Chapter 489 Domineering ([-])

There is only one chance in a lifetime, and Jun Jiang feels that she should not help Le Zhenglang choose.So she threw him to Xiaobai and asked them to discuss what to do.

And she, as she said, accompanied the three princesses on a tour with great fanfare, occasionally accompanied by a few young masters and young ladies, and it was a joy to play.I never enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Long Cheng as much as I do now.

Hua Qingyuan invited her to play chess and enjoy the flowers that day. Unlike the eldest prince's "Smart people don't speak dark words", it really didn't mention any intention of cooperation, but mentioned the prosperity of the Gold, Silver and Jewelry Studio.But it was also mentioned "at will" under the pretext of the popularity of Jinsui products.

Jun Jiang knew that he was pointing out that he already knew that she was the boss behind the scenes, but since the other party didn't point out, why should she admit it?So she pretended to be very happy, and made Hua Qingyuan very bored.

Long Cheng arranged the official date of the Qunfang Banquet on the tenth day after the small banquet, there was a lot of time in between, it could even be described as too long.But none of the country's diplomatic missions objected, because they also hoped that there would be more time, so that they could find more information about Feige Guoshi.Everyone knows that as long as the banquet here is over, the national teacher will return to Jin Sui with the envoys, and then there will be no such good chance to dig deeper into her situation.

Seeing that the time for the banquet was getting closer, there was no sign of Hua Jingcang showing up yet, but Hua Qingyuan found an excuse to summon him several times.Sometimes I go to her directly, and sometimes I invite several princesses into the palace to play.Just when Jun Jiang thought that the days to come would be so simple and interesting, the cloud from the Yinmen finally gradually approached.

"Your Majesty, someone is asking to see you outside."

When Huahubai and Junjiang were playing chess in Bieyuan, Housekeeper Xiahou hurried over to report.

"Who?" Hua Hubai twisted a chess piece, looking for the place to play without raising his head.

"She calls herself Xing Lin. She said that as long as you report your name, you will see her." Housekeeper Xiahou didn't take it seriously when he heard the porter came to report. If everyone said that, would everyone have to report it to the prince?But his intuition told him that things might not be that simple, so he made a trip himself.

When he saw the expressions of the prince and the national teacher have changed at this moment, he knew that he had done the right thing.

"Understood, tell her to wait in the flower hall." After Hua Hubai waved away the butler, his expression gradually became serious: "It can't be that Xing Lin?"

"Xing's surname is not many, I think it should be that Xing Lin." Jun Jiang put down a chess piece with a smile: "You lost."

Hua Hubai threw the chess piece in his hand into the box angrily: "One day I will beat you once!" Even once is fine!As long as he can win once, he will never play chess again, let the only time be sealed up so that he can show off infinitely in the future!

"Okay, go meet this unexpected guest." Jun Jiang pulled him up from his seat.

From the fact that the other party didn't break into the villa directly, but let the servants communicate, it can be seen that she intends to negotiate in a relatively peaceful way.People respect me one foot, I respect others one foot, I hope she is smart enough.

"Don't you find it strange? Why did it take her so long to come after disappearing?" Hua Bai walked with her on the path to the villa. "Did you say she would because..." He didn't say the rest, because he knew she would understand what he meant.

"Perhaps she should go back and ask for instructions. Not everyone's speed can be compared with Jin Xi's." Jun Jiang is used to making all kinds of speculations before things happen, so she also made a lot of analysis on Xing Lin's reaction.

After all, the Yinmen still holds a mysterious and somewhat sacred position in the hearts of ordinary people. If she hadn't been proud of her bloodline, maybe even she would be one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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