid Qian Gungun.

"Get justice? Is it to help you beat up the county magistrate or make you become landlords?" Qian Gungun asked with a half-smile.

"No, no, woman, if you beat up the county magistrate, you're making an enemy of the imperial court. As for turning yourself into a landlord, we can't do that either." Shaking his head, he rejected the suggestion.

"Oh? What is that?" Qian Gungun became curious, what exactly were these four people trying to do when they stopped him.

"I just hope that our brothers can follow you, the heroine." When the fair man said this, his head had already been lowered, and he couldn't see what his expression was.

"Follow me? I don't need a younger brother." It turned out that this was their idea, but it was a pity that she didn't need these useless people around her.

To put it bluntly, these people are not only useless, but also hinder her. She must be crazy.

Besides, if these people don't know each other, how could they ask for this right away? Is there someone giving instructions behind this?
"No, female hero, please let us follow you." When the fair man heard that Qian Gun Gun refused, his tone became panicked. This is not acceptable.

"Follow me, what can you do?" Qian Gungun seemed to compromise, as long as they were useful, let them follow.

When the four of them heard something interesting, they were overjoyed, "We can do all the coolies for the heroine, and we can do anything."

"But I don't need it." Qian Gungun looked innocent, but there was an annoyance in his tone. If it wasn't for her innocent expression, the four of them would have thought she was playing tricks on them.

"Women Xia, please let us follow you. In this desolate place, we have nowhere to go. Please take us." The man with the knife scar also had a mournful face, but these words did not let us go. Qian Gungun felt sorry for this man.

Instead, there was a feeling of creepiness and goosebumps all over the ground. This rough voice was matched with that mournful tone, um, I really can't imagine it.

"Okay." Since you are so persistent, then accept it and stay to see who is behind all this.

When she said to let them stay, Qian Gungun could clearly see that the four of them were relieved, with joyful expressions in their eyes.

Well, the acting is not successful, it's too easy to expose, I really don't know who is so stupid to find some helpers who are so easy to pass through, it's too dishonest.

This road leads from the world of self-cultivation to the secular world. As soon as she came out, she was followed by someone. What does it mean?
It shows that this Kunlun faction must still be supervised by someone, and she has not told many people about her coming out for a trial, so how did these people know.

Is someone watching from the Kunlun faction, or is the power of the master messenger behind the scenes distributed in the entire cultivation world?

"Thank you, female hero, thank you female hero." The four of them kowtowed a few times in gratitude. If Qian Gungun accepted it, it would be a life-saving straw.

A while ago, a mysterious person found the four brothers and told them forcefully that he wanted them to do one thing. After the task was completed, he could give him a thousand taels of gold.

When he first heard about it, the white man still thought about it, for such a high price, the task would definitely not be easy.

He shook his head to the other three people, meaning don't make a decision so quickly, let him think about it first, and think that he should know what to do before agreeing.

It's just that the person didn't tell what it was, but just asked them if they would do it, and if they refused to help, then don't blame them for being cruel, and just killed the four of them in the first place.

A thousand taels of gold, this is money they can't earn in their entire lives. Under the temptation of money and the threat of life, they agreed.

After agreeing to this, the man told them that he wanted them to follow a woman and report the woman's daily behavior to him.

Hearing this, there is indeed no problem, as long as you only need to follow, it will be fine, but that person asked again, not to follow, but to follow together openly.

If it is sneaky, it is easy to be found, and it is not very good for them.If this is upright, they have a reason to follow the woman wherever she goes.

Then, the scene in front of him appeared.

"Follow." There was a sinister smile on Qian Gungun's face, but it was very shallow, and was not seen by those four people, otherwise, those four people would definitely suppress their evil intentions.

Qian Gungun first walked in the direction he was going, and told them to follow, then he didn't say anything to them, and these people followed honestly without any fuss.

After descending the mountain, there is a village. In this village, there are very few people. There are not a few houses in sight. Only a few people can be seen working in the fields.

Those who work in this field are either children or old people, and they don't see the young labor force. It seems that these people have done some homework.

Since I have done some homework, I will first figure out the situation inside, otherwise, if I am exposed, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Why are there so few people?" Those who have done their homework will definitely know, so Qian Gun Gun asked, and those people's answers will not be fake.

"Woman, I just explained that these people fled after being persecuted." The fair man answered first, and even glanced at the one-eyed dragon.

Seeing this situation from the corner of her eye, Qian Gungun understood that this fair and clean man was the boss of these people. She always thought it was the one-eyed dragon or the man with the scar.

I can't tell that this fair and clean man is still a leader. He is really domineering enough to overwhelm the other three. I always thought that he was just a leader.

Oh hehehehe~ I'm sorry, she is evil.

"Oh, that's how it is." After hearing these words, Qian Gungun could think of the things inside.

The young man couldn't stand such persecution, but he couldn't resist, so he had no choice but to escape from this place. The old people and children who stayed behind probably couldn't escape or didn't want to escape, so they stayed.

Well, they are also miserable people.

Where there are people, there is oppression; where there is oppression, there are poor people, but why don't these people learn to resist.

Isn't it because of the oppression that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was oppressed, and then the peasants revolted?Later, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was prosperous for 14 years.

It's a pity that in the end, under the cooperation of the Qing Dynasty and the big powers, it perished due to internal and external troubles, but the lesson of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom still taught those in power that water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

Could it be that those in power now don't have this awareness?

What Qian Gungun didn't know was that the mountain was high and the emperor was far away. No matter how the people in power wanted to do it, there was nothing the people below could do if they obeyed the law.

Qian Gungun walked towards the village, but the people in the village looked at Qian Gungun with terrified expressions in their eyes, as if Qian Gungun had a terrifying appearance.

Qian Gungun touched his face. Could it be that she has turned into a devil?No matter what, look at her with that expression.

Qian Gungun ignored the fact that she was no longer alone, and that she was followed by three ferocious Chinese papers.

(End of this chapter)

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