Supreme Flower Wedding: The Empress Arrives

Chapter 547 The Thief Who Steals the Country

Chapter 547 The Thief Who Steals the Nation ([-])

 "I naturally have my own channel. But the princess can rest assured that no one else will know about this matter." At least when she still has value to use, Jun Jiang will "kindly" help her hide it.

 "Speaking of which, I have always admired the princess's talent. It is not easy for my daughter's family to survive in this troubled world. It is not easy for you to do what you are doing now." In order to win Lei Qi's heart, Jun Jiang praised her without hesitation.

 Lei Ji moved the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a slight smile: "The national teacher is ridiculously praised. The national teacher is the person who is admired by daughters in the world. Not only does he have a beautiful appearance, he is also a rare peak powerhouse in the world, and he has captured With the heart of the most beautiful man in the world, which woman would not want to take the national teacher and replace it?"

 Why does this sound so awkward?The corner of Jun Jiang's mouth couldn't help twitching.She has never been used to her "manly" delicate face. In her opinion, her daughter's family should be heroic and majestic.Unexpectedly, this became one of the reasons why others envied her.

 "Let's stop here for the pleasantries." Jun Jiang said seriously, "If you have the idea of ​​forming an alliance with the eldest prince, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, princess." Seeing that Lei Qi was about to speak, she raised her hand to stop her. "Don't be in a hurry to deny it, just listen to me. The eldest prince has already formed an alliance with Prince Lei Huang, and if you go now, you are just throwing yourself into a trap."

 "What!" Ray cried out.

 The reason why she only brought her maid to this remote place was that she didn't want outsiders to notice her intentions, and she didn't want to be misunderstood as betraying her country.Unexpectedly, her younger brother had already made a decision one step ahead of her. Isn't he afraid of being accused of treason?What kind of deal did he make with the First Prince?
 Even if she doesn't know the details, she can still guess that it must be a huge benefit that Prince Long Cheng is willing to accept.Otherwise, how could the eldest prince, who has always been hidden behind the scenes, get involved in this mess?
 But after thinking about it, she understood the meaning.

 "So it's because of me..." She raised her head, closed her eyes, and locked her tears in them.

 So absurd, so ridiculous, why can't she laugh?

 For the sake of the throne, her younger brother would rather have an affair with outsiders than sit down and talk with her. How would he know that she doesn't care about the throne at all?

 "Disappointed?" Seeing that the instigation succeeded, Jun Jiang smiled and continued: "I know that Prince Lei Huang has been assassinated several times recently, but because of the proper defense, only a few guards were lost."

 "That's not me." Lei Qi buried his head in his palm, not wanting his cowardly tears to appear in other people's eyes. "I know many people think it's me, but it's really not me. That's my brother, how could I send someone to assassinate him?"

 Jun Jiang would only scoff at explanations like younger brother's.The royal family has no kinship, only the exchange of interests.

 But now she felt that what the princess said was true, otherwise those assassins just now would not have pursued and wanted to kill him.

 "Then have you ever thought about who it could be?" From Jun Jiang's point of view, if Lei Huang didn't do this thing himself, it is very likely that it was Nanyang Jun's hands.As long as Lei Huang and Lei Xun are killed, Nanyang Lord Lei Ying, the eldest princess' husband-in-law and the emperor's adopted son, has every chance of winning the throne!
Lei Qie obviously had the same idea, his beautiful cheeks were instantly pale and took away all the blood.

(End of this chapter)

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