Chapter 586 Paradise ([-])

 "Want to run now?" How could Jun Jiang let the person who got it escape?Smiling, he flicked out a few fingers, knocking the gang of robbers including the leader to the ground.

 "Today I admit it!" The leader whose meridians had been sealed off had only one mouth left to move. "If you want to kill or cut whatever you want, don't touch my brothers! They only come out to eat this meal after obeying my orders!"

 Nima, robbed a house and robbed the house.Another one was snatched, and even the people were left behind. Should he go to a temple to worship this year?Why are you so unlucky.

 Jun Jiang admired his character of protecting his subordinates, because she was also a leader who often led troops to fight in the past, so she naturally knew the benefits of this kind of temperament for leading troops.

 "Take me to meet the person you mentioned, maybe I can help you drive him away."

 After she finished speaking, she saw all the men who couldn't move on the ground staring at her with rounded eyes, and couldn't help laughing: "Why? Do you think I'm not his match?"

 "Big brother!" The leader called out to his elder brother with tears in his eyes, "If you can drive him away, I will definitely set up a longevity tablet for you and respect you with three sticks of incense every day!"

 The corners of Jun Jiang's eyes twitched invisibly: "I'm not dead yet, so I don't need you to respect me like this! Hurry up and take me to meet that person." She is really interested in that mysterious man who is "spiritual" now up.If it was as magical as they said, she would be willing to help them take people away.Give them a quiet living space.

 Of course, if they could pass her test, she might take them along, too.If he is qualified and capable, it is not impossible to win the title of general in the foreseeable war in the future.

 The leader was excited, and so were the young men.After Jun Jiang untied their restraint, she took her back to the village with the same enthusiasm and respect as if she was treating her ancestors.

 And Jun Jiang was so surprised that she couldn't speak after seeing the village.Because according to her guess, they all went outside to block the road and rob, the house must be dilapidated.Unexpectedly, after going through some crooked trails, a village like a paradise appeared in front of her eyes.

 A cobbled path stretches from the entrance of the village to the doors of the houses.Every family lives in a house made of brick and stone, with a red roof, a vermilion gate, and a lot of purple and pink morning glory around the bamboo fence.

 It happened to be noon, and the smoke from many homes rose to the sky.It disappears straight into the air, giving people a wonderful feeling of peace, nature, and full of pastoral charm.

 "Is this your village?" Jun Jiang really couldn't associate such a village with the big and three rough men in front of her.

 But before they could answer, the villagers who found them back had already greeted them.

 "San Wazi, why did you come back so early today? Did someone call you back again?"

 The person who spoke was an old man with white beard and white hair, white hair and childlike face, his voice was resonant.

 And his words also attracted a burst of laughter from the villagers.But when they saw Jun Jiang standing in the middle, they all silenced instantly, as if someone had suddenly strangled her neck.

"Oh, my mother! They robbed the fairy!" Who knows who yelled, and immediately attracted more onlookers.

(End of this chapter)

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