Supreme Flower Wedding: The Empress Arrives

Chapter 691 Understanding the Law

Chapter 691 Understanding the Law ([-])

 Jun Jiang got a flower pot to grow soybeans, but it was actually because of Jia Mingzi.What he said about "laws" interested her.

 Since it is the only way to become a fairy, it doesn't seem to matter if she starts researching now, and it may have an unexpected effect on future advancement.Anyway, she has been really free in the past two days, and she doesn't want to meddle in other people's affairs, because that will only cause trouble for her subordinates.

 Life is the most miraculous of all things in the world, so Jun Jiang chose plant germination to comprehend the mystery of the law.It's just that if the law is so easy to comprehend, there will be countless immortals in this world.

 Jun Jiang stood for a day and thought about it for a day, but she couldn't even get a clue.

 Then Xiaobai's words gave her an inspiration.

 It's just that the buds come out of the seeds - which means that life needs to break through some barriers, and the reason for birth is that life has already been formed.In other words, it is impossible for everything to be created out of nothing, it must be closely linked, which is the so-called cause and effect!

 cause and effect!

 Jun Jiang was overjoyed, knowing that she finally had a clue.

 "Xiaobai, you are so smart." She laughed happily, kissed him hard on the cheek, and strode outside.

 Leaving her face inexplicably pale, she didn't know what happened, only that she seemed to have said something very clever to make her so happy.

 what!He wants to frame that sentence so that others can see his own cleverness!But... which sentence is it?

 At this time, Jun Jiang has arrived at the Jasper Mountains with the help of Jin Xi.The reason for choosing this place is because there are quite abundant resources here, both animals and plants.

 Choosing an inaccessible deep valley, Jun Jiang grabbed a handful of black and yellow soil and felt the energy of heaven and earth contained in it.

 The land is the root of all things. The seeds germinate and grow into vegetation, which the wild beasts feed on and become the food of the fierce beasts, and the excreted excrement nourishes the seeds.Everything in the world has a cause and effect, and nothing is wasted.

 After comprehending this level, she made an unexpected action, which was to send the soil into the accompanying space.Since the accompanying space is controlled by the host, she fixed this small piece of soil in one place, as if a small island suddenly appeared in the sea.

 "It seems too little." She said to herself, and then began to send a large amount of soil into the accompanying space.

 Both Jin Xi and Feng Xi in the space watched her movements curiously.Watching the small soil slowly accumulate, finally forming a land with a radius of about one kilometer.As for the deep valley where Jun Jiang lived, a small hill was missing because of this.

 After the land was built, Jun Jiang began to stuff all the things that could be seen into it, first plants, then beasts.What she didn't expect was that when the beasts entered the space, they died painfully one by one.

 "Jun Jiang, there is no air here, they will definitely die if they come in." Feng Xi called.

 Yes!Because Jin Xi and Feng Xi share with themselves, they don't need to breathe here!Jun Jiang patted her forehead annoyedly, and began to transmit the air to the accompanying space through the collection of souls on a large scale.

 And then there's water...

 Like the most greedy child, Jun Jiang collected everything.And the self-made island in her accompanying space finally has the appearance of a real land.

If those immortal ranks knew that she had created such a small cycle during the golden spirit rank, they would probably be so shocked that their jaws would drop to the ground.Because this not only requires the use of the accompanying space, but also a certain understanding of the laws of the world.Even some strong men who have just entered the immortal rank cannot comprehend this for a long time.

 Before she knew it, she performed another miracle.A miracle that turns something of other laws into a law of its own!
(End of this chapter)

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