Chapter 734 Emperor Bichu ([-])

 But is it really absurd?
 Although Emperor Bichu's decision sounds fake and ridiculous, if you think about it carefully, you will find some wisdom in it.

 "Why?" Jun Feige already had some understanding in her heart, but she still wanted to get the answer from him personally.

 Bai Qingchen stood up from his seat and walked towards the window with his hands behind his back: "I don't have a prince. Xiao'er is very talented, but unfortunately she is a girl." As if thinking that the person in front of him was also a woman, he added: " Not every girl has the ability to take on the destiny of the country like you."

 Jun Feige smiled, noncommittal.This is a manly world, a fact she cannot change.
 "After knowing that Xiao'er and Xizisang were in love, I was happy for a while. Xizisang is very capable and wise enough, and I can see that the man has no ambition for the throne. He is more suitable A good minister, not an emperor. So I think he should be a very suitable candidate to assist Xiao'er in the future. I know that Xiao'er doesn't like government affairs, but as the only child I can choose, she must bear this responsibility even if she doesn't want to responsibility."

 Jun Feige was quite touched by Bai Qingchen's words.In that environment, many times there is no choice.When you get a life of rich clothes and fine food, you must bear the responsibilities and obligations that come with it.After all, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and it would be ridiculous to think that being born in the royal family would allow you to have no troubles.

 "Why didn't Your Majesty let Xizisang participate in the government?" If Xizisang was not afraid of usurping the throne, how could it be possible to leave that talented man idle for so long without giving him an official position?
 "I can still live for a while, let him spend more time with Xiao'er." Bai Qingchen gave an unimaginable reason for the emperor.

 But Jun Feige could tell that he wasn't lying, and it was really a miracle that such an emperor who loved his daughter so much was born.
 "Isn't there still Bai Xiang?" She asked this way, and she also knew that compared to the Princess Bai Xiao she heard, Bai Xiang was more like a child, pure, lively, and emotive.If such a woman ascends the throne, she may be bullied by her subordinates soon.Even if Nian Jinglong and the others are around to protect him, how long can they protect him?
 "Hehe." Bai Qingchen chuckled twice, but the laughter was full of helplessness and distress: "I have already killed one daughter, how can I push the other into the fire?"

 The fire pit... Jun Feige was speechless.This was the first time she heard someone describe the throne as a "pit of fire", and the person who said this was still an emperor.

 "Why lonely?"

 Bai Qingchen looked at her fixedly, his eyes were a little red, but it didn't hurt his imperial aura at all.

 "I can see that it won't be long before this world will be divided between Jinhuang and Longcheng. The emperor of Longcheng, Hua Qingyuan, may have the ability to govern the country, but it is a pity that he is narrow-minded and does not have the capacity to tolerate others. The current emperor Hua Mobai is just a reckless man, without the help of Hua Jingcang, he would not have the strength to fight against Long Cheng. But also because of Hua Jingcang's help, Long Cheng will definitely fall into their hands." Said At this point, the emperor revealed a secretive smile.

 "Having a younger brother who is too capable is sometimes not a good thing to let people feel at ease."

 Jun Feige nodded in agreement.

Back then Hua Jingcang had told her about his relationship with Hua Mobai, but the so-called relationship was just a cloud in her eyes.In the face of huge interests, how long can that fragile brotherhood last?
(End of this chapter)

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