Supreme Flower Wedding: The Empress Arrives

Chapter 668 Tang Dynasty Rebellion

Chapter 668 The Chaos of the Thousand Tang Dynasty ([-])

 The Qiantang war turned out to be one-sided after the commander was arrested. With the support of all the ministers, the emperor decreed to pardon Li Xingshi and his whole family who had been taken to the execution ground.It's just strange that when the messenger went to the execution ground to "keep the prisoner under the knife", he got an unbelievable answer. A group of people who came just now said the same thing and took the prisoner away.

 The person who delivered the decree was dumbfounded, and the emperor and all the ministers were also dumbfounded after returning to the palace.In this blue sky and bright day, is there really someone who dares to spread the imperial decree so boldly?What's even more strange is that Li's family has hundreds of people from top to bottom, and they all disappeared in the imperial city so suddenly.No matter how the emperor sent people to search, they couldn't find any clues. In the end, they could only think that this matter was a trap set up by Li Xingshi himself to escape.

 This angered Emperor Qiantang.He can issue a decree for pardon, but he must never see the prisoner run away by himself, because this is challenging the majesty of the king of a country, and it is the last thing an emperor wants to see!
 So Emperor Qiantang, who had originally planned to pardon the Li family, made a decision to offer a reward of tens of millions of taels of gold to arrest Li Xingshi, and announced it to various places in the mainland through channels.Making such a decision at a time when they were fighting against the rebels was not a small blow to the Qiantang soldiers.You must know that General Li's reputation in Qiantang is like that of the god of war Si's family in Longcheng.

 Seventy percent of the soldiers trained by him were not [-]% or [-]%. It can be said that Qiantang soldiers, large and small, were almost all led by him and the soldiers he trained.Emperor Qiantang's offering of rewards really relieved his anger, but it also made his soldiers lose their fighting spirit.

 In this situation, Qiantang's rebel army finally invaded the imperial city with internal and external cooperation.

 When Jun Jiang got the news, she was in a hidden valley in the Jin Sui Dynasty, and the purpose of her trip was to meet the General Li Xingshili.

 Compared with more than three years ago, General Li looked much haggard.The defeat in the war was second to none, and what really made him disheartened was the emperor's attitude.Because of some unnecessary so-called evidence, the emperor treated him and his people like this, completely ignoring the contributions he had made to Qiantang over the years.This made him feel confused and unworthy of what he had done for Qiantang for so many years.

 "Msister." Madam Li brought a bowl of hot soup and put it on the table in front of him, and put aside the book he had held for a long time but hadn't turned a page: "This is freshly brewed ginseng soup, drink it while it's hot It’s right. It’s a thousand-year-old ginseng slice, so don’t waste it.” She looked at her husband’s gray hair on the sideburns with distress, which only appeared recently, which shows how much he has been hit.

 "I see." Li Xingshi still felt sorry for his wife, and didn't want her to worry too much about him, so he drank the ginseng soup with a smile.The warm ginseng soup kept pouring into his stomach, making his face turn rosy soon.

 Only then did Madam Li smile: "It seems that this thousand-year-old ginseng is really effective. You have suffered these days, so you need to make up for it."

 Li Xingshi forced a smile: "I see."

Ever since he and his clansmen were sent to this place, they have been entertained with delicious food and drink.What he eats and uses is much better than when he was in the general's mansion.As long as they ask for it, the servants will bring it quickly.It's just that when he asked about the owner of the room, he always got the answer of "see you soon", and there was no other words.

(End of this chapter)

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