Chapter 487 Accidents Again and Again ([-])
Jun Jiang took small sips of the cold tea and admired Hua Jingcang's performance as if he had lost his soul.It cannot be denied that she felt very happy and refreshed, but there was also a kind of... indescribable boredom.

"Jun Jiang is my best friend, a friend who will never be replaced by anyone." Hua Jingcang finally found his voice after a long time, although the voice was as dry as wood just shipped from Altasha.

"No one can ever be replaced?" Jun Jiang raised her eyebrows, she never thought that anyone could not be replaced.

He can say some duplicity without changing his face. It seems that the Xiliang King's self-control is really good, and he regained his calm so quickly.

Hua Jingcang was a little angry, not only because of the chaos in his mind, but also because of the undisguised disapproval in the tone of the woman opposite.

"And what do you know?" His attitude towards her was instantly extremely cold, and his evaluation of her also dropped to the lowest.After all, if she is a woman, how can she understand the friendship between men?
Jun Jiang smiled deeply: "I don't know what, I just think it's a pity to die at such a young age. It's been so long and I still feel so sad. The prince is indeed a deeply affectionate person. But it doesn't need to be like this all the time. Sad, it's not the prince who killed him 'with his own hands'."

Hua Jingcang raised his head sharply, his amber eyes suddenly became deep: "What do you mean, Mr. National Teacher?" She couldn't possibly know that Jun Jiang's death had something to do with him!But if you don't know, why do you deliberately highlight the word "hands-on"?
Jun Jiang spread her hands innocently: "Isn't it? Although his death was to protect the prince and many soldiers, he died well. The prince really shouldn't be too harsh on himself just because of this."

"Thank you." Hua Jingcang closed his eyes, feeling annoyed at his panic.But when he calmed down, he found that he was at a loss. Not only was the other party completely controlling the conversation, but he even easily diverted the topic.

If all of this was deliberately done by Feige Guoshi, then her ability will be higher than he imagined, so that he doesn't know where to start even if he wants to continue negotiating the deal.

He has already highly estimated the other party, isn't it enough?

"King Xiliang, I can agree to the First Prince's request for cooperation, but I have conditions."

When Hua Jingcang didn't know how to continue the conversation, Jun Jiang agreed abruptly.This made him feel that the next incident was unexplainably weird no matter how he looked at it.

"What is the condition of the master of the country?" He asked in a deep voice.

If the conditions were too harsh, he would veto it for him without telling Hua Mobai, because he knew that the woman in front of him was definitely not someone who would do business at a loss.

Jun Jiang smiled slightly: "Equivalent exchange. First tell me what height you want to reach, and then I will put forward my conditions."

Sure enough, he is someone who will not suffer, Hua Jingcang sighed in his heart.

"I will help eldest brother win the position of Emperor Long Cheng."

"Oh?" Jun Jiang was a little surprised by his answer: "I heard what the eldest prince said just now, it seems that he wants to fight for world hegemony?"

Hua Jingcang lowered his eyes, and a trace of sadness flashed across his amber eyes: "I only promised someone to help him get the throne, as for the rest, that's his own business."

"So that's how it is." Jun Jiang raised a meaningful smile: "That's much simpler. I can provide a lot of manpower and financial resources to help the eldest prince ascend the throne, and the condition is that I want you to serve me as the king after the matter is over." host."

"What?" Hua Jingcang rolled his eyes in surprise.

Jun Jiang stood up and looked down at him with a smile: "My lord, you don't need to answer me now, come to me when you think about it." After finishing speaking, the shocked Xiliang king walked out of the bamboo house.

She wants to see how far his sacrifice can go!
(End of this chapter)

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