Chapter 619 Fengxi wakes up ([-])

 When Feng Xi left the accompanying space and appeared beside Jun Jiang, she immediately saw the exhausted Jinwu.For another bird who snatched his position while he was asleep, he didn't want to mention how annoying he was.Kicking the unsightly bird away with one claw, it took Jin Xi's position without hesitation.

 And then, Jun Jiang saw the most beautiful flame in this life - a blue flame like a clear sky after rain!
 God fire!

 This is the flame of divine fire!

 It is the most advanced, most magical, and most beautiful flame in the legend!
 It is obviously burning, but it gives people a calm and clear feeling.It seems that when looking at the flames, the filth in the soul is also burned away.

 Jun Jiang was fascinated by the flames spit out by Feng Xi, not even noticing the sudden rise in temperature in the cave.

 This is because Feng Xi deliberately suppressed the temperature of the flame, otherwise, even if it was just a thumb-sized flame spit out from its mouth, the heat emitted would be enough to turn all the surrounding rocks and soil into air.

 It carefully sent the most essence of the divine fire to Jun Jiang's forehead, which happened to be the place where Jin Xi put her head against the input of vitality just now.The azure blue flame left a strange blue flame symbol on her forehead and disappeared.

 But Jun Jiang felt that the flame did not disappear, but entered her meridians, and moved slowly with the movement of her qi and blood.

 The azure blue flame is like an incomparably huge warship. Xingqi broke into the flame vortex and was swallowed up one by one after touching it.Facing the vortex of flames consisting of ordinary fire and holy fire, Shenhuo regained his lost ground with the aura of dominating the world.

 And the flames condensed by those spiritual masters also became the nourishment of the divine fire, not only did they no longer have the chance to do monsters, but even made the divine fire seeds become more powerful after absorbing them.

 In less than half an hour, the divine fire that circled Jun Jiang's meridians devoured all the intruders.If Huo Huo had a soul, he might be belching with his stomach in his arms.And after this round of running, Jun Jiang's meridians have also been further improved by Shenhuo. The next time she encounters such an attack, it will no longer be able to have any impact on her meridians.

 The vortex of flames disappeared, and the injuries were completely healed. Jun Jiang recovered after half a day of breath adjustment.

 She slowly opened her eyes, the original light golden eyes have now turned into the azure blue brought by Feng Xi.If it was softness full of warmth before, it is coldness full of coldness now.Anyone who is stared at by such a pair of blue eyes will probably feel cool involuntarily.

 "Thank you, Fengxi." She thanked it sincerely.If it hadn't woken up in time, maybe his little life would have been confessed here.

 Feng Xi became the size of a pigeon, and jumped onto her shoulder to stand: "Huh, what's the use of thanking you? It's true to drive away that unsightly crow quickly! I don't want to be with that ugly guy." living together!"

 One mountain can't accommodate two tigers, and I've never heard of anyone whose companion space can house two companion beasts!

 Don't forget that Master Fengxi is a divine beast!Why should you be on an equal footing with another bird?
 What makes it most upset is that the ugly crow has helped its host so much in the past few years when he was asleep, and those things should have been done by himself!

 "You mean Jin Xi?" Jun Jiang was a little dumbfounded.She suddenly realized a very serious problem.

 Now Jin Xi is falling asleep because he has exhausted all his strength.Its sleep is different from Feng Xi's, and it will wake up in a few days.And what will become of himself after waking up?

This world seems to have never heard of someone who can have two systems on his body at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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